Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Cover Reveal: Bandits and Ball Gowns by Christina Bauer

This post is part of a Cover Reveal Tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Christina Bauer will be awarding a Fairy Tale Charm Bracelet to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

One Prince Finds True Love ... And Risks It All

Elle Cynder has fallen hard for Alec, the 'prince' of Le Charme Jewelers. Time for some happily in their ever after, right?

Not so much.

While the new couple shares joyful moments--and sizzling kisses--serious trouble is brewing. Elle's evil stepmother, Marchesa, schemes with none other than Alec's twisted father, Legend. Their plan? Destroy Elle and Alec, along with everything the young lovers hold dear, including Bry, Knox, and Wilhelm.

Another Royal Freezes His Heart ... But For How Long?

As a prince of the dark fae, Jacoby focuses on one goal: avoid assassination. Marrying Elle would certainly aid in that cause, considering how she's both a Cinderella life template and a powerful fae warden. Even better, Jacoby doesn't truly love Elle. In court life, deep romantic attachments only mean certain death.

Then Jacoby notices Elle's youngest stepsister, Agatha.

For the first time in his life, Jacoby's cold heart warms with true affection. The elven prince struggles to ignore his feelings, but it might be a losing battle. And what would the prince's newfound emotions mean for Elle and Alec? Could Jacoby really stand by and watch another's true love be destroyed?

Buckle up for a wild ride as Cinderella's time-honored story gets some all-new twists.


1. Wolves And Roses
2. Moonlight And Midtown
3. Shifters And Glyphs
4. Slippers And Thieves
5. Bandits And Ball Gowns

About the Author:
Christina Bauer thinks that fantasy books are like bacon: they just make life better. All of which is why she writes romance novels that feature demons, dragons, wizards, witches, elves, elementals, and a bunch of random stuff that she brainstorms while riding the Boston T. Oh, and she includes lots of humor and kick-ass chicks, too.

Christina graduated from Syracuse University’s Newhouse School with BA’s in English along with Television, Radio, and Film Production. She lives in Newton, MA with her husband, son, and semi-insane golden retriever, Ruby.

Be the first to know about new releases from Christina by signing up for her newsletter: http://tinyurl.com/CBupdates

Stalk Christina On Social Media – She Loves It!

Blog: http://monsterhousebooks.com/blog/category/christina
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorBauer/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/CB_Bauer
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/christina_cb_bauer/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christina-bauer-481b12139
Web site: http://monsterhousebooks.com/authors/cbauer

Monday, August 24, 2020

Rip to the Rescue by Miriam Halahmy

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will be awarding a print copy of the book to three randomly drawn winners (US only). Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

It's 1940 and Nazi bombs are raining down on London, but 13-year-old bike messenger Jack has just discovered something unbelievable: a stray dog with a surprising talent.

Jack navigates the smoky, ash-covered streets of London amid air raid sirens and falling bombs, dodging shrapnel and listening for cries for help, as a bike messenger for fire crews. When Jack finds a dog, miraculously still alive after the latest Nazi bombing of London, he realizes there's something extra special about the shaggy pup--he can smell people who are trapped under debris.

With his new canine companion, nicknamed Rip because of the dog's torn ear, maybe Jack can do more than just relay messages back-and-forth--he can actually save lives. And if Jack's friend Paula is right about the impending Nazi invasion, he and Rip will need to do all they can to help Jewish families like hers.

There's just one problem: Jack has to convince his ill-tempered father to let him keep Rip.

Based on true episodes during the London Blitz in World War II, this action-packed and touching story explores the beginnings of search-and-rescue dogs and the bravery and resourcefulness of young people determined to do their part for their country.

Read an Excerpt

Messenger Boy
(September 1940)

“It’s down to you now, Jack,” said Warden Yates, scribbling on a report form. “The line’s gone dead to the fire station. Get to Skinner Street soon as you can.”

Jack and the warden both ducked as a cluster of incendiary bombs exploded across nearby rooftops. Jack could hear shrapnel jingling down the slates like a tune he could almost whistle.

“Close,” he muttered, stuffing the message into the pocket of his blue overalls. Then he tightened the strap under his helmet and mounted his bike.

“Keep your head down!” cried the warden as Jack rode off, swerving to avoid the bomb crater at the top of the road. There was a shop on fire up ahead, lighting up the road in the blackout. Jack raced past as fast as he could, hoping sparks wouldn’t set fi re to his clothes. That’s what happened to Tommy Shepherd last week, and he was still in hospital with serious burns. Tommy was fifteen, almost two years older than Jack. They’d both lied about their ages to get into the messengers.

You were supposed to be seventeen.

“What an adventure,” Tommy had murmured to him as they stood in line at the Town Hall two months earlier. Jack was a full head taller than Tommy and the wardens accepted them both into training without a murmur back in July. Now it was the end of September and London had been bombed every night since the seventh.

Even if they found out I was only thirteen, they wouldn’t chuck me out, Jack told himself, freewheeling past a pile of rubble. Especially since Tommy got hit.

The thought spurred him on, dreams of making heroic rescues in burning buildings chasing him down the street.

About the Author:
Miriam Halahmy is a poet, special needs educator, and novelist. She has worked with refugees in schools as well as in workshops she led for PEN and the Medical Foundation for the Victims of Torture. Her books include Behind Closed Doors and Hidden, which was nominated for the Carnegie Medal.



Friday, August 21, 2020

Angel Within by CB Barlow

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. C. B. Barlow will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Sixteen-year old Rachel has an over protective but loving mother and a boring but safe life. All this changes in a blink of an eye. Rachel is now an orphan and learning she is more than human. She is thrust into a new world of friends, family and love along with fears, foes and evil. Evil that seeks to destroy her and all she holds dear.

Read an Excerpt

We sat there in silence, gliding some more. The only sound was the rhythmic creaking of the glider. I looked over at Dylan, sitting there with his head back and his eyes closed. His thick black lashes were incredibly long, especially for a guy. They rested on the top of his cheekbones. He seemed peaceful and content. At that moment, I wanted to know his story.

“How long have you lived here with the Morgans?”

“I came when I was seven. That makes it ten years,” he answered without opening his eyes.

“What happened to your parents?”

“Don’t know. I think they gave me up. The only memory I have is someone holding my hand and then walking away without me.”

I imagined Dylan as a little boy, a cute little boy, almost the same age as Destiny, being alone and scared. My heart ached for that little boy. And for him, now. Losing a parent because of their death is one thing, but being in a foster home because your parents are unfit or they gave you up is another.

“I’m sorry,” I said softly.

He opened his eyes, “Yeah.” He sat up and removed his arms from the back of the glider. “That was a long time ago.” His fingers raked through his hair, and there on his forehead above his left eye was a bruise the size of a fist.

My eyes widened as my hand instinctively went toward the bruise, but I stopped myself and pulled back. “Oh, my! Dylan, did Mr. Morgan do that to you?”

“Just a token of affection,” he answered and tried to make light of it as he brushed his hair back over to hide the bruise.

About the Author: Cindy has lived most of her life in Erie, Pennsylvania, just a stone’s throw away from where her main character lives. She traded in the bitter cold winters of Erie for the sizzling hot summers when she moved to Phoenix, Arizona. She is an avid reader of all genres of books and has a passion for anything angel related. When she is not working full time as a Registered Nurse, she enjoys writing. Recently Cindy decided to mash up her enjoyment and her passion into a book. She hopes her readers will have as much fun reading this book as much as she did writing it.

Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/C-B-Barlow/e/B08CC17L6D
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CBBarlow1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/20486914.C_B_Barlow

Monday, August 10, 2020

The Wonders of the Peculiar Parasol by Mark M.Even

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Mark M. Even will be awarding a $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

What books were your favorite as a youth and why?

My favorite books were comic books! While the nuns at my grade school looked down on me reading these and forced me to pick other books from the annual “book fair”, it was the comic books that stuck with me. When I was younger, my favorite was the DC comic called The Legion of Super-Heroes. This comic was set far in the future and “humans” from all over the galaxy would try to get accepted into the Legion to protect the galaxy from evil and disasters. The Legion was made up of “teens” – Superboy was one of them (but he only occasionally appeared because he had to go to the future to be with them). Each member had a unique power, mostly because of their alien DNA. Each comic was a self-contained story.

As I got older, I graduated to the Marvel comics –where the story/plot ran across many issues (sometimes as many as 10 or 12). The epic stories even from the 1970s are now often combined into a “graphic novel” available today, allowing the reader to read the entire story within one book. My favorites included The Avengers, the X-Men, and The Defenders.

All of these issues are “team” oriented, portraying both the challenges of people having to work together as well as their successes. And with the Marvel storytelling, often their failures as well. And this is what I liked the most --- a recounting of teamwork and personalities in both a visual and story-telling format.

What superpower would you love to have? Why?

As you can see from above, super-powered beings are one of my favorite topics. Flight, super-strength, invulnerability, invisibility, magic, etc. Why would anyone pick just ONE of these? My first inclination would be to pick invisibility – to be the “fly on the wall” and able to see or hear things that one would never get to see or hear because you would either be kept out of the room or those things wouldn’t happen if you were there. BUT – if I had to pick, I would pick flight! To be able to fly through the air with the freedom of going anywhere with no barriers would be so awesome.

Favorite TV show from your childhood?

Staying with the super-hero theme, The Adventures of Superman and Batman would be tied for 2nd. But my all-time favorite would be Star Trek. And I’ve also enjoyed all of the Star Trek franchise throughout the years, including the current show called Star Trek: Discovery.

Ideal summer vacation.

An African Safari. My wife and I (along with 2 other couples we know) actually did this about 8 years ago. Best trip I’ve ever had and one I hope to do again. To see the expanses of African with all of the unique and beautiful wildlife is amazing. To hear a herd of cape buffalo snorting just outside your tent is exhilarating. To watch a group of lions hunt and kill a warthog is once in a lifetime!

You’ve just won a million dollars and you’re not allowed to save any of it. What do you spend it on?

I’d first pay off all of my kids’ house mortgages. Then I’d take my kids, their spouses, and my grandchildren on a worldwide trip, including an African safari. Anything left after that, since I can’t save it, I’d give to charity.

Who was your teenaged crush? Why?

I’ll assume this question refers to a celebrity or fantasy, so I won’t answer my wife (who was my high school sweetheart). Sophia Loren. And, even though she is currently 85, she is still absolutely gorgeous!

The Wonders of the Peculiar Parasol is an outstanding fantasy that shows how Mandy discovers her magic under strange circumstances. It focuses on how Mandy will get home and how she'll discover her real purpose in coming to this land, providing the basics of how this new world operates in a manner that elementary-level readers can readily understand: "The parasol and the dragonstone work together to sense the presence, or lack of presence, of the inner magic of the person holding the parasol. The dragonstone uses the infinite power of the sun to tap or channel or access that magic. And one way it does that is to transport an individual to Storyworld.”

As Mandy harbors a secret, puzzles out how to use the dragonstone, and interacts with her family while battling lizards and building an army, young readers will relish the blend of real-world family dilemmas and fantasy world encounters. (D. Donovan, Midwest Book Review)

Read an Excerpt:

Mickey smiled at everyone and said, “OK! Here we go!” and started twirling the parasol. Instantly the dragonstone flashed a bright purple light, and Mickey was frozen still—with a big grin on his face.

After about ten minutes, during which time the parents, as they always did, checked their watches about a hundred times, Mickey popped back to life and said, “Neato!”

Everyone else applauded and clamored for his story. Not one to easily cede being the center of attention, Mickey entertained everyone with a story of being a high-performance race car driver in a sort of “Olympics of Racing.”

“It was amazing!” he said. “I got to be in several different races in one day. One event was drag racing. And I got to drive a big purple car with extra-large black rear tires, a tiny steering wheel, a jet engine—and a parachute to stop the car at the end of each race. Totally cool!

“Then I was also in an Indy-style race of one hundred laps around a huge red brick track. Then I did an off-road endurance race in a cool purple dune buggy with oversize tires with ‘MICKEY’ in white letters six inches high on each tire. I won two of three races with my buggy!” He rolled his eyes and continued, “I only lost once to a yellow dune buggy in the cool endurance race event. And you know what? That yellow dune buggy was driven by a girl I thought I knew. She was wearing a red and yellow jacket and a silver helmet with blue and green lightning symbols on it. She looked so… familiar!”

About the Author:I retired from almost 40 years working for IBM in Mar, 2017. I’ve been married for 43 years to my wife, Joyce and have 3 children and 8 grand-children. I enjoy golfing, fishing, bird-watching and travel.

Shortly after retiring from IBM in 2017, I was at a small-town celebration in northern Wisconsin and noticed that a number of the little vendor booths were people selling children’s books that they created and self-published. I looked at these and told myself that I could write something like that. And I did, but these were the type of books that were targeted at small kids and needed vibrant pictures and artwork.

In the spring of 2018, I was visiting my niece and her family, and she told me of this wonderful idea for a story for a children’s book and after talking with her about it, we agreed to collaborate and I took on the task of writing the story. After many iterations, The Wonders of the Peculiar Parasol became a reality.

Website: http://www.dragonstonestories.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Even-Books-106679040686753/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/19679689.Mark_M_Even

Buy Link: https://www.amazon.com/Wonders-Peculiar-Parasol-Dragonstone-Story/dp/0988904829