Friday, July 11, 2014

Saving Raine by Frederick Lee Brooke - Review Tour

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Frederick will be awarding a $25 Amazon gift card (international) and an autographed copy of Saving Raine (US only) to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Please click the banner to visit other stops on the tour and increase your chances of winning!

Matt, Raine went to California because her parents thought it was safe. It’s not. You’ve got to get her out as soon as possible. She could die, Matt.

When 19-year-old Matt Carney gets a cryptic message from his father telling him to go to California and save his girlfriend, Raine, he doesn't hesitate—he grabs his AK-47, revs up his blue pickup, and gets ready to make the 2,300-mile roadtrip.

But cross-country travel in 2021 isn't easy—or, sometimes, even possible. The U.S. has become a near-military state: 17,000 checkpoints severely restrict interstate movement, Predator drones target innocent civilians without cause, and explosions rock cities daily. Matt and his stepbrother, Benjy, face deadly attacks from a corrupt government, ruthless local law enforcement, and bloodthirsty terrorist groups as they embark on their trek. They're about to find out that their trip is much more than a private journey, and their success could change the face of the country—forever.

Can Matt and Benjy outrun the drone missiles raining down on their heads? Can they avoid assassination by government officials hell-bent on taking over what little is left of the country?

Can they outsmart the deadly schemes set in motion against them?

Break the rules.

Save the girl.

He only gets one chance before she's gone forever.

My Review:

Saving Rain is a dystopian novel set in a time not too far removed from our own. 2021 is only a week of years away. The United States as we know it has become technically advanced -- politically in chaos and the price of food is skyrocketing (sound familiar)? Drones are accessible not only for the government but also for private citizens-- privacy is virtually non-existent. The government is trying to control everything.

This book is told from various POVs-- it is similar to an ensemble book in that way (can we say "bacon"?). The book focuses mostly, however, on Matt and his quest to save his girlfriend Raine. He is traveling cross-country because of a cryptic note he received from his father.

The author has done a wonderful job in characterization, even with so many characters to deal with and hear from. The action doesn't slow down at all, and things might not work out the way you want them to. But, this is only book one of the series, so I hope some things will change (trying not to give spoilers here). Be aware, there is a cliff-hanger ending; I can hardly wait for book two to see how things resolve.

Enjoy an Excerpt:

With the pins out of the hinges, she only had to pry the door free, while making damn sure it didn’t land on her bare feet. A ticklish task even if you could see. Everything took three times as long, blind. Still, she didn’t feel quite so helpless as an hour ago.

Once out of the wood cellar, Claire quickly found a light switch. One last look into the room gave her satisfaction. One whole wall had split wood stacked neatly, the workbench was scattered with tools, and someone’s old coffee cup lay in the middle of the floor. What sat next to the cup looked more ominous. She took a step closer. A small, dark gray plastic box with a red light on the side and a timer. As the timer clicked from 14 to 13 to 12, she turned and ran.

Ignoring the pain from her puncture wound, she took the stairs three at a time, no small feat for a woman of her size, praying that the door at the top wouldn’t be locked. She blew through it, ran down a hallway and into a kitchen, looking for a door. She turned the lock in the kitchen door, and ran out into the backyard.

At that moment an explosion ripped into her from behind, throwing her fifteen feet across the grass.

About the Author
Frederick Lee Brooke launched the Annie Ogden Mystery Series in 2011 with Doing Max Vinyl and following with Zombie Candy in 2012, a book that is neither about zombies nor sweets. The third mystery in the series, Collateral Damage, appeared in 2013. Saving Raine, the first book in Fred’s entirely new series, The Drone Wars, appeared in December 2013. Inferno, the action-packed follow-up to Saving Raine, is releasing in June 2014.

A resident of Switzerland, Fred has worked as a teacher, language school manager and school owner. He has three boys and two cats and recently had to learn how to operate both washing machine and dryer. He makes frequent trips back to his native Chicago. When not writing or doing the washing, Fred can be found walking along the banks of the Rhine River, sitting in a local cafe, or visiting all the local pubs in search of his lost umbrella.




  1. Wow - thanks so much for hosting me and for the kind review of Saving Raine!

    Best wishes from Fred Brooke

  2. I enjoyed the review and excerpt, thank you.

  3. It is interesting to see the government in the US in this book is trying to control everything. That does sound familiar.

  4. I enjoyed the excerpt! Sounds interesting!

  5. i love this: "When 19-year-old Matt Carney gets a cryptic message from his father telling him to go to California and save his girlfriend, Raine, he doesn't hesitate—he grabs his AK-47, revs up his blue pickup, and gets ready to make the 2,300-mile roadtrip"
