Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Sign of the Green Dragon by C. Lee McKenzie

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. C. Lee McKenzie will be awarding a $15 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

When a wall of their cave hideout crumbles, three boys discover a skeleton, clutching a treasure map. They set off to trace the story of an old murder, but stumble into a modern crime, and confront ancient Chinese dragons.

Read an excerpt:

They hunched under the table, their chins on their knees. Sam turned his legs from one painful angle to another.

“I can’t feel my legs,” Roger said. “And my neck is broke for sure.”

Joey lifted the tablecloth and peeked out. “It’s dark. I’m for getting out of here. Nobody’s looking for us anymore.”

“Okay. Let’s go.” Sam crawled out and stretched. “We can make it back to the museum now.”

Joey, who was on his way to the door, skidded to a stop. “What did you say?”

“This is our chance to find out about Langtree and Li Wei. By morning, Sadie’s going to be on guard again, and the sheriff’s going to spot us for sure. It’s now or never.”

Roger paced down the aisle of the church, shaking his legs and rolling his head. “What’s the plan?” he asked, coming back to them.

“Oh, nothing,” Joey said. “We’re just going to break into the museum now. Sam hasn’t actually got us arrested yet, but he’s still trying.”

“Me? I didn’t sock Roger. Besides if we don’t find the treasure now what do you think your mom and dad are going to do when the sheriff drives you home in his car?”

“Okay. Fine. Sure. Whatever.” Joey waved his arms overhead, surrendering.

Sam pushed open the door, looked both directions, and then stepped onto the street. Even though the town was deserted, he got that creepy feeling of being watched again.

About the Author:
C. Lee McKenzie has a background in Linguistics and Inter-Cultural Communication. Her greatest passion is writing for young readers. Sign of the Green Dragon is her third Middle Grade novel. Alligators Overhead and the sequel, The Great Time Lock Disaster were her first two. She has traditionally published four young adult novels: Sliding on the Edge, The Princess of Las Pulgas, Double Negative and Sudden Secrets. Check out the author's website for a free ebook: http://cleemckenziebooks.com
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/2809083.C_Lee_McKenzie
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/signofgreendragon/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cleemckenzie/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/cleemckenzie/movie-cast-for-sign-of-the-green-dragon/

Buy the book at Amazon or Barnes and Noble.


  1. Congrats on the tour and I enjoyed reading the excerpt :)

  2. Good morning. The dragons and the boys are finally up and ready for breakfast. Thanks so much for hosting us here today. I'm discovering so many new book bloggers on this tour.

  3. How long on average does it take you to write a book?

    1. More or less a year. Sometimes they take forever. Like this one did. And it's only 38K. Maybe that's the problem. I should have written more words and not tried to pack in the action with so few.

  4. Great post, thanks for sharing the excerpt!
