This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions Alexis Levesque will be awarding a $15 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.
Why do you write juvenile fiction? What draws you to it?
I wrote Hudson at the Track primarily for my son, Hudson, who is the main character in the book! I wanted him to have his very own book about something he likes to do, riding his dirt bike.
What did you want to be when you grew up? Why?
I wanted to be a doctor because I always wanted to help people. Now, I am not a doctor, plans changed overtime I would say ahah I am now a military engineer who strives for success.
What book is on your nightstand currently?
I am currently reading Think and Growth Rich by Napoleon Hill. Review on Goodreads to follow! By the way, readers, if you are a Goodreads member, please to visit my page and add my book to your ‘To-read’ list and leave a positive review! See you there!
You’re stranded on a desert island—which character from your book do you want with you? Why?
That is an easy question to answer for my as I would want all the characters mentioned in my book as they are my real family! ;) My spouse, my two sons Hudson and Hayden are all mentioned in my book. That would be like a fun family adventure! ahah
You’ve just won a million dollars and you’re not allowed to save any of it. What do you spend it on?
I would give some of that money to family members and invest the rest for my kids future.
Discover the importance of safety gear, perseverance, and bike maintenance in this thrilling motocross adventure. Let the story be the starting point of your child`s imagination. Encourage them to step outside of the book into the world of motocross where they set the limits and make anything possible.
About the Author: Alexis Levesque is from Québec, Canada, and always had an interest in motocross. Fueled by this passion, he embarked on a creative journey to craft a children's book centered around motocross, featuring his son Hudson as the main character. Today, Alexis, along with his family of four, resides in New Brunswick, Canada.
Thanks for hosting!