Thursday, October 24, 2019

Fear Justice by C.C. Bolick

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $50 Amazon/ gift card. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Seventeen-year-old Rena Mason counts the days until she can leave for college. Every night her father drinks himself to sleep, leaving her to care for her younger brother. When her father is kidnapped by terrorists, her dreams of freedom become a nightmare.

Stunned that her father has a history with these terrorists, Rena knows she must run or be their next victim. She learns the tough guy at school has a reason to look after her - he's working for a government agency with the same goal as the terrorists: find a woman who disappeared eighteen years ago. Time is running out since only this woman's special gift can save the world from a looming nuclear attack.

Rena can't trust anyone, especially not the stone-cold agent she's falling for. Can they save the world before Rena's feelings trap her in an agent's fight for justice?

Fear Justice contains elements of fantasy, sci-fi, and paranormal, with a clean romance. It's the first book in an exciting new series called The Fear Chronicles.

Read an Excerpt

Tony cleared his throat. “You said your dad was kidnapped?”

“Last night. Coach and my dad were friends. They joined the Army together.” Why was I babbling? Tony didn’t need to know my life story. “I showed up this morning because I thought he might know why these people were after my dad.”

“Did either of them tell you?”

I shook my head and looked at Tony. “The man who beat up Coach Andrews—he said he’d give me a head start before hunting me down.”

Again, Tony glanced in the mirror. “He didn’t happen to say he drives a black Lincoln, did he?”

As I spun in the seat and leaned over the headrest to see, the belt cut into my neck. Behind us, a black car crept closer with every second. Someone in the passenger seat leaned out of the window with a gun. “There’s a man with a gun following us and I’m not freaking out. At least, I don’t think I am.”

“No, you’re cool.”

With a bitter laugh, I turned back around and dropped down on the red vinyl seat. “Cool? When are you going to ask why I’m not afraid?”

Tony hit the brakes and made a turn that left me choking from the belt’s grip. “Right after you ask why I picked you up.”

About the Author:C.C. Bolick grew up in south Alabama, where she’s happy to still reside. She’s an engineer by day and a writer by night—too bad she could never do one without the other.

Camping, fishing… she loves the outdoors and the warm Alabama weather. For years she thought up stories to write and finally started putting them on paper back in 2006. If you hear her talking with no one to answer, don’t think she’s crazy. Since talking through her stories works best, a library is her worst place to write… even though it’s her favorite!

C.C. loves to mix sci-fi and paranormal—throw in a little romance and adventure and you’ve got her kind of story. She’s written nine books including the Leftover Girl series, The Agency series, and The Fear Chronicles.

The Book is on sale for $0.99 during the tour.

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Monday, October 21, 2019

Thea Reeves and the Tear of the Morning by Dmitriy Kushnir

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Dmitriy Kushnir will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Why do you write juvenile fiction? What draws you to it?

I wanted to write a book series that would draw my daughter in. Since my daughter is a teenager, juvenile fiction was the best way to go from my perspective. Before I published the first book of Thea Reeves series, I gave it to my daughter to read as a trial ... she loved it!, so I decided to proceed with the series. I find family to be the best critics, family tends to never hold anything back when it comes to criticism.

Pretend your protagonist is at school and opens his/her locker – what will we see inside?

Since my protagonist is not really interested in school or the other students that go there, there would be only necessities in her locker like books and miscellaneous school supplies. There would definitely be nothing personal in her locker, since the school is not the place Thea wants to be.

What books were your favorite as a youth and why?

To this day I remember reading Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton. It was really the book that drew me into the world of science fiction. Later on, in my early twenties, it was Dan Brown with his books (although I found his books to be very predictable and always following the same "route").

Hunger Games or Twilight? Why?

Hunger Games, no question about it, since it is something that could actually happen and is based in part on reality. I found Twilight to be a modern fairy tale, where a princess is rescued by her prince. Hunger Games is something that is full of connections to the real world e.g. the enslavement of the human race. Hunger Games always hints to the Flat Earth theory, the One World Government theory and some others.

What reality show would you love to be on? Why?

I'd probably get kicked off any reality show. But I'd love to be on a cooking reality show. It is fun to cook and even more fun to eat. I also like to cook with my daughter when I have the time and the opportunity presents itself. So any cooking reality show, I'd definitely sign up. Especially if it would be father/daughter tag team.

Favorite TV show from your childhood?

Fresh Prince of Bel Air ... I feel like I did not miss a single episode of that show. Although what was interesting and funny back in those days is dull and boring today. I tried to watch Fresh Prince a few weeks back on Netflix ... could not even finish episode 1. Times change, people tend to change with time as well.

Favorite hot beverage. Why?

Hot chocolate. It is chocolate, it is hot, and there are literally hundreds of different ways to prepare it. At first I wanted to say coffee, but there are definitely way more options with hot chocolate, than with coffee.

You’re stranded on a desert island—which character from your book do you want with you? Why?

I'll jump to book 4 (yes, spoiler) ... I'd love to have the spirit from the mine stranded on the desert island with me. One, I don't have to feed it or share food with it, so more for me. Two, I'd always have someone to have a conversation with. Three, even if I die on that desert island, I'd still have someone to talk to after death.

Favorite pizza toppings.

Nachos! I remember back in late 90s, Dominoes Pizza had a Mexican pizza and it was pretty much a Supreme Nacho Salad on top of a pizza. Like if Taco Bell and Dominoes decided to create a two-in-one. One of the top three pizza's I've ever had, the other two being Philly Cheese Steak pizza and Chicago deep dish.

Create an ice cream flavor. What’s it called?

Pancakes and Maple syrup. I think it would be a great ice cream flavor that incorporates pancakes and maple syrup ... if it's made properly. It would be a perfect dessert for all who love a traditional breakfast.

You’ve just won a million dollars and you’re not allowed to save any of it. What do you spend it on?

A better question would be "You've just found a million dollars", since winning a million dollars means you only get to spend about half of it (after taxes) to begin with. I'd spend it on building some small houses and use them as rental properties ... it would provide me a passive income for life.

Thea Reeves is an ordinary girl, from an ordinary family with financial troubles, living in a small town of Johnston. After she starts an after school job at The Magic Shop in order to help herself financially, her life becomes more extraordinary with every day.

Read an Excerpt

The girl took her eyes away from the pug and redirected all of her attention toward the raven, who sat just a few feet away from her. She talked softly, so no one, especially not even one of her neighbors or her parents would overhear. People these days may get the wrong idea from just a few misheard words, and the witch hunts and trials can begin again. Women have always been identified as the weaker sex throughout the centuries, and every time a woman spoke out or displayed any kind of strong character, she was met with oppression ... especially from the side of organized religion. Not long ago, Thea learned about Salem Witch Trials a few centuries back, and about how many ordinary women were tried by the church and by their neighbors and were executed. History tends to repeat itself.

I am no longer ordinary. Thea thought to herself, and immediately understood that no longer being ordinary could actually have a negative impact, rather than a positive one.

About the Author: Dmitriy Kushnir is a Sarasota, FL local and is a student of life. In his younger years, he had served in the military and received various degrees from multiple universities. One day, Dmitriy Kushnir realized that he had just too much to share with the world and began writing in the fields of philosophy, business, religion, history, fantasy and science fiction. To this day, he has written more than 40 books under various aliases.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Gracie's Time by Christine Potter

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Christine Potter will be awarding a $30 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Why do you write juvenile fiction? What draws you to it? I write juvenile fiction because I am the world's oldest young adult. I taught high school English for years, and I have a theory that teachers actually become the age of their students after a while. My husband, a retired elementary music teacher, is a total eight-year-old. Me, I'm about sixteen. I get really happy and really sad like teenagers do. There's nothing, in fact, that I take more pleasure from than watching a group of teenagers get goofy with each other. It just makes me smile.

Pretend your protagonist is at school and opens his/her locker – what will we see inside? Gracie Ingraham is a time traveler from 1962, but she's doing a decent job of keeping that a secret and fitting in. She'd have a mirror for fixing her eyeliner hanging on the back of the locker door; her best friend in 2018 is a nerdy girl named Zoe who lives for the eyeliner wings, and Gracie's trying hard to master them. If it's not too cold a day, Gracie might have her vintage brown corduroy jacket in there, too. Good thing the group she's fallen in with is into collecting old vinyl and upcycling! It's a tidy, spare locker. Gracie's a badass, but she's quiet about it.

What books were your favorite as a youth and why? I liked anything to do with time travel—so A Wrinkle in Time, of course, and the Jack Finney books when I got a little older. Lord of the Rings, of course.

What’s your favorite sweet treat? God, I've never told anyone this before because it's a new thing for me. I love those shops that let you make your own frozen yogurt sundaes—but only if they have the weird little bubbles that pop in your mouth, like from bubble tea. I love mango fro-yo with raspberry pop-in-your-mouth bubbles. I want some now.

What did you want to be when you grew up? Why? I wanted to be an archeologist because my parents' house was built on a plot of ground next to an old resort hotel that had burned down. You could find doorknobs and old silverware if you dug. It was amazing. Sadly, real archeology, I discovered, probably meant I'd have to excavate graves sometimes and that was the end of that. I became a teacher and a writer.

Favorite TV show from your childhood? I like to write time travel, which I guess counts as science fiction, but I don't really think of it as such. But as a kid, I LOVED the original Star Trek. I was a bookish, shy kid, and I had a crush on Mr. Spock.

Favorite hot beverage. Why? Latte. Foamy, delicious latte. It can keep you going for a while if you don't have time to eat. It wakes you up. It is pretty in a mug. It smells delicious. It is nectar!

Which of your characters would you most like to meet IRL? Why? I'd like to meet Bean, who is in all my books, although Gracie's Time really IS Gracie's time; Grace Ingraham is the main character. Bean is an awkward but gifted kid and she grows into a confident boho kind of grownup. I think she'd be fun to hang out with.

You’ve just won a million dollars and you’re not allowed to save any of it. What do you spend it on? A bunch of friends of mine and I run an internet radio station. It makes zero money and we all kick in to keep it going. If I suddenly got super-rich, I'd do over the studios and make it really plush. Either that or I'd buy a house in Nova Scotia and make it gorgeous. I love it there.

Playlist for your current book. Hah! It's a crazy mix. Gracie's from 1962, so she likes old-school folk (like Joan Baez) and The Tokens and rockabilly like Duane Eddy. But her travels crash her into folks who lived through the 70's and like the Grateful Dead—and her friends in 2018 are vinyl collectors who like Bowie and The Beatles, even though it's older music. Fleet Foxes get mentioned. And the soundtrack to Hamilton.

October, 1962

It's almost Halloween, but something a lot scarier than ghosts is on everyone's mind: nuclear war. After President Kennedy's speech to the nation about the Cuban Missile Crisis, Grace Ingraham overhears her parents' plans to keep her safe. She'll be sent off to live with a wealthy uncle—in the nineteenth century.

Gracie's from a family of Travelers, people who can escape into time. Too bad her mom and dad haven't Traveled since their honeymoon trip to the Lincoln Inauguration. So Grace will have to go alone—even though taking a wrong turn can have serious consequences: like heading for 1890, and ending up …in 2018.

Read an excerpt

I heard a snoring sound in the sky then, but it was only a plane. For a moment I thought about how terrible it would be if a nuclear war started right that minute, before I could escape to the past. Then I thought about Mom and Dad. I hoped they’d come get me from the 1890s if there weren’t a war. I didn’t want them to die. I didn’t want anyone to die. I really wanted there to be a future.

Mr. Mahoney and I walked past the train station and out onto the empty platform. He looked over his shoulder to be sure no one was around. “Are you ready?” He took my hands, squeezed them, and then he let go. “It’s the right time and place! Go on back, Gracie!”

At first, I thought nothing had happened, except then it wasn’t evening anymore. It was morning—and certainly not the 1890s. Nobody named Augustus introduced himself to me.

Dad always told me that if you get confused when you Travel, you should always look at what kind of lights there are in buildings and what clothing people have on to help place yourself. But what I saw only confused me more.

A freezing wind came off the river and cut right through my corduroy jacket. People in puffy grey and brown overcoats stood in clumps, staring at what I first thought were really tiny transistor radios. I learned that same day those things are called smart phones. I’d missed the 1890s by over a hundred years—and in the wrong direction.

A sleek, silvery train roared into the station from the north and everyone got on it but me. Bingo, the future! I’d just broken one of the biggest Rules there is.

About the Author:
Christine Potter lives in a very old, haunted house, not far from Sleepy Hollow. She’s the author of the time-traveling Bean Books series, on Evernight Teen: Time Runs Away With Her, In Her Own Time, What Time Is It There? and Gracie’s Time. She’s also a poet, with several books in print (the most recent is called Unforgetting). Christine loves all kinds of music, DJ’s, and plays dulcimer and guitar.
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