Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Playtime Clothes by Kim MacLean

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Kim MacLean will award a randomly drawn winner a $15 Amazon/BN gift card. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

The young boy's room is an undeniable mess. Did he actually clean his room, as he is telling his mom? Or do his clothes come to life and play?! They are, after all, playtime clothes. Is he learning a lesson to tell the truth and be accountable, as we all do in life? Or is it a world of make believe? It is for you to enjoy while you decide.

About the Author: Kim MacLean was inspired to be creative while she and her little girls made their own fun inside their home on long, cold winter days. Her girls sat for hours painting and gluing crafts into works of art on paper. Oh, the rows and rows of finished masterpieces drying on the floor while Kim sat and wrote! And there were the hundreds of books that they read and enjoyed together that further inspired creativity and an adult love of children's books!

Tia Bates is an artist, illustrator, and storyteller from London, Ontario. She is inspired by the beautiful illustrations she grew up looking at in children's books just like Playtime Clothes, the first children's book she has illustrated! Currently pursuing a master's degree in fine art, Tia's personal artwork is all about the stories we tell.

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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Sophia Freeman Series by T.X. Troan


This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. T.X. Troan will award a $10 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Pretend your protagonist is at school and opens his/her locker – what will we see inside?
Inside Sophia Freeman’s locker there are sketch books, paint supplies, reference books and a keychain of her mother who passed away two years ago.

What books were your favorite as a youth?
As a kid, I loved the Goosebump series and choose your own adventure books.

What would you write in a letter to your teen self?
The life you want won’t come easy, but it will be worth it. Enjoy the journey.

Favorite pizza toppings.
My favorite pizza toppings are sausage, beef, mushroom and onion.

Favorite class in high school.
My favorite class in high school was Art. I love to draw and paint!

What begins as a special trip for eleven-year-old SOPHIA FREEMAN and her billionaire father, leaves her trapped on a mysterious island with a tree boy and other fantastical creatures.

The moment Sophia thinks her situation can’t get any crazier, she is shocked to learn the island is under a deadly eternal curse. All living things are rapidly decaying and soon nothing and no one—including herself—will be left alive.

From competing in a three-round yearly held competition to reviving a long-lost magical spell, Sophia and her new companions must gather every ounce of courage, wit and skill as they are stepping closer to breaking the 150-year-old curse. But will they make it in time while surrounded by enemies and traitors aiming to stop them at any cost?

Read an Excerpt from Book Two

“So, Wondnair, what happened back there?” Tim asked, picking at his food. “Why did the arbiters put our victory on hold?”

Sophia hung her head in silent shame.

“Sophia’s body was taken over by, uh … someone,” said Wondnair.

“You mean … T-Tombermon? Why would he help us win?” Tim shook his head. “No, it can’t be true—”

“Look, no monster of that size would simply drop and let you two pass,” Wondnair continued. “Sophia was like its master back there.”

Holding her bowl tightly, Sophia watched her teardrop fall into her earthy soup.

“So, she broke the rules?” Tim couldn’t eat any more. “It’s over—we’re disqualified.”

Wondnair said, “We don’t know that ye—”

“I am so sorry, Tim,” cried Sophia. “We lost because of m-me.” She wiped her eyes. “You shouldn’t have come with me to fight that fountain guardian. Then this n-never would have h-happened.”

“Sophia.” He slid closer to her on the bench.

“I’m n-not the Ch-Chosen One!” She slammed her fist on the table.

Tim gently placed her head against his shoulder and wrapped his arms around her. “Sophia, listen to me. The fight isn’t over.”

About the Author:

Thuan Doan is an award-winning author of the Sophia Freeman series. He conceived his first middle-grade fantasy novel, Sophia Freeman and the Mysterious Fountain, during a trip to Gabriola Island, British Columbia in the summer of 2013. Then he took his work and settled in a small town of Enderby, where it’s peaceful and quiet.

Thuan is writing under a pen name of T.X. Troan. “X” stands for Xu, his grandmother’s name who passed away. And “Troan” is a combination of his parents' names.

“No matter how this turns out, I want my family to be a part of this wonderful journey.”

T.X. Troan married Sarah, his original fan and longtime love, in 2016. They live in Enderby with their pack dogs!

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Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Crossing Day by William A. Glass

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. William A. Glass will award a $25 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Why do you write juvenile fiction? What draws you to it?

I normally write historical fiction and that’s what Crossing Day is with a twist – it’s alternative history and it’s geared toward younger readers. Alternative history starts with a true historical event, in this case The Civil War, and then fictionalizes the outcome to create a speculative world. In the case of Crossing Day, the historic alteration is that the Confederacy won its independence in The Civil War. So, the characters all live in a world where slaves of African descent still do most of the work. My objective in writing the book was to warn against what could happen if racism, homophobia, and authoritarianism become government policy. Thus, Crossing Day is a controversial, thought-provoking novel. I made younger readers the intended audience because they tend to be more open-minded than adults who have in most cases already made up their minds about the questions the book poses.

Pretend your protagonist is at school and opens his/her locker – what will we see inside?

Ryan Walters is the protagonist of Crossing Day. As the story opens, he’s a senior in high school, so your question about his locker is spot on. I imagine that once he works the combination lock and opens the door Ryan’s going to find school books, binders, spiral notebooks, pens, pencils, a ruler, scotch tape, and other study materials. Hanging from the hook might be the letter jacket he got for playing varsity soccer. There would also be a bag with his cleats and shin guards for soccer practice later.

What books were your favorite as a youth and why?

I grew up during the 1950s and the books my parents recommended were a classic reading list which I am eternally thankful for. I read Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn, Robinson Crusoe, Treasure Island, The Three Musketeers, The Man in the Iron Mask, Ivanhoe, and other great books. My favorite was The Count of Monte Cristo. For some reason I identified with the travails of the main character and so reveled when he made a spectacular comeback!

What did you want to be when you grew up? Why?

I grew up in a wildly dysfunctional military family headed by an alcoholic army colonel. My brothers and sisters were completely out of control, and I was the worst of the bunch. My wasted youth provided plenty of fodder for my first two novels, As Good As Can Be and Off Broadway: A Marriage Drama. I was in-and-out of trouble until my late twenties just trying my best to keep it down to a steady roar. This is a long way around making my point that I had no ambition growing up other than to survive my family and stay out of jail.

What would you write in a letter to your teen self?

If I could write a letter to my teenage self it would say “Hey Bill, you are not retarded as everyone thinks you are. It’s just that you have some learning disabilities including ADHD, dyslexia, and Aspergers. You’re actually quite intelligent. The problem is that it’s 1952 and your teachers, parents, brothers and sisters don’t know anything about learning disabilities, there is no special ed, so they have just written you off. Hang in there. Your life will get better as you find a constructive outlet for your talents.”

What book is on your nightstand currently?

I am currently rereading The Coming Fury by Bruce Catton. It’s the history of the lead-up to The Civil War. I first read this around sixty years ago and have read much more scholarly treatments of the subject since. The reason I’ve taken it off my library shelf again is to prepare for any discussions, prompted by the publication of Crossing Day, that I might fall into with folks who don’t accept the idea that the preservation and expansion of chattel slavery was the motivation of the southern states that seceded to form the Confederacy. Hard to believe, but there are still people, especially where I live, who argue otherwise!

Thank-you for featuring my novel Crossing Day on Books in the Hall today!

It's been one hundred and sixty years since the Confederacy won its independence at the Battle of Altamaha Crossing. Slaves of African descent still perform most of the work in the South. This seems normal to Ryan Walters and his friends who attend high school in Huntsville, Alabama. Like teens everywhere, they enjoy sharing videos, playing sports, and hanging out with friends. Jaybird's drive-in is their favorite gathering place. There, they befriend Mish, a slave girl who works as a car hop. When the drive-in’s owner sells Mish to a dirty old man, Ryan and his friends awaken to the injustice around them. Despite the danger, they decide to help Mish escape. Will they succeed?

Read an Excerpt

Melanie wanders into the dining room and finds her parents already seated at the table with their personal slaves standing behind them. Her mother, Dorothy, takes a sip of orange juice and replaces the glass on the lace tablecloth. Her servant, Natty, immediately gets a pitcher from the sideboard and refills the glass. Meanwhile, James is smiling at Melanie. “Morning, Miss,” he says. The white-haired Black man pulls out her chair. Once she’s seated, he spreads a cloth napkin over her lap.

“What was all the ruckus at Jaybird’s last night?” Dan Montgomery asks. He’s the mayor of Huntsville and knows everything.

“A German boy started it,” Melanie says defensively.

“Yes, and his father already called me to complain. He’s a big wheel at The Space Flight Complex.”


Montgomery points to the syrup. His slave, Parker, reaches for it and then pours. “Enough,” Montgomery snaps. He turns back to Melanie. “You and all the others will have a week of detention.”

Melanie gasps. “What about cheerleading practice?”

“You should have thought of that before you went to the drive-in. That’s where all the delinquents hang out and you with them.”

“I won’t go anymore. Please.” Melanie bats her baby blues at her father. His expression melts. “Go to detention after school today, and maybe we’ll see about tomorrow.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

Montgomery cuts off a bite of pancake and pops it into his mouth. That reminds Melanie to eat as well. It’s almost time for the bus.

About the Author:
Bill is a retired business executive who now lives in a small southern town with his wife, Bettina. She’s a retired high school German teacher. Bill coaches soccer at a small college. Often, Bettina, who has a commercial driver’s license, pilots the soccer team bus to away games.

Bettina and Bill have three sons, Alex, Robert, and Gordon who have all graduated from college and moved away to pursue careers. Instead of having an empty nest, Bettina and Bill now host three rescue dogs. They enjoy finding promising hiking trails to explore with their dogs.



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Friday, May 31, 2024

One of the Most Expensive, Iconic and Kinetic Maps of Australia in the World by Jose Tugaff Amoloria and Lourdes Villena Amoloria

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will award a $15 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Dream without fear. When dreams are nourished with faith and actions, dreams bloom into realities.

Jose, a self-taught artist, had no formal training in art, no scholastic qualifications and had very challenging life experiences as an international sailor, chef, watchmaker and stone mason. How can one be multi-skilled and pass international standards without proper educational training?

This book will make you rethink how adversity, grief and loss can cause so much pain, and yet these life challenges can facilitate creativity, and be transformed into gifts and blessings for a meaningful and productive existence.

Get inspired by faith and determination that changed the course of life, and be entertained by the unconventional ways Jose educated and equipped himself with skills to achieve dreams and goals. The one-of-a-kind masterpieces in this book and Jose's life are testimonials that creativity can really transform lives. Miracles do happen, and anyone can manifest miracles if they sincerely believe in themselves and in the intervention of the unseen power of the Supreme Creator.

Read an Excerpt

Creativity means many things to many people, but the most common understanding is that creativity happens when someone creates something unique, new, artistic, beautiful and often valuable, an enhancer to our lives. No doubt, creativity is one great way to win in life’s arena of challenges.

The reality is people have different kinds of creativity, and children can be very creative as they do not know the limitations of their imagination. There are adults, too, who are determined to create what has never been done before, hence perhaps Einstein’s famous quote, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there will be to know and understand.”

Jose’s creativity started to manifest when his father encouraged him to make his own toys out of some spare watch parts and other odd pieces he had kept. His school projects were also a great outlet for his growing creativity. Nonetheless, this creative influence almost got lost when he had to deal with his mom’s passing and pursue his own life travelling around the world as a sailor.

About the Authors:
Jose Tugaff Amoloria is a man of multi-talents and skills. He is a professional watchmaker who had mastered most phases of watches: mechanical, automatic, quartz technology and modern watches. He created one-of-a-kind kinetic masterpieces made of collectible time pieces and watch parts, enhanced with microlights. He became a chef, and was personally taught a French masterchef's family secret of French liquored ice cream.

Jose mastered stone masonry in record time. His experience in watch repair helped him to gain a feather touch to accomplish his masonry works. He is also an avid martial art practitioner of arnis, a Filipino martial art, and he is also a second-dan black belt in Karate, with a champion's trophy to prove it. With so many other skills and abilities, Jose thanks God for the gifts and talents given to him.


Lourdes Villena Amoloria is an Amazon international best-selling author for her book Kiss From an Angel: How to Turn Your Grief Into a Gift From Heaven, published in Sydney, Australia, 2014.

Lourdes holds a bachelor's degree in mass communications from La Salle, Bacolod City, Philippines, with a post graduate in counselling from the Australian College of Applied Psychology in Sydney, Australia.

Lourdes is on a mission to help others find the gift behind their grief, help with mental health issues, and live more productive lives with faith, self-responsibility and love in action.




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Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Our Lives in Between by Billie Kowalewski

 This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $25 Amazon/ gift card. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

What group did you hang out with in high school?
The metal heads. I had a lot of fun in high school.

What are you passionate about these days?
Besides writing? I am starting to get into gardening, and I have a ton of landscape ideas.

If you had to do your journey to getting published all over again, what would you do differently?
Nothing. It was fun.

Ebook or print? And why?
Both. Printed books are great. They always work and never need charging or batteries. Ebooks are convenient. You can load them onto your phone and sneak in a little reading anywhere. Like at school or at work. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve done that.

What is your favorite scene in this book?
I love when Harmony and Kaleb are arguing. Those scenes were fun to write. My favorite part is one of their past lives when they are on the ship.

It had been five years since the accident that derailed Veronica’s life, which left her suffering from a strange flu-like illness ever since. Thanks to a barrier set in her mind at birth, she can’t remember her name is Harmony and that this is not her real life. She has no memory of the many lives she had lived before this one and how several of those lives had been cut short. How she must uncover the reason why those lives had ended so early, and how this moment may hold the key, or she risks losing herself and Earth forever.

As Harmony, she wants to uncover the reason why her lives keep ending so soon. As Veronica, she wonders how much longer she has to live like this? What could possibly be left for her? Little did she know, she was about to get her answers...

Read an Exceprt

The next few lives on Earth were more of the same thing. Kaleb and I would concentrate on finding each other before we would leave here. Then, after some years would pass on Earth, we would. Not once did we miss. Every first greeting was basically the same. The second we would get close enough to each other down there, that’s when the acrobatics would start. We would slam right into each other, bump our heads together, tripping and flipping over one another every single time. Always somehow causing one of us—mainly me—if not both of us, to die.

No matter how far apart they placed us on Earth, Kaleb and I would find each other. It was my guess that using my theory made us like magnets—accident magnets, as Gwen so kindly put it. We were hurdling toward each other like comets at light speed, coming at each other so fast that we were literally crashing into each other. We gave a new meaning to the phrase “bumping into each other” because we actually were.

It’s a unique feeling, being on this end of this odd little situation. I had been shoved out a second-story window, and then was lucky enough to snap my neck and be trampled by a horse I had spooked once when I hit the ground. In the next life, I was rolled onto a very highly active beehive and then stung to death (no, I am not kidding). Then, imagine the surprise I felt in the life after that one, when a certain someone was running with a wallet he had stolen, and then shoved us both off a train platform into the path of an oncoming train. I still don’t know if that person ever got their wallet back.

I am sure all of this must seem rather disturbing from where you are sitting. I know I would certainly feel that way if I were reading this from where you are. It’s quite an interesting perspective for me, being here, right now, knowing all that I do, versus being on Earth and having the limited knowledge that we were allowed. It really turns things around and sheds a different light on it—don’t you think?

With the knowledge of home blocked from our memory, life and death can seem so absolute from the human perspective. Death seems final, bringing with it fear of the unknown, and such anguish to the ones that are left behind.

You know what they say: hindsight is always 20/20. Imagine what Earth would be like if this knowledge weren’t blocked from our memory. It would certainly change the way we view our lives while we are there. Naturally, if some were armed with this knowledge, they would be much more adventurous, never taking their life seriously enough to truly learn anything. Life on Earth would take on less meaning. Then again, perhaps knowing our lives do go on would help some to live their life with less fear and appreciate their time there. Maybe they would strive to be better because they know. Isn’t having a little knowledge better than no knowledge at all? Something is better than nothing, isn’t it? To be able to utilize this knowledge might help propel us forward and help us gain a sense of purpose. If only there were a way to leak some of this knowledge somehow…

About the Author:
Billie Kowalewski grew up in a small town along the Connecticut shoreline. She’s always had a wild imagination and spent her childhood dreaming up stories. This would often lead her to the library or whatever bookstore where she would be combing the shelves for books that closely resembled what was in her head at the time. A lot of the time she would come close and would be satisfied with what she found. However, there was always this one story she could never find. It was in 2010 that she decided to write it herself. In whatever spare time she has left, she enjoys listening to pretty much anything that rocks, like 80's hair bands, metal, etc. She also has a gift for finding the strangest movies and shows ever (according to her children) and loves spending time with her family.

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Thursday, May 16, 2024

I Think It Might Rain by Rick Marchand


This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Rick Marchand will award a $15 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Meet Bartholomew, a curious, kind and sweet third grader. One day, Bartholomew wakes up and is convinced he sees a black cloud forming in the clear blue sky. "I think it might rain," he proclaims. But what happens when his family, friends, and classmates don't believe him? Will he be able to stand up to the bullies who call him names? Will he hold firm in his beliefs?

Read an Excerpt

IMAGINE the look of surprise on his mom’s face, EYES WIDE OPEN, her MOUTH and JAW nearly touching the floor. “Where do you think you’re going, young man, dressed like that?” she asked.

“To school of course,” Bart replied, quickly adding, “I think it might rain.”

“Mommy, can I wear my rain suit too?” his little sister Olivia asked.

“Not today. The sun is shining, and the weatherman said there is no rain in sight,” replied Mommy firmly.

“He’s wrong!” shouted Bartholomew in a stern and confident voice. “I think it might rain.”

“If you want to be the only silly one on the bus dressed in rain gear, go right ahead,” Mom replied, her eyes raised and a loving smile gracing her face.

Grabbing his lunch with one hand and little Olivia’s hand with the other, Bart strolled confidently down to the end of the driveway to wait for the bus.

About the Author: Richard Marchand and Nicole Herbut are a father/daughter, grandfather/mother, author/illustrator team creating picture books for young boys and girls. Their stories centre on a young boy named Bartholomew and his family and friends. They are designed to convey a simple yet meaningful message that can help young children learn from and grow with. Rick's stories were developed with his own daughters who at a very young age wanted him to "read a story from his mouth" and not a book. Buy the book at Amazon, Indigo Chapters, Barnes and Noble, Booktopia, or Walmart. Join Bartholomew's journey of belief and courage! Enter to win a e-copy of 'I Think It Might Rain'—a heartwarming tale of kindness overcoming doubt.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

I Think It Might Rain by Rick Marchand

I Think It Might Rain

by Rick Marchand

Giveaway ends May 20, 2024.

See the giveaway details at Goodreads.

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Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Dr. Z and Matty Take Telegraph by Ari Rosenschein

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Ari Rosenschein will be awarding a signed paperback copy of Dr. Z and Matty Take Telegraph (US only) to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Why do you write juvenile fiction? What draws you to it?

There is so much room in the YA genre for creativity in terms of structure, multiple POVs, and settings. But at heart, the raw power of YA fiction is a major pull for me. I live for adrenaline and emotional upheavals, and this type of writing has that in ample supply. As a writer, you get to push your characters to their limits.

I also adore how the teenage mind works, how it lives in thrall to impulse and crazy notions. In many ways, I feel I’ve never grown out of that way of being. When writing YA fiction, I get to relive elements of my teenage years and experience them differently. Now, with distance, I can see things from multiple perspectives. The parents aren’t all bad, and the bad kids are often the ones with the answers.

What books were your favorite as a youth and why?

I was obsessed with realistic fiction by writers like Judy Blume and Norma Klein. These authors could see inside my heart and wrote about teenage characters with such empathy and grace. Both were truly ahead of their time. I also loved the gritty work of S.E. Hinton and Lois Duncan’s eerie novels. I can still picture Duncan’s spooky novels on the spinning racks at my local library. Their covers seemed to attract me like a magnet, adding to their creepy allure.

Favorite class in high school. Why?

Theater was, without a doubt, my favorite class in high school. I had some extraordinary English teachers and read powerful books, but acting lit my fire. I remember doing a production of an odd play called The Ground Zero Club in which I played Sal, who the play database calls an “over-the-hill punk rocker.” The whole story takes place on the Empire State Building observation deck fifteen minutes before nuclear annihilation. How ’80s is that?

What superpower would you love to have? Why?

Without question, I would love the ability to turn back time and visit periods in the past. Not only could I see what my current home looked like in 1926, but I could go and check out all the vintage OP I wore to school. In all seriousness, I’m fascinated by the past and think it would be unimaginably cool to experience a few nights of the Roaring Twenties or the Summer of Love, then hustle back to the present for some Instagram scrolling and an Impossible Burger.

What would you write in a letter to your teen self?

In a letter to my teen self, I’d be sure to lead by bolstering my confidence. I’d tell Young Ari to relax and realize that you will accomplish your dreams. Then I’d remind him to keep practicing his guitar and start singing earlier, to never worry about what others think of him, to treat school like a sacred privilege, to save money, to listen to his parents ’cus they are cool as hell, and to trust in his own vision.

It’s the late ’90s—the final days before smartphones and the internet changed the teenage landscape forever. Zack and his mother have moved from Tempe to Berkeley for a fresh start, leaving behind Zack’s father after a painful divorce. A natural athlete, Zack makes the water polo team which equals social acceptance at his new school. Yet he’s more drawn to Matthias, a rebellious skater on the fringes, who introduces him to punk rock, record stores, and the legendary Telegraph Avenue.

As their friendship intensifies, Matthias’s behavior reminds Zack of his absent dad, driving a wedge between him and his mother. Complicating matters is Zaylee, a senior who boosts Zack’s confidence but makes him question his new buddy, Matthias. Faced with all these changes, Zack learns that when life gets messy, he might have to become his own best friend.

Dr. Z and Matty Take Telegraph is about how a friendship can challenge who we are, how we fit in, and where we’re going.

Read an Excerpt

We spend the rest of the afternoon messing around on Telegraph. I even take a brief spin on Matthias’s skateboard as a joke. I’ve got decent balance from wrestling, so I make it a whole city block. I kick the deck when I disembark, imitating how I’ve watched Matthias do it.

“Not bad, Dr. Z. Not bad at all.”

Like I said, I pick up athletic stuff fast.

And it turns out Anthony the gutter punk isn’t the only character Matthias knows. Every few feet, we run into a grommet, a punk, and even normal kids from school, all falling over themselves to praise Matthias for his skating.

He’s a star, and with my build, I feel like a personal bodyguard, someone cool and important.

It’s going great until I see a street clock. “I’m supposed to meet my mom back on campus at three.”

“Or what, you turn into a pumpkin?”

“No, it’s just—”

“I’m joking, Dr. Z.” Matthias pulls me in for a hug and I stiffen. I guess I’m not used to that kind of contact outside of sports.

“Do your thing,” he says. “But make sure to listen to both those CDs tonight. That’s your homework.”

“You know I will. See you at lunch on Monday.”

On my jog back, I pass the same funky boutiques and eateries, the bag with my poster and contraband whacking my side in rhythm with my breath. I’m no longer worried about the CD heist or the awkward hug. That unfamiliar contentment from this morning is back. I feel alive.

About the Author:
Ari Rosenschein is a Seattle-based author who grew up in the Bay Area. Books and records were a source of childhood solace, leading Ari to a teaching career and decades of writing, recording, and performing music. Along the way, he earned a Grammy shortlist spot, landed film and TV placements, and co-wrote the 2006 John Lennon Songwriting Contest Song of the Year.

In his writing, Ari combines these twin passions. Coasting, his debut short story collection, was praised by Newfound Journal as “introducing us to new West Coast archetypes who follow the tradition of California Dreaming into the 21st century.” Dr. Z and Matty Take Telegraph (Fire & Ice YA) is his first young adult novel.



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Monday, April 8, 2024

The Family the Finds Us by Phoenix Blackwood

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Phoenix Blackwood will award a $10 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Why do you write juvenile fiction? What draws you to it?

I’m heavily drawn to YA because most readers come across these books in such a pivotal time in their life. They’re books that can change people’s lives, and they touch on topics that are so close to my heart. Of course, there’s adult books about being trans, about overcoming trauma, but YA has something special that I can’t quite put my finger on. There’s a raw, vulnerable aspect to it that I don’t see in a lot of adult fiction. This vulnerability is something that really draws me in, both in reading and writing.

Pretend your protagonist is at school and opens his/her locker – what will we see inside?

Phee’s locker is pretty bare – not for a lack of personality, but in the way that she denies herself so many things that she likes in an attempt to run from who she is. There’ll be textbooks, a dent in the front panel from her being thrown into it by bullies multiple times, maybe a cutout picture of a pro skater – she says it’s because she looks up to him, but she’s really got the biggest crush.

What books were your favorite as a youth and why?

A Series of Unfortunate Events were my absolute favorite books as I was growing up. I wasn’t a huge reader when I was younger, as my spark for reading didn’t really happen until I discovered the world of queer literature. But, that series holds a special place in my heart, I still have the entire thing on a bookshelf and they’re not going anywhere anytime soon. I loved how strong the characters were in the face of adversity, how inventive and resilient they were. The ways adults continued to fail them really resonated with me, and it can be seen in my own books as well.

What book is on your nightstand currently?

Currently, I’ve got If Tomorrow Doesn’t Come by Jen St. Jude. I love it so far, I’m not too far into it because I paused it to read a couple other books, but I actually just finished the last one last night and I’m excited to get back into it. It has all the elements I love in a book, mental health struggles and representation, secret pining after a crush, all the big emotions of a world that’s about to end. I have a feeling I’m going to finish it pretty quickly.

You’ve just won a million dollars and you’re not allowed to save any of it. What do you spend it on?

First part’s boring, I’d pay off my student loans, credit cards, mortgage and car. No more stress! Then I’d buy a little oceanside cottage in Maine with a big fenced in yard and have all the doggos. I’d pay for the two years of my master’s degree to become a licensed therapist. I’d save a little for emergencies, and donate the rest between friends and reputable LGBTQ+ or animal charities.

Phee hides her secrets well, until they become too much to bear. Her biggest secret is one she’s kept even from herself. Her longest-kept secret is one that hurts her every day. Her final secret is one that will set her free.

In a school that doesn’t accept them, Phee, Theo, and Alex fight for a community close to their hearts. The community desperately needs the trio to help the rest of them leave the shadows without fear of violence and discrimination. Through some heroic activism, the three push the school officials to their limits — forcing them to act — for better or worse.

For Phee, the fight for a place where she can be herself doesn’t stop when she gets home. The strain of taking care of her alcoholic and abusive mother threatens to break Phee away from her family bond forever. Her mother can go from a messy drunk to an angry one in an instant, turning Phee’s home life from an obligation to a war zone.

Theo’s house offers respite to Phee. With compassion scarce in her life, Alex and Theo are Phee’s light in the dark. They protect and cherish her. At Theo’s, Phee is free to be herself and explore her identity safely — her chosen family ready to catch her if she falls. That’s what family does, how family finds us when we feel lost and alone.

Read an Excerpt

“No!” I screamed, flailing against her as she pinned me down with one arm and cut with the other, lock after lock of black hair falling to the ground and into the sink.

Tears came next, as I fought the futile fight to get her to stop. I shrieked, begging for her to stop, but she just kept going, until there was nothing left. Just jagged tufts of hair sticking straight up from my scalp. She let go of me, throwing the scissors back into the drawer and slamming it shut without a word. She looked at me with the most haunting gaze I’d ever seen out of her, shook her head, and then walked into her room, slamming her door behind her. My knees grew weak, and I fell to the ground, clutching the discarded chunks of my hair that lay strewn about the floor. My wails could’ve been heard a block away. I’d found two things I liked about myself last night, and now one of them was gone.

Eventually, I dragged myself into my room, picking up my phone and texting Theo through my tears to come get me. Not even ten minutes later, there was a knock at the apartment door. I was still crying as I opened it to watch Theo’s face morph in horror as they caught sight of me.

“Oh my god, Phee, what did she do?”

I shook my head, staring down at the floor as tears fell from my face. Theo wrapped their arms around me, and I choked out, “She was sober.”

Theo rubbed my back for a minute, then guided me towards my room, “C’mon, get your stuff. You’re gonna stay at my house.” I grabbed the discarded makeup from my floor and stuffed it into a duffel bag, along with a couple changes of clothes. Then, I grabbed my backpack and solemnly followed Theo out the door, locking it behind me.

About the Author:
Born and raised in New England, Phoenix has always been a creative – whether it’s painting or writing. From a very young age, Phoenix has envisioned and created characters, writing them into existence and exploring them through visual arts. Having graduated to first-time short story author, Phoenix is embarking on a journey towards novel writing as they finally bring characters they’ve known for years into the world. Phoenix is neurodiverse and intersex and hopes to bring more representation to both topics with their writing. They believe in creating relatable characters that people can find themselves in and empathize with.

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Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Greystone by B.L. Ryan

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. B L Ryan will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

All Mouse could remember about her father was sitting on his lap while he told her stories. She wished she could remember what he looked like. When she hangs a white pendant that belonged to her father in her bedroom window, this wish becomes the key to great adventure in another world. A gate appears with a dragon twirling in the air above a colourful garden on the other side of the gate. Zeeta, the royal dragon, greets Mouse and invites her into the garden. The garden is part of Sweet Water holding, home to Lady Jane, who is the seer for Prince Ruler Jared.

As Mouse and Zeeta struggle to complete a quest, Mouse searches for her father. Their journey takes them across the plains of Norlanda and south to the Border Mountains.

The seers have foretold that a far traveller will appear and lead Norlanda against its enemies. This does not seem likely, as Norlanda is prosperous and peaceful at this time. Meanwhile, dark forces gathered in the Border Mountains have recognized the presence of Mouse in the lines of destiny and have started to move towards her.

How will the presence of a child, a far traveller from another world, affect the destiny of this world?

Read an Excerpt

Six Turns Later

The sky was cast with bands of pink and yellow as the sun set. It was an exceptionally clear evening, and it was possible to see the Singing Mountains across the horizon to the north. As Jared gazed absently at the fringe of jagged peaks, Lord Ravenstock entered the room silently. He waited for Jared to address him.

Without turning, Jared asked, “What have my esteemed councillors decided?”

Lord Ravenstock’s eyebrows rose briefly. His face became an expressionless mask as he related the decision of the Council of Five.

“It has been six turns since the death of your father, King Henry. The Council has decided that the Prince Ruler must select a woman to be his Lady Consort or they will be obliged to select a suitable woman on your behalf.”

The Prince snorted. “They have already given me a list of women they deem suitable.”

About the Author:Born in Saskatchewan, Betty has lived in several areas across Canada, from Ottawa to Vancouver Island while growing up. Her fondest memory as a child is of her father building a tent trailer and her mother sewing yards and yards of canvas for the tent. The family travelled across Canada and down the eastern seaboard of the United States for several summer vacations.

Betty worked as a drawing office assistant in Oxford, England, for almost two years before returning to Canada to work as a topographical clerk in Edmonton, Alberta. She pursued a BSc. in Agriculture with a major in Horticulture from the University of Alberta. While raising her children, Betty worked as an Office Manager for a non-profit society and took writing courses at night school and from the Institute of Children's Literature, Connecticut.

The garden has always been a source of inspiration and joy for Betty, as are all the beloved cats and dogs who have walked into her life. Betty believes stories are the foundation of our life. The stories we enjoy, the stories we tell ourselves, our children and others, reflect how we view the world around us. She enjoys writing fantasy for the youth genre because she feels there is still so much of the wonder of life, and the attitude that anything is possible, from this age group.

Greystone is her first novel. She is currently working on the sequel, Greystone: A New Beginning.

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Monday, March 11, 2024

Toothbrush Animal Hunt by Carleen Dehaney

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Carleen Dehaney will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Embark on a delightful adventure with Toothbrush Animal Hunt, the perfect children's book to encourage daily toothbrushing habits in a playful and enjoyable way.

From a clapping sea lion at the beach to a cheeky squirrel in the forest, children will be fascinated as they learn about toothbrushing through the actions and antics of these charming creatures. And don't forget to spot the toothbrushes hidden throughout the pages, making this hunt, a delightful game of discovery.

Say goodbye to toothbrushing struggles and let the adventure begin!

Enjoy an Excerpt

About the Author: Meet the author, Carleen Dehaney! Carleen is a mother and wife. She hails from the UK but now calls Canada home. This enchanting book draws inspiration from a tenacious 2-year-old in need of some toothbrushing magic. Carleen embarked on a whimsical journey, incorporating playful animal sounds into her daughter's brushing routine, and thus, the idea for this captivating book was conceived. Today, her little one, who has since outgrown her toddler years, recites this tale back to Carleen, forging cherished moments between them.


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Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Out of Body by Kimberly Baer

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will award a $25 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Those weird dreams Abby Kendrick has been having? Turns out they aren’t dreams after all. They’re out-of-body experiences, like the ones her cousin Logan is having. At first Abby has fun with her new ability, using it to spy on her neighborhood crush and spook a mean girl. But when Logan gets in trouble on the astral plane, the game changes, and Abby must bend the rules of out-of-body travel as she journeys to a distant realm. Her mission is a perilous one, and success is not guaranteed. Can she save Logan and find her way home again? Or will the cousins be lost forever on the astral plane?

Read an Excerpt

The girl slept on, never stirring, breathing deeply. Arms and legs akimbo, hair spread out like disconnected wires, mouth hanging open. Was that how I looked when I was sleeping? It wasn’t pretty.

Something twinkled below me, a translucent silvery cord tethering me to my body. I’d never noticed it in my dreams-that-weren’t-really-dreams, maybe because I hadn’t realized I was out of body. The cord, thick and round as Italian sausage, was weird but reassuring. I assumed it would keep me from getting lost, because no matter where I went, I could simply follow it back to my body.

But how did the cord work? Was it retractable like the cord on our vacuum cleaner? Stretchy like a bungee cord? If so, how far could it stretch? I wanted to test it for myself, but before I could do that, I needed to figure out how to move. For now, I was stuck in place like a stalled weather front.

A few nights ago, I’d traveled all the way to Sorcery Place. I’d gone to Sophia’s house, to Grandma’s. How had I done it?

More important, how could I get back into my body? I gave a psychic grunt, straining toward that sleeping form, but nothing happened. I was anchored to the ceiling as firmly as my physical body was anchored to the bed.

What if I couldn’t get back? What if I was stuck up here forever?

About the Author:
Kimberly Baer is an author and professional editor who was born and raised in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, a town marginally famous for having endured three major floods. She even lived there during one of them. She enjoys power-walking on days when it’s not too hot, too cold, too rainy, too snowy, or too windy. On indoor days, you're likely to find her hard at work on her next novel or binge-watching old episodes of Survivor, her favorite guilty pleasure.

Kim has had her nose in a book practically since birth. Her first story, written at age six, was about a baby chick that hatched out of a little girl’s Easter egg after somehow surviving the hard-boiling process. These days she writes in a variety of genres, including adult romantic suspense, young adult, and middle-grade. Her books are published by The Wild Rose Press and have won several awards.

Out of Body Book Trailer:


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Monday, February 12, 2024

Go, Gabbie, Go! by Hollie Noveletsky


This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will award a $10 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Go, Gabbie, Go was written as a gift to my illustrator and friend Gabbie Studley. Gabbie is a young woman with a big dream to fly. The only thing bigger than Gabbie's dream is her heart. Read along as Gabbie achieves her dream of flight. Thank you, Gabbie, for your beautiful illustrations and friendship.

About the Author:The author is an ornery old woman who lives with her crotchety old husband in the woods of New Hampshire. Her greatest joy is watching her grandson, Pip, on his great adventures.


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Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Hudson at the Track by Alexis Levesque

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions Alexis Levesque will be awarding a $15 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Why do you write juvenile fiction? What draws you to it?

I wrote Hudson at the Track primarily for my son, Hudson, who is the main character in the book! I wanted him to have his very own book about something he likes to do, riding his dirt bike.

What did you want to be when you grew up? Why?

I wanted to be a doctor because I always wanted to help people. Now, I am not a doctor, plans changed overtime I would say ahah I am now a military engineer who strives for success.

What book is on your nightstand currently?

I am currently reading Think and Growth Rich by Napoleon Hill. Review on Goodreads to follow! By the way, readers, if you are a Goodreads member, please to visit my page and add my book to your ‘To-read’ list and leave a positive review! See you there!

You’re stranded on a desert island—which character from your book do you want with you? Why?

That is an easy question to answer for my as I would want all the characters mentioned in my book as they are my real family! ;) My spouse, my two sons Hudson and Hayden are all mentioned in my book. That would be like a fun family adventure! ahah

You’ve just won a million dollars and you’re not allowed to save any of it. What do you spend it on?

I would give some of that money to family members and invest the rest for my kids future.

Discover the importance of safety gear, perseverance, and bike maintenance in this thrilling motocross adventure. Let the story be the starting point of your child`s imagination. Encourage them to step outside of the book into the world of motocross where they set the limits and make anything possible.

About the Author:
Alexis Levesque is from Québec, Canada, and always had an interest in motocross. Fueled by this passion, he embarked on a creative journey to craft a children's book centered around motocross, featuring his son Hudson as the main character. Today, Alexis, along with his family of four, resides in New Brunswick, Canada.



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Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Rocketship Ride by Franco D'Auria


This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will award a $10 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner.Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Come for a journey through the minds of two loving brothers as they explore the world around them using their imagination!

Join them in their rocketship as they barrel through space, meet with remarkable aliens, get in and out of extraordinary situations, and find the time to enjoy the company of amazing friends and family.

Let them take you on this incredible journey, and hopefully they inspire you to have your fantastic adventures too!

About the Author: Franco D'Auria discovered a passion for writing and world-building through his long career as a game designer for HitGrab Labs. Lending his voice to the game MouseHunt and its whimsical fantasy world of Gnawnia, his imagination was bursting for new creative outlets.

What started as an innocent request from his children to sing a bedtime song about rocketships gradually evolved into this book. It celebrates the boys' love of books, their special relationship as brothers, their adventures with family, and the spark of imagination that they share.

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