This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Bewitching Book Tours. Rayna will be awarding a $60 Amazon Gift Card - Tour Wide Giveaway!
Enjoy an Excerpt:Revelation
Pagan Eyes
Book Two
Rayna Noire
Genre: Paranormal YA
Nora’s impending college graduation is a triumph over the dark incident in her past that changed her life and stopped her best friend’s. Balancing school, work and her demented admirer at the diner is tough. All she has is six more months, but it similar to walking a tightrope blindfolded.
Life-like dreams pull her into the 19th century world of Clayton. A man who declares he’s her soul mate. Even though, she’s decided against romance, the young witch finds hers elf drawn to the Irish healer, even hearing his voice in her head.
This would make most people question their sanity. Nora needs to find out if Clayton is real and if she’s crossing over into another w orld in her sleep. If she is, will she end up stuck in the past? Can magick bring them to gether?
Brandon, the night cook, came in around seven to hang out a nd eat before his shift. The bald- headed cook was a former Marine, sporting several patri otic tattoos. Nora imagined if someone made the mistake of sneaking in the back door when Brandon w as working, he’d leave quickly once he saw the muscle-bound man.
Business had slowed enough that after she fixed him food, she left the kitchen to talk to him.
Oddly, she felt at ease with the intimidating man. Ther e was no aura of evil around him.
“Thanks for the omelet.” Brandon delivered the praise af ter his first bite. “You have a nice light hand with the eggs. Know when to fold before it br owns too much.”
Her face flushed a little. People didn’t normally com pliment her cooking. They only griped when they thought it wasn’t fast enough. “Thanks. It’s just eggs, ya know.”
He shoveled in another mouthful, chewed then swallowed be fore speaking. “Yeah, but you’d be surprised how the average person can’t make a decent egg. Either they break the yolk or end up burning it.”
Nora found herself smiling at his simple praise. In anothe r man, she might have thought he was flirting with her, but this was Brandon. She felt s he’d known him forever, as opposed to just the last three years. “I think you’re just saying it to make me feel good.”
He grinned. The simple gesture made him look younger. How ol d was he? Maybe in his thirties, hard to know with his shaved head. He’s not for you.
Blinking, Nora looked around to see if anyone else had enter ed the diner. Nope, it was still just her, Brandon, and Bonnie. That meant the voice had be en in her head.
a Rafflecopter giveawayAbout the Author:
Rayna Noire is an author and a historian. The desire to uncover the truth behind the original fear of witches led her to the surprising discovery that people believed in magick in some form up to 150 year s ago. A world that believed the impossible could hap pen and often did must have been amazing. With this in mind, Ms. Noire taps into this dimension, shapes it into stories about Pagan families who really aren’t that different from most people. They do go on the occasional time travel adventures and magick happens.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/AuthorRaynaNoire
Twitter: www.twitter.com/raynanoire
Website: www.raynanoire.weebly.com
Amazon Page: http://www.amazon.com/Rayna-Noire/e/B00J8XP14A/ref
Youtube Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWNT-FbyvvA
Smashwords (E-book): http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/422243
Amazon (Paperback): http://amzn.to/P2vwMm
Amazon Kindle: http://amzn.to/1koL5YF
Good Morning,
ReplyDeleteThanks for hosting. The giveaway is still going on. I'm trying to fix the Rafflecoptor, which ended sooner than it should. Anyone can leave their name and email address to go into the giveaway until I can get it fixed. No winners have been picked at this time. Sorry for the confusion. Pagan Eyes: Revelation is still free on Smashwords too.