Friday, December 30, 2016

Sarah by Teri Polen

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Teri Polen will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Pretend your protagonist is at school and opens his/her locker – what will we see inside?

Cain isn’t known for his neatness – his mom says he lives like a pig (Cain prefers the term survivalist). His locker has several bottles of Gatorade and protein drinks in varying degrees of emptiness, the latest copy of The Walking Dead graphic novel, three pairs of soccer cleats, five shin guards (the match to his favorite Nike one never turned up), a picture of Lindsey on the door, and Finn’s annotated copy of Gone With The Wind – Cain has to read it for English Lit and Finn got an A on his report last year.

What would you write in a letter to your teen self?

This is advice I’ve given to my sons – and I wish it would have been my mantra as a teen. Life is too short to worry about what others think of you – focus on yourself and what makes you happy, figure out your goals, and work towards them. Everything else will fall into place.

What candy do you give out at Halloween?

I deliberately try to buy something I know I won’t eat – if it’s anything chocolate or peanut butter, there’s no way it will last until Halloween – so I usually buy something like Skittles, Almond Joy (I hate coconut), or Starburst. I don’t care for sour candy, so that’s also a possibility.

What superpower would you love to have? Why?

When my son was younger, he loved asking questions like this. I’d love to fly. Our extended family is spread across several states and we’ve had more road trips than I can count. Flying and avoiding all the traffic, fast food places, and whining from the back seat would be a dream come true!

Sum up your book for Twitter: 140 characters or less.

I did this for Twitter pitches – and it’s one of the hardest things I’ve done! ‘A dangerous bet, vengeful ghost, dead bodies, hot new g/f. Cain only wished for one of these Sr yr – instead, he got all four.’ It got me a few likes from agents and publishers.

Favorite hot beverage. Why?

I’m not a tea or coffee drinker – and many of my friends and family find that oddly disturbing. If we meet at a Starbucks or local coffee place, I usually have to take my own Diet Coke (nectar of the gods as far as I’m concerned). But I love a good hot chocolate in the winter.

Which of your characters would you most like to meet IRL? Why?

I’d love to meet Finn, Cain’s best friend. There are no hidden agendas with him – you always know where you stand, he has a wicked sense of humor, is fiercely loyal to his friends, and he was such fun to write. Sometimes his responses were entirely unexpected.

Thanks so much for having me on Books in the Hall and helping to promote Sarah!

Seventeen-year-old horror fan Cain Shannon thought helping a ghost find her killers would be the supernatural adventure of a lifetime. Now, he just hopes to survive long enough to protect his family and friends from her.

A bet between friends goes horribly wrong, resulting in Sarah’s death. When she returns to seek justice against those responsible, Cain agrees to help her. But when he discovers Sarah has been hijacking his body, he realizes she wants retribution instead of justice.

Terrified of what could have happened when he wasn’t in control, Cain commands Sarah to leave his house - but exorcising her isn’t that easy. She retaliates against her murderers in bloody, horrific ways, each death making her stronger, then sets her sights on Cain. With the help of friends, Cain fights to save himself and his loved ones and searches for a way to stop Sarah before she kills again.

Enjoy an Excerpt:

Squatting down to sort through the box, my elbow nudged one of the balls and it bounced across the floor a couple of times before I stopped it. When I picked it up to toss it back in the box, I noticed a splotch of red on one side. It was glistening, like the spot was wet, and after running my finger across the ball, I brought it closer for a sniff.

I knew that smell. With the multitude of soccer injuries I’d received over the years, the copperish tangy aroma of blood was all too familiar. Wait - blood? Was Eby injured somewhere up here? But I’d looked around and knew for certain he wasn’t here. Had I stepped on something and cut myself? When I looked down to check my feet, that’s when I saw it. A circular pool of blood on the floor about a foot in diameter. How had I missed this? It hadn’t been here when Finn and I were looking around last night. One of us would have noticed this.

So how did blood get here in the past twenty-four hours?

Then I felt it. Frigid air wrapped itself around me, like it was a living, breathing entity, causing me to gasp. When I let out a shaky exhale, I could see my breath. In a 90 plus degree attic. My gaze shot down to the floor where the blood had been.

It was gone.

About the Author:
Teri Polen loves horror, sci-fi, and fantasy books and movies. She fangirls over The Walking Dead, Harry Potter, and anything Marvel-related. She lives in Bowling Green, KY with her husband, sons, and black cat.


Wednesday, December 28, 2016

The Mirror of Doom by Bailey Baxter

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Bailey Baxter will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Why do you write juvenile fiction? What draws you to it?

There’s a freedom in writing for kids. I can create quirky, fun characters and send them to other worlds. I can dream up horrible, scary creatures to stalk them in the dark woods. And I can place them in the most epic adventures.

In other words, I can let my imagination go wild – and it’s all okay!

But, there’s something else. I was a child once. (I know. Shocker.) I loved books that put average kids in situations where they had to learn to be brave. Those books spoke to something in me – my own desire to be brave. I’m hoping “The Mirror of Doom” encourages kids like the books of my childhood encouraged me.

Pretend your protagonist is at school and opens his/her locker – what will we see inside?

Let’s see… Tim would have a poster of the latest Star Wars movie inside the door. No doubt about that. Of course, his backpack would be crammed in there, along with a half-eaten sandwich (loosely wrapped in a napkin)… last week’s gym clothes he forgot to bring home to be washed… a gorilla mask (don’t ask)… a few stale Snickers candy bars… a half-empty bottle of Coke (it’s flat)… and his crumpled up English homework that he swore his grandmother’s dog ate.

What books were your favorite as a youth and why?

The Chronicles of Narnia books were my favorite. I loved the idea of finding a doorway to another world in an old wardrobe. Just look at the adventures the Pevensie kids had! They met creatures that didn’t exist in their own world. They faced dangers. They even fought in wars! Their lives went from ordinary – to extraordinary. I loved that. It was the perfect escape for me.

What’s your favorite sweet treat?

Chocolate. Preferably dark. I actually have a stash hidden away in a cupboard. (Shhh! Don’t tell!)

What did you want to be when you grew up? Why?

When I was very young, I wanted to be a nurse. I’ve always liked to help people. But, I’ve turned into a rather squeamish adult who can’t stand the sight of blood, so I’m glad I didn’t pursue that career path!

I also toyed (seriously) with the idea of being a spy. It appealed to my desire for adventure and danger – and my impressive ability to keep secrets. I even applied to a job with the FBI once. I never heard back, though.

Being a foreign missionary was another career path I considered, and, in my 20s, I decided to give it a go. I spent two months in India on a mission trip. Unfortunately, I spent most of that time dealing with “India’s revenge.” Let’s just say that dream died fairly quickly.

But, honestly? Since I was about 12 years old, I’ve wanted to be an author. I love to write stories; it’s as simple as that. I never thought I could make a living as an author, because so few writers do. But I realized several years ago that the money doesn’t matter so much – not when there’s so much joy in the process.

What would you write in a letter to your teen self?

I would say to my teen self just what I would say to any teenager reading this:

Be yourself.

You are uniquely created for a purpose. There is no one else like you in the world. Whether you have a special love for people… mad math skills… or can bake the most delicious brownies on the planet, you are born with everything you need to be the BEST you.

So, you don’t have to try to fit in. You don’t have to worry about what people think of you. And you don’t have to be afraid of failure. Because failing means you tried – and that makes you a winner in my book.

And, if you want to live a fulfilling life, figure out what your passion is – and go after it.

What superpower would you love to have? Why?

Is there a superpower that lets you vanish and reappear somewhere else at will? If there is, I want that one. Then, I could easily pop in on my family in England – without spending hours in a cramped plane flying over the Atlantic Ocean. I could get to the mall without sitting in traffic. And I would never be late for anything again.

Sum up your book for Twitter: 140 characters or less.

Tim Hunter is stuck in another world. An evil queen, enemy soldiers and a dragon want him dead. Does he have what it takes to survive?

You’re stranded on a desert island—which character from your book do you want with you? Why?

Without a doubt, Gavril, the prince of Tryton. He’s resourceful and brave, so if it turns out the island is not so deserted, he could totally deal with any cannibal warriors that may appear. Plus, he’s used to living in medieval times, so he has skills. He can light a fire without a match, trap and skin a rabbit (for food), and knows poison ivy when he sees it. He probably even knows how to fish and build a shelter!

Favorite class in high school. Why?

My 7th grade English class with Mr. Torgeson. He is the teacher who “saw” me. Not only did he recognize I had the ability to write, but he offered to work with me to enter a writing contest. He was the only teacher in all my years of school to go above and beyond the normal classroom interaction to reach out to me. And I will never forget him.

What would you do if you got stuck in another world? 12-year-old Tim Hunter and his two older siblings panicked. Just a little. (Can you blame them?) Unfortunately, the only way they can return home is to steal a magic mirror from an evil queen. Yes, that’s right. Evil! To make matters even worse, enemy soldiers, horrible creatures called galrogs, and even a dragon will do anything to stop them. Do they have what it takes to make it home alive? There’s one way to find out. This fun, fantasy-adventure for middle-grade readers is available on

Read an Excerpt:

Then a strange sound startled me out of my thoughts.

Was that thunder?

Kat stopped and looked around. “What was that noise?”

“Everyone, keep going,” Gavril said from behind me. “We need to get off this bridge now.”

“Why?” I asked. “What’s going on?”

“Just move, Tim!”

Before I had a chance to even take one step, something dark and huge flew over us and let out an ear-splitting roar that shook the entire bridge.

Kat screamed, and we all hit the deck, so to speak. As I clung to the trembling bridge, I could hear a shower of stones falling into the cavern below.

Okay, that definitely wasn’t thunder.

“What was that?” Ron yelled.

“Akar!” Beriman yelled back.

“What’s an Akar?” I asked.

There was another roar, and we all ducked our heads as the shadow swooped over us again. A stream of flames burst from its mouth, lighting up the entire cavern and answering my question.

Akar was a dragon.

About the Author:
Bailey Baxter is the pen name of a somewhat successful copywriter who writes online "junk mail” for health supplement companies. She's been writing stories since childhood. In fact, when she was 12, Bailey wrote and illustrated tiny books that she stapled together and passed to her friend during class. (She was never caught.)

Bailey grew up in Ellington, CT – a small town where cows outnumbered people 2 to 1. She currently lives in Asheville, NC with a mischievous Shih-tzu named Lucy. Fortunately, Asheville is weird - and proud of it - so it gives her plenty of inspiration and plot ideas for new books.

Her first book, The Mirror of Doom, was inspired by a certain pesky brother named "Jimmy" and the childhood desire to find a wardrobe to a place like Narnia.

BUY LINK – Amazon (Paperback Book):
BUY LINK – Amazon (Kindle):

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Interview with Amanda Meuwissen

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Amanda Meuwissen will be awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Why do you write juvenile fiction? What draws you to it?

This was actually my first time writing Young Adult. Part of why I was drawn to it in this case was a few years ago, likely ten years since I’d started the series, I finally read the last book in the Rainbow Boys trilogy by Alex Sanchez. I was also watching Teen Wolf at the time, and between the two, it made me think of one of my favorite movies growing up, My Best Friend is a Vampire. All of those things together created Life as a Teenage Vampire, my newest novel. I was also very inspired by my teenage readers, those who read my adult books and my fanfiction online. I’ve become very active on Tumblr the past few years, and engaging with the younger side of fandom has been very rewarding for me. It definitely inspired me toward this book, and their response to it so far has been wonderful. There’s a part of us that is always our most vulnerable teenage self even when we’ve long since graduated high school, filled with insecurity and the need to belong. I love delving back into that mindset and pulling out something positive for the next generation.

Pretend your protagonist is at school and opens his/her locker – what will we see inside?

Emery would have a poster inside the door for the Spring Play since he has one of the lead roles; a tacked on piece of paper to the outside of the door that says ‘If you see someone talking to a wall, they’re probably in Speech; a smattering of photographs of him and his friends, particularly him and his best friend (and love interest) Connor, who would likely be showing off his newest prosthetic arm design; a very organized stack of books so he can switch things out for classes quickly and not carry everything in his backpack; and the aviator sunglasses Connor gave him for when he’s feeling particularly sensitive to the sun.

What books were your favorite as a youth and why?

Time Windows was one of the first books that really drew me in and caused the rest of the world to fall away. It had time travel, parallel dimensions, a ghost story – everything I love – with a protagonist who had just moved to a new town, which was just like me at the time. I also started reading Anne Rice’s Vampire Chronicles when I was 12. Anything horror was my bag, and I had a serious love of vampires. It amazes me that this is the first time I’ve actually written a vampire story.
,br> What would you write in a letter to your teen self?

Every year you will feel happier than the last. Power through, be thankful, don’t settle for that special someone but don’t be afraid to accept the right one when they do show up, and listen more than you talk. Take a breath. Take another. Always be open minded and listen to other people’s stories. Especially if you disagree with them.

What superpower would you love to have? Why?

I’ve often said I would want pyrokinesis, because I am a fire girl through and through, but to be honest, I’d love Mystique’s power to change my appearance at will. I change my hair all the time, different styles and colors, change my glasses constantly, love getting new clothes – even when playing video games, one of my favorite things is getting new armor – and being able to just will myself to look how I wanted each day would save so much money and be loads of fun, especially when it comes to wanting to cosplay.

What book is on your nightstand currently?

The Bell Jar. I never read that title in high school. I read Catcher in the Rye, and mentioned to a friend recently that it was one of the few mandated books in high school that I enjoyed (other than Shakespeare, which I loved). She said that if I liked that I’d love The Bell Jar because it’s similar but from a female perspective. I’m halfway through…and I despise it to my very core. So I have to finish it. I don’t feel it right for me to criticize something unless I’ve given it it’s fair shake, so I’m going to see if it gets better, see if the protagonist has any redeeming qualities. If not, I may have my new most hated novel of all time, and I never thought anything could beat out my hatred for The Great Gatsby. Hunger Games or Twilight? Why?

Neither. I do not like either of those series. And while I love Harry Potter, if I had to throw out another series to trump those two, for me the best Young Adult series I ever read was The Dark is Rising. I bring up Harry Potter because The Dark is Rising in some ways was Harry Potter forty years before Harry Potter. An eleven-year-old boy discovers he’s actually from a magical race on his birthday and embarks on a journey to save the world. It’s fantastic, to this day one of my favorite book series. It has a sort of Narnia feel to it as well, but with Arthurian legend, which I’ve always been a sucker for, as I adore fae lore. It has rich characters, amazing action, and truly inspired ideas for magic. Twilight for me had too bland a protagonist and too abusive a romantic relationship. It didn’t do vampires the way I like my vampires, as someone who grew up on Anne Rice. And Hunger Games has a very unlikable protagonist to me, and dystopian has never been a genre I enjoy reading.

Favorite TV show from your childhood?

Choosing one is tough, because I was such a TV child, but I think I have to say Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I was just on the cusp of being a teenager when it started airing, and it ended my senior year of high school, so it really was my young adulthood beginning to end. I laughed, I cried, I got angry. I mourned characters, and felt something truly inspiring and fulfilling when it ended. It’s one of the few shows that has a (near) perfect ending for me. The humor, the relationships, the clever writing, and well, use of vampires and so many things I love, it really encompasses childhood for me, especially since I loved the original movie as a child too.

Who was your teenaged crush? Why?

The actor Jonathan Brandis. There’s always something bitter sweet about remembering him, because he very sadly took his own life when he was only in his late twenties, but he was one of my first and longest lasting crushes. First in Neverending Story 2, then older in SeaQuest, and even later as the voice of Mozenrath for the TV version of Aladdin. He just captivated me in everything he did. He could play hero, villain, and burdened hero equally well, and had this mischief about his smile that drew me in. I really mourned his passing, but I try to remember the ways he impacted my life in how he brought characters I loved to life.

Favorite class in high school. Why?

Senior Year, AP Literature and Composition. So many reasons. The teacher, Mr. Krall, was a favorite of any student who had him for his humor and energy. We read some of my favorites, like Shakespeare, and were encouraged to read novels of our own to do papers rather than just the usual fare the school pushed. I also had already aced my AP test for Language and Composition the year before, and since my college of choice would only accept one English AP credit, I didn’t have to take the test for Lit and Comp. It took the edge off, and allowed me to just enjoy what I read and wrote that year.

Emery Mavus just wants to survive his senior year of high school. Becoming a vampire complicates things. So does a bizarre mentor, a group of vampire hunters, and an unexpected, new attraction for his openly gay best friend, Connor. An occasional uncontrollable hunger for blood might be the least of his worries.

Check out this excerpt:

It was a trick. Emery had made it all up, knowing that the details would lead Connor to vampires. These were just Halloween fangs. Connor wasn’t really hypnotized into submission; he was just stunned, believing his own crazy imagination. He’d longed for years to have Emery this close, after all, crowding him into a corner, lips descending. He’d just imagined them descending a little closer to his mouth, though his neck wouldn’t be so bad…

…if not for the sharp sting, the breaking of the skin and rush of blood sucked out of him so fast he felt dizzy, and then—wow.

It didn’t hurt at all. It felt like Emery was tucked into his shoulder intimately, fully aware of the pleasant buzzing he caused in Connor’s gut every time they touched. Connor had dreamed of this, imagined it just like this, and felt lulled by Emery’s body being so close, and the way he shivered feeling those lips on his skin. He almost thought he heard Emery’s soothing voice whispering affirmations he’d always wanted to hear.

“Em…” Connor breathed out, barely audible.

The room was dimming, but he felt cozy where he was. His arms were limp and heavy as he lifted them to pull Emery closer, feeling the soft fabric of the sweater against his somewhat numb right palm. He pulled tighter, twisting flesh and plastic fingers alike in the fabric, pulling…with the faint sense that he should be pushing instead.

“Em…” he choked out like a whimper, like he was crying. Why was he crying? This was everything he’d ever wanted…

About the Author:
Amanda has a Bachelor of Arts in a personally designed major from St. Olaf College in Creative Writing, and has been posting content online for many years, including maintaining the blog for the digital marketing company Outsell. She spent a summer writing screenplay script coverages for a company in L.A., and is an avid consumer of fiction through film, prose, and video games. Amanda lives in Minneapolis, MN, with her husband, John, and their cats, Helga and Sasha (no connection to the incubus of the same name).

Thursday, November 17, 2016

The Ticket by Debra Coleman Jeter

This post is part of a virtual book tour and the author is giving away a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. You can see the other stops on the tour (and read some more of the story) by following the stops you'll see here.

She hoped winning the lottery would solve her problems.

Her problems have just begun....

It is 1975, an ordinary year for an ordinary Southern family. TRAY DUNAWAY, like thousands of other teenagers around the country, longs to be part of the popular set at school. Tray’s mother, EVELYN, lies in bed most days with a headache, and her bipolar tendency toward extreme highs or desperate lows veers more and more often toward depression. Tray’s grandmother GINNY, who lives with the family, still grieves the loss of her husband, Brook. She believes it’s time for her to move out, if she could afford to, and find a place of her own, maybe even a new romance. This doesn’t look likely, given the state of the family’s finances.

Then something extraordinary happens. A down-and-out friend of the family, PEE WEE JOHNSON, buys an extra lottery ticket. He gives it to Tray’s dad as a thank-you for driving Pee Wee to Hazard, Illinois, where he purchased the tickets. And what do you know?

When Johnson demands his cut, Tray’s dad refuses. As Evelyn’s illness spirals toward madness, Johnson turns threatening, and Tray makes some poor decisions, what initially seems like a stroke of good fortune suddenly triggers a disturbing chain of events.

An Exclusive Excerpt

I finally locate a pretty skirt and sweater in my size on a sale rack, stuck in amongst lots of ugly stuff, that actually falls within my meager budget. The sweater is a fuzzy yellow, the skirt a yellow and baby blue plaid on a cream background. Powder blue? Could this be powder blue? I try them on and model for Lori and Julia, almost fearful of their reaction. I so want this to be the right choice.

Julia looks doubtful. “I think you look better in pleats than in that A-line,” she says. “And I’m not sure yellow is your color.”

So, I return the skirt and sweater to its rack. Later, however, before we leave the store, having found nothing else within my budget I like enough to try on, I retrieve the yellow and blue outfit and, almost furtively, carry it to the check-out register. I catch Julia’s eye on me and start to speak, to defend my choice. But, not knowing how to explain that sometimes you have to “settle,” I say nothing at all.

Julia smiles. “A girl who knows her own mind,” she says. “An altogether admirable quality.”

And just like that, I feel better. But not for long because, deep down, I know the compliment is false. The salesgirl rings up the purchase, and I pay in cash, wondering if Julia can see I’ve exhausted the funds in my pocketbook.

Behind her at the check-out counter, Julia places a large stack of selections on the counter. I gasp. “You’re buying all of those?”

Simultaneously, the salesgirl, who has thin lips and a slightly protruding chin, says, “Will that be all?”

Julia glances back toward the racks, then at me. “Why don’t you let me buy you that other outfit, the one that looked so good on you?”

I hesitate, yearning for the clothes, but unable to accept charity. “Thank you, but no,” I say. “I couldn’t possibly.”

“Are you sure? It looked so heavenly on you; it would be my pleasure.”

“I’m sure,” I say, wanting to cry. The salesgirl looks impatient, and the moment of opportunity passes.

“That’s all, then,” says Julia, and the girl rings up the purchases.

I am staggered at the total, but Julia doesn’t flinch, merely takes out her checkbook and scribbles the information into the blanks.

“Look at this!” Lori beckons to me. I leave the register, carrying the bag with my skirt and sweater in it, which feels like I’m hauling lead. Next thing I know, I’m oohing and aahing over a rack of party dresses: long gowns with sequins, some strapless, a glimmering blue-silver one with a strap over one shoulder, dresses for a ball or a prom. And I wonder if ever in my lifetime I will wear such a dress, much less design one. I finger the glimmering garment, search for the price tag, which is tucked away discreetly. I look again, count the number of digits before and after the decimal.

No way will I ever own a dress like that.

Lori glances toward the check-out register, where her mother appears to be involved in a quiet conversation with the salesgirl. “Oh, dear,” she says, “not that again.

The Ticket is Debra Coleman Jeter’s first novel. It was a finalist for a Selah Award in two categories: Young Adult Fiction and First Novel. A Vanderbilt University professor, Debra Coleman Jeter has published fiction and nonfiction in popular magazines, including Working Woman, New Woman, Self, Home Life, Savvy, Christian Woman, and American Baby. Her story, “Recovery,” won first prize in a Christian Woman short story competition, and her nonfiction book “Pshaw, It’s Me Grandson”: Tales of a Young Actor was a finalist in the 2007 USA Book News Awards. She is a co-writer of the screenplay for Jess + Moss, a feature film which premiered in 2011 at the Sundance Film Festival, screened at nearly forty film festivals around the world, and captured several international awards. She lives in Clarksville, Tennessee, with her husband.

Website and Blog:
The Amazon page:
The trailer:

Buy the book at Amazon.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Resthaven by Erik Therme

This post is organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Erik Therme will be awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the rest of the stops.

The last thing Kaylee wants to do is participate in a childish scavenger hunt—especially inside the abandoned retirement home on the edge of town. When she finds a bruised, deaf boy hiding inside one of the rooms, she vows to lead him to safety . . . only to discover the front doors are now padlocked, and her friends are nowhere to be found. Kaylee is about to learn that not everything that goes ‘bump in the night’ is imaginary, and sometimes there are worse things to fear than ghosts.

Here's an excerpt:


That’s my father’s favorite word. I’m pretty sure that’s why he left my mother and me: we never listened. What does he expect? My mother hides behind a computer sixty hours a week, and I’m only fifteen. It’s not in our nature to listen. Case in point: I think my mother just asked a question I didn’t catch—which is bad—because she hates repeating herself almost as much as I do. My best defense is to keep staring out the car window, pretending I didn’t hear.

“Well?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I said, “I get it. You hate me.”

“Kaylee, I don’t hate you. And we both know you brought this on yourself.”

“Me? How is this my fault? I haven’t done anything—”

“Exactly. It’s been three weeks since we moved here, and in that time you’ve made zero effort to make friends or leave the apartment. If it wasn’t for Anna, you wouldn’t do anything but come home from school and sulk in your room.”

I slunk down further in the passenger seat. “Yeah, and if it wasn’t for Anna I wouldn’t even be here right now.”

“Well, I think it was very generous of these girls to invite you over tonight, so at least try and make an effort. It’s only for a few hours.”

I scowled out my window, knowing it was pointless to argue. Once my mother made up her mind it took an act of God, or an argument with my father, to change it.

Here's the author:

Erik Therme has thrashed in garage bands, inadvertently harbored runaways, and met Darth Vader. When he’s not at his computer, he can be found cheering for his oldest daughter’s volleyball team, or chilling on the PlayStation 4 with his thirteen-year-old. He currently resides in Iowa City, Iowa—one of only seven places in the world UNESCO has certified as a City of Literature.






Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Glimmer by Rayna Noire

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Rayna Noire will be awarding a Kindle Fire (U.S. only) or $50 Amazon Gift Certificate (International winner) to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour for more chances to win!

What books were your favorite as a youth and why?

I usually enjoyed adventure books as a child such as The Black Stallion.

What did you want to be when you grew up? Why?

A forest ranger because I love being out in nature

What would you write in a letter to your teen self?

Enjoy your current time. Accept yourself. You’re okay just the way you are.

What candy do you give out at Halloween?

Chocolate candy bars because I always hated it when I got the cheap stuff as a kid.

What superpower would you love to have? Why?

I would like to be able to speak and understand all languages. It would allow me to communicate with people all around the world.

Favorite TV show from your childhood?

The Jetsons

Which of your characters would you most like to meet IRL? Why?

Nana because she is so opinionated and colorful.

What four literary characters would you most like to have over for dinner?

I would invite Sherlock Holmes, Scarlett O’Hara, Count Dracula, and Bilbo Baggins.

Create an ice cream flavor. What’s it called?

Peanut butter, pecan and dark chocolate. I’d call it Perfection.

You’ve just won a million dollars and you’re not allowed to save any of it. What do you spend it on?

I would give part of it to the animal rescue shelter. The rest of it, I would make into college scholarships for average students.

Favorite class in high school. Why?

English class because I was able to read all these great stories.

For seventeen years, the convent walls kept Meara Cleary from the secret of her own parentage. A bearded stranger claims she’s his niece and promises to take her home. Before he can, a cataclysmic event thrusts her into a war-torn world.

Meara vows to journey to Ireland to find her uncle, unaware of how perilous a journey it will be. Her Druidic father guides her through dreams, explaining her magical heritage. Her dead parent can’t help her with the intricacies of village life, especially when she catches the eye of the very engaged Braeden.

A whirlwind composed of equal parts menace, romance, and revelation sweep Meara across the continent while gathering allies and enemies with equal speed. Her intent to return to her family turns into a fight to survive her own destiny.

Want a taste of the book? Try this excerpt:

Meara glanced back the way she had come realizing nothing looked familiar. How far had she’d wandered from the path. The rustle of movement and the snapping of nearby sticks sped up her heartbeat. A week ago, she’d panicked, sure, someone had followed her only to have a deer wander into the clearing, but this time two large shadows grew out of a nearby underbrush. People. She hadn’t expected this. Could they see her? One gestured in her direction and said something in a guttural language she couldn’t comprehend. The other answered in the same tongue. By the time, it took her to realize the men were after her, one had slipped behind her and grabbed her arm, pinning it painfully behind her back.

He spoke, as his companion reached out for her hair. "Kriegsbeute“

Meara twisted, knowing at an instinctual level she needed to get away from these strangers. The man holding her captive laughed, then muttered something before releasing her arm. She stumbled away recognizing an opportunity. A quick glance back showed the two of them being attacked by the bobbing lights. An occasional yelp assured her the attack was painful. They must be some type of glowing bees.

One hovered in front of her. Follow me. The musical voice sounded in her head. Besides the strangers behind her, there was no one else here. Certainly, no one with a voice as clear and bell-like that it reminded her of a raindrop or dew glistening on a flower. Somehow, this bobbing light placed the voice inside her own head. Her impulsive foray into the woods had landed her into a situation she didn‘t know how to handle. The shimmering light blinked, indicating a need to hurry.

Rayna Noire is an author and a historian. The desire to uncover the truth behind the original fear of witches led her to the surprising discovery that people believed in magick in some form up to 150 years ago. A world that believed the impossible could happen and often did must have been amazing. With this in mind, Ms. Noire taps into this dimension, shapes it into stories about Pagan families who really aren’t that different from most people. They do go on the occasional adventures and magick happens.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Sinners and Saints by Kristina Garlick

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Kristina will be awarding a $15 azon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

My name is Zoey Major and I live in Fort Star, New Jersey. I am also a survivor in the zombie apocalypse. Seems very cut and dry but I have been hiding something- like really huge. My secret is game changing. I am not like the others... I know, what a surprise twist! Unfortunately, I can’t tell you why I am different. If you really want to know, you have to figure it out. Hey, even in these dark times, a girl needs her secrets.

Read an excerpt:

Eventually, I found my way into the Oval Office. The famous Resolute Desk was there and luckily not a scratch on it. I approach the desk, touching it almost gingerly for fear of even a chance of marring its beauty. Next, I pick up the chair that laid on the floor next to the desk and I brush it off. I sat down at the desk and for a moment I thought everything would be okay. Then I saw a zombie walk pass the doorway. I began shouting and cursing at the damn zombie but it doesn’t hear me.

In utter despair, I began to cleaning the Oval Office. I hated to see it in such disrepair and besides I had no place to go or anything to do. I was a castaway person looking for a world that no longer existed. When I picked up the slightly torn and dirty American flag off of the floor I began to cry. Like a security blanket, I wrap the flag around me. Feeling like I truly had hit rock bottom, I collapse on the floor in front of the Resolute Desk. If a miracle was going to happen, I needed it to occur now.

Suddenly, I hear rapid gun fire coming from somewhere outside of the office. Or maybe it wasn’t that sudden and I had just lost track of time. Somehow I snapped out of my PTSD type fog and realized I needed to hide in case whoever was coming my way was not friendly. Plus, while I was immune to zombie sight and sound, I was pretty sure I could still die by a bullet.

About the Author:
Kristina Garlick lives in Warren County, New Jersey. She holds a Masters in Parks & Resource Management from Slippery Rock University. While she loves the outdoors and has many hobbies such as soap making, writing has always been her passion. Kristina wrote her first full length fantasy story at ten and had her first book published when she was fourteen. She has a unique style of writing, which she calls Diary-Play format. Kristina is also available for book signings, panels, discussion groups and other special functions.

Website: (Where you can buy Kristina’s Books)
Email: Email Twitter: @KristinaGarlick

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Emma G. Loves Bozy by Taro Meyer

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Taro will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Emma G. is CRAZY about Aaron, lead singer of Boyz3000. Of course, she doesn’t actually know him, but so what? Feelings are feelings. That is until Josh appears… and he’s soooooo CUTE. Navigating her two crushes and her middle school life, especially with eighth-grade hater Renee around, is a challenge. And oh yeah, she’s got to earn money for an AWESOME trip to the Bahamas to see the band of her dreams. Hello???? How much can one thirteen-year-old take???

An Excerpt for your enjoyment:

OMG!!! My heart was racing like it was going crazy. Lights began flashing from everyone’s phones and people were Instagramming pictures of the band to their friends and posting them. I tried to take pictures but my hands were shaking so much from excitement that the pictures were blurry. Jenny wasn’t taking any either because she was shaking too. Everyone was screaming and yelling and crying. Two girls fainted and were carried out to get some water.

I was screaming too. I took a selfie of me screaming and then one of Jenny screaming. Her mouth was open so wide I think I was taking a picture of her tonsils!!!

I could see all the Boyz3000 faces very clearly because we were so close up, but especially Aaron’s. I was watching him and trying to take his picture while I was screaming, but my hands were still shaking too much to get good shots, so I stopped trying and just watched him. His expressions were sooo sincere as he sang. His cute hair was falling over his eyes and those eyes were sooo adorable. And his collar was open on his shirt, and I could even see the sweat on his neck.

The drummer, Pete, was setting a great rhythm, and Cory, the bass player that Jenny loves, was twirling and leaping, and then he was leaning back, playing his bass like he was the greatest rock star in the universe. And then Jenny started screaming even louder than before, and she was jumping up and down and her arms were waving at the bass player!

And then…

Boyz3000 started to come down onto the runway that we were right next to.

Everyone was trying to reach out to them and I was right on the aisle and reaching out too.

And then it happened…

About the Author: Taro Meyer is a Grammy, Parents’ Choice, and Audie Award winning Audio Producer who has been producing and directing YA audiobooks for over 20 years, including The Princess Diaries Series starring Anne Hathaway, the All American Girl Series starring Ari Meyers, The Inheritance Cycle (Eragon, Eldest, Brisngr) and Judy Blume’s The Pain and the Great One, Here’s to You Rachel Robinson and Tiger Eyes among others.

She co-produced two touring companies of Trans-Siberian Orchestra's smash rock show Christmas Eve and Other Stories and their TV special The Ghosts of Christmas Eve, receiving Gold and Platinum Albums for her work with the team. She was associate producer of the award winning anti-bullying movie, “The Contest,” and co-produced the premier showcase of off-Broadway’s Little Willie.

As an actress and singer, she starred on Broadway in the musical Zorba, in numerous regional and off-Broadway shows, and on TV’s All My Children, Another World (for which she also composed music) and the mini-series Memories of Midnight, amongst others.

Meyer wrote and produced the upcoming children’s album: Mighty Musical Fairy Tales, starring international artist Patti Austin; an updated, joyous musical version of Classic Fairy tales, accompanied by an illustrated book, The Ugly Duckling.

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Red Sky Presents:

Emma G. Loves Boyz: Twitter:

The Dream Walker by Michelle Murray - Spotlight and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Michelle Murray will be awarding all three books of the Land of Mystica Series to one lucky randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Miranda is plagued by vivid dreams of a another world. A world of castles, forests, Ice Caves, and dragons. She goes to a bookstore to see why she is having these visions, and learns she is a Dream Walker. Miranda heeds the call of need, and travels to Mystica. For years, the wizards have been trapped in stone. Now, one curious boy has released Midnight. Midnight gathers an army, and prepares for war. Miranda needs to find the white wizard Lightning and free from his stone prison. Can Miranda free Lighting and save Mystica?

Read an Excerpt:

From an early age, Mortimer had heard of the legend of the wizards of Mystica. Every storyteller, bard and musician seemed to tell the tale. Strangely enough, they all told it the same way.

Once there were six wizards who lived upon Mystica. Three of these wizards wore white robes and worshipped the Goddess of the Sun. Lightning was the oldest and strongest white wizard. Wrinkles lined his face. His bones showed through his skin, making him look frail. Silver lightning streaks decorated his robe. White hair laid atop of his head. Blue eyes peered through his wrinkled face. He often carried lightning streaks in his hands, ready to strike at any minute. He traveled through Mystica in cloud or smoke form, keeping the dark wizards in check and the magic of Mystica in balance. When he wasn’t wondering the land, he slept in the clouds. If there were no clouds, he made them with his magic. Lightning was followed by Silver. Silver was the middle white wizard. His skin sparkled like his namesake. Silver trim highlighted the hem and cuffs of his robe. Silver streaks ran through his white hair. He made his home in the dwarf mines when not battling the dark wizards. If the dwarf mines were not available, he would find a location that had minerals or stones embedded in the rocks. The youngest of the white wizards was Polaris. His skin was etched with the stars on it, almost like tattoos. The shape of the bear constellation with his namesake in it was stitched in gold and silver on his robe. It shone at night, twinkling in and out just like the stars. He slept in the open, preferring to see the star he was named after and daydream. Building things out of the land occupied his time when he wasn’t battling the dark wizards. Though, the dark wizards often destroyed his creations for fun.

The dark wizards wore black robes and worshipped the God of the Night. They liked to cause trouble and havoc, which the white wizards often had to fix. They would cause fights among the people of Mystica by playing tricks on them. Farm crops would be stolen. Horses and cows would be released from their pens. Fires would be started in villages and towns. They would do this tricks in the dark of night, and the people would blame each other. If the white wizards caught them, they would fix the tricks before anyone woke up and no one was the wiser. Fires were put out. Horses and cattle were returned. Farm crops would be replaced. It was often a game of cat and mouse. The wizards chasing each other across Mystica.

The oldest and strongest of the dark wizards was Midnight. He often caused the most trouble. He especially liked seeing and hearing the screams and terrors of the villagers. Midnight’s skin was dark like his name and sky at midnight. His eyes were an icy grey. Pictures of galaxies and clouds embellish his black robe, like you were looking at the night sky. Lightning and Midnight often had grand duels of magic being the two strongest wizards which often ended in a duel.

About the Author: Michelle is a married working mother of two fine young men (her children). She lives in Wisconsin. When not writing, she enjoys reading especially science fiction/fantasy and classics.
Her favorite authors include Shakespeare, Mark Twain, Margaret Weiss, and Colleen Houck. 
She also enjoys doing painting and crafts, and spending time with her family. She enjoys going for walks, and swimming. She has been known to jump in Lake Michigan with no life jacket!

She has been writing since high school. Michelle took a break from writing to concentrate on raising her children.

She has an app on her IPad that gives her a word of the day and poem of the day.

Good Reads The Dream Walker:
Good Reads The Dream Walker Returns:
Twitter Tweet: @#thedreamwalkerseries
Amazon: The Dream Walker Amazon: The Dream Walker Returns
Barnes and Nobles: The Dream Walker
Barnes and Nobles: The Dream Walker
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Monday, September 12, 2016

Under a Purple Moon by Beverly Stowe McClure

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Beverly Stowe McClure will be awarding $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Eden Rose has learned to deal with her mother's criticism that she can do nothing right. What she can't deal with are the arguments between her parents. To escape their angry words, she finds refuge in an old abandoned house. She always returns home, hoping her mother will love her one day, even though Eden's not sure what the word love means.
Read an excerpt:

A gust of wind blew open the back door. Leaves and trash swirled and danced across the floor. I dashed to close it and there, in the faint glow of the rising sun, my mother sat in the swing. “Nora!” I rushed outside and over to her.

She peered at me, her head tilted to one side.

“You okay?”

Instead of answering, she slid off the swing, pushed past me and strode into the house, slamming the door behind her.

I’d been ignored before, but this time, when the door separated us, an actual pain crawled through me. Nora had just walked out of my life. I’d never see her again. I knew it as well as I knew my name. That’s what the vision meant.

“No! Mother! You can’t.” I flew across the yard and pushed against the door: locked. I beat my fists on the rough wood. “Nora, open up. Mom, don’t leave me.”

I pounded on the door until my hands stung. I raced around the corner of the house, hoping to catch her before she got away, and crashed into Toby.

He gripped my shoulders to steady me. “What’s wrong?”

“She, Nora.” The words stuck in my throat.

“Take a deep breath.”

I struggled to pry his hands off me. “Nora locked me out. She’s leaving like my dad.” I broke free and ran.

About the Author:
For twenty-two years Beverly Stowe McClure taught children to read and to write. Her students taught her patience. Most of the time these days, you’ll find Beverly at her computer writing stories young voices whisper in her ears. When she’s not writing, she takes long walks with her Tiger cat and snaps pictures of clouds, flowers, and wildlife. She’s affectionately known as the “Bug Lady.” She’s not telling why. To relax, she also enjoys playing the piano. Her cats don’t appreciate good music and hide when she tickles the ivories.

Beverly is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. She has fifteen books published for children and teens, along with short stories in three Chicken Soup for the Soul books. She also teaches a women’s Sunday school class at her church.

You can learn more about Beverly and her books here:

Under a Purple Moon can be purchased at Amazon:
Barnes & Noble:
And other places where books are sold.

Monday, August 29, 2016

The Keeper's Vow by Francina Simone

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Francina will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. You can see the rest of the stops here: Goddess Fish Promotions.

Why do you write juvenile fiction? What draws you to it?

I write YA because it is so inspiring. Teens are the bravest bunch of individuals I know (besides babies). They go forth every day bombarded by new experiences and the lack of maturity (read previous experiences) to deal with it. This is the time where we fail, get up, but still have to live with the humiliation of falling. I think these stories need to be told because teens are also the biggest underestimated group of people. YA, even though it is such a huge genre with a huge audience, is still considered a genre to be laughed at. I want to change that.

What books were your favorite as a youth and why?

My favorite books were the Pendragon series by D.J Machale and Warriors by Erin Hunter—when I think back it’s so weird how hard I was shipping those cats…Anyway…those books are full of adventure and possibility and I always think back and remember just how transported I was while reading them.

What did you want to be when you grew up? Why?

I remember being in the fourth grade when Mulan came out on VHS, I was sitting on my bed watching it in the dark with only the glow of my guppies’ fish tank to keep me from being completely blinded by the TV. Mulan was in a war worth fighting for (their words not mine) and I was just completely astounded that she was in the army. Not because I don’t think women should be in the army, but because it looked really cold, like a lot of hard work, and super tiring. So I decided I wanted to be an accountant because math was much easier. Needless to say…but that didn’t work out either.

What superpower would you love to have? Why?

I would totally have the power of invisibility (the kind that lets me walk through walls) that can also be extended to those I touch. That way I can always keep the people I love safe in any horrible events…and I can also find out how the lottery works or rig it for my benefit. Not to mention the times you’re reading and JUST WANT TO BE LEFT ALONE. Am I right?

What book is on your nightstand currently?

I’m currently reading A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas. Though I’m reading it I would NOT recommend this to anyone who should not be reading New Adult. It has explicit content and my biggest pet peeve with it is it’s on the YA shelf where 12 year olds who read books like Cinder can easily pick this up next thinking it will be another wholesome read. And dear lord…this is not suitable for young children. I actually go on at length about this on my Youtube Channel. Nonetheless I’m loving this book.

Hunger Games or Twilight? Why?

Totally Hunger Games. I LOVED that series. I loved how authentic the ending was. Katniss may not be warm and cuddly or witty and funny, but she was real. She was a girl who climbed out of the gutter and fought her way to freedom. Gotta love a girl like that and an author who stays authentic to her.

Sum up your book for Twitter: 140 characters or less.

The Keeper’s Vow is a story about a boy and a girl forced to carry a burden that has torn their families apart

You’re stranded on a desert island—which character from your book do you want with you? Why?

I’m going to cheat a little on this and pick a character from book two. I’m picking my girl Zuri, if she can’t get me off the island using her—skills—then she can at least help me survive rather easily—but only if I get book two Zuri…not book three Zuri. If it’s book three Zuri I’ll just stay by myself thank you very much. *Nervous laugh*

Playlist for your current book.

I am currently finishing up publication for book 2 and writing book 3. There are a TON of songs on both list so I will just pick a few:

Book 2 (Darkness Comes at Dawn)
Chandelier (Piano Version) By Sia
Sail (Feed Me Remix) by AWOLNATION
Who You Are (cover of Jessie J) by Anna Clendeming

Book 3 (From the Ashes)
Don’t Panic by Clarity
Dream (Jorgen Odegard Remix) Imagine Dragons
Bird Set Free by Sia
Everybody Wants To Rule The World (cover) Lorde
Landfill by Daughter

All these songs really have emotional meaning and ties to my book. I usually post my playlist on Youtube so you can check out all of book one’s now. Book two’s will be up closer to publication date.

All Katie Watts wants is to pass her junior-year, at Hamilton Private, with as little effort as possible—devoting time to knitting hats, breeding gerbils, becoming a movie critic, or even just sleeping. No wonder she isn’t ready for a world with vampires, werewolves, and nightmares.

Her life is shattered to pieces when Tristan gets stabbed in her front yard. She has no idea where he came from and worse, he hears her thoughts—and when she can’t take anymore, she starts to hear his. No one is who she thought they were. Her father is keeping secrets and when she searches for the truth, she ends up homeless.

As the truth claws its way to the surface, Katie and Tristan grow closer together and they find themselves connected in more ways than she can believe. But is honesty worth more than the peace blissful, ignorance brings? Especially if it sparks a chain of events that will end the lives of millions? Can she live with the truth that begins with her dead mother and ends with The Keeper’s Vow?

Enjoy an excerpt:

Training Day

In one move, Tristan kicked Katie’s legs out from under her and she hit the ground. “Shut up already. Be more focused on what you’re doing, not me. Do you think the werewolf or vampire who’s trying to kill you will compliment you on how you stabbed him in an artery? Get over yourself. I’m sick of listening to your crap. You never shut up.”

“Tristan!” Lucinda scolded.

Katie scrambled to her feet. Covered in dust and dirt. “Then get out of my head!” How dare he complain about invading her privacy.

“You think I enjoy this? Do you realize I spend my entire day trying to shut you out!” Tristan yelled back.

Lucinda, Allison, and Brian were staring at them, but Katie didn’t care if all of Boise was staring at them. She was tired of him. Sick of not knowing whether she was right to hate him or not. She clenched her fist and growled. “I can’t stand you.”

Tristan scowled. “Funny, you didn’t say that yesterday.”

“I never asked you to do anything. I didn’t show up at your school. I didn’t mess up your life!” she screamed.

“Katie,” Lucinda warned, taking a step towards them.

Maybe it wasn’t fair that she was taking out all of her anger on him, but he asked for it.

Tristan glared at her, his eyes unwavering as the sun beam down on them. “I didn’t ask for you. I didn’t ask for this. I didn’t have a choice.” He balled up his fist and walked off.

About the Author: Francina Simone is a writer of Epic Urban Fantasies brimming with Magic and Moral Ambiguity.

From the time Francina Simone entered kindergarten, she loved to read and share words with her friends. When she was in the fifth-grade, she was scared to read aloud and so the teacher concluded she wasn’t very good at reading—Francina read anyway.

Francina left her middle school book club behind for the daunting and exciting life as a high school freshmen. She was quickly told Young Adult books were childish and she should concern herself with finer literature—Francina read them anyway.

Francina waved good-bye to her high school life and strutted into University with her YA books and graphic paper to take notes. She witnessed the birth of a YA trend where publishers flocked to sell their stories to teens…stories that were underdeveloped and glaring with structural issues. The message she heard as a consumer was simple—common belief is YA readers aren’t good enough readers to discern quality stories or they are too childish to tell the difference.

Francina dropped her degree in chemistry and decided enough was enough—and set out to write the quality* stories her fellow readers deserved.

After her formative years she moved to Japan, with her best-friend and husband, land of some of the worlds best story-tellers and creators of unique manga. There she worked on her stories and the quest to understand what authenticity* in story means.

Now she lives in Boise with her husband, son, cat, and Catahoula. She spends most of her time battling the terrible-twos and puppy-dom. But when things are quiet—you can hear frantically typing away; her mind far away with her characters in their quest to make the right decisions in a world brimming with magic and moral ambiguity.

Website :
Twitter @FrancinaSimone:
Youtube Francina Simone:
Facebook Francina Simone:
Mailing List ChitChat’s With Francina Simone:

Buy the book at Amazon

Friday, August 12, 2016

Enlightenment by Liz Keel

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Liz Keel will be awarding 2 randomly drawn commenters each a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

After losing everything, all seventeen-year-old Thea wanted was to be a normal teenager. Instead, she was attacked by a mysterious creature she thought only existed in fairy tales. Now thrown into the unknown realm of Faey, Thea is forced to determine the difference between reality and fantasy, in a world ruled by a dark elite and a society wracked by intolerance and prejudice. With the support of her new friends and a mysterious dark haired, blue-eyed guardian watching her every move, Thea will discover that when it comes to Faey, nothing is what it seems. Will her courage and desire to save this new world from darkness be enough? Or will Thea be the next victim to fall to the dark whispers of fate...
Enjoy an Excerpt:

“No!” I screamed. It had happened again. This was the fourth night in a row I had woken up with a start, beads of sweat dampening my forehead and a sick feeling swirling in my stomach. Rubbing my face whilst trying to sit up I thought back to the same terrifying dream that had been haunting me for weeks now. Not that I expected it to be any other way. I mean, watching your parents die in a car crash will have that effect on you. The difference was that I was supposed to have died. I know it sounds crazy but there was no way I should have survived that; yet I had, and I was sure that the only reason I was still alive was because of the bright light that had emanated from my body.

We were supposed to have been setting off on a three-month expedition around India, but only got as far as our local town in Montana before it happened. One minute I was sitting in the back of the car fiddling with my iPod and the next second I’d heard Mom screaming. I’d looked up just in time to see a car skidding along on the road before it hit us side-on, flipping us into a ditch. Even now the fear I’d felt at the time – the fear of what was to come – still swallows me whole. Time had seemed to slow down as I had watched my mom and dad being thrown around as the car had turned upside down. Our screams had been overwhelming and I’d been reaching my breaking point, when suddenly all went silent and I had been engulfed in a bright, orange glow that had blinded me. Everything after that was hazy. I remember smacking my head on the window, which had been followed by an unbearable pain that had made my skull feel as though it would explode. I put my hand to my forehead, feeling a warm and sticky liquid trickling down the side of my face. Putting my hand out in front of me, I saw it was blood, but my fuzzy brain couldn’t comprehend what I was seeing. It was at that point black spots started to creep into my vision, making everything seem blurry.

Then, however much I tried to stay awake, the darkness won and I slipped out of consciousness.

About the Author:

I live in Surrey, England, a short walk from the beautiful Windsor Park, with my husband Richard and our two gorgeous children Noah and Olivia. For me, writing is nothing short of an addiction and I often find myself sneaking out to my writing shed for just a few minutes, which can often turn into hours of pure, unadulterated bliss catching up with my characters and continuing their story. In-between writing, I teach in a primary school where there’s never a dull moment! I will also often be found Kindle in hand, reading a wide variety of genres but with YA fantasy and paranormal romance at the forefront of my reading list. Although I’m currently writing the second book in the Driel trilogy, other characters involving all things fantasy, paranormal and YA romance are jockeying for position, wanting me to write their story next, so watch this space! It is such a privilege to share my stories with you the reader. Thank you enough for taking the time to find out more about me. To find out more about Liz, visit her website:

Enlightenment will be $0.99 during the tour. Buy the book at



In addition, the publisher is giving away a Kindle, among other prizes - just click on the banner to enter: