This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by
Goddess Fish Promotions. Namita Mahanama will be awarding a $15 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.
Why do you write juvenile fiction? What draws you to it?
I was drawn to write this children’s book because I felt like there were no resources available for this particular life-condition.
When I fell ill with postnatal depression, I wished we had something to explain what was happening at home to my 4-year-old son at the time, in a gentle and soft way. We were so engrossed in our reality and the darkness, that we didn’t have the capacity to do it ourselves.
I vowed upon my recovery that I would make a book to fill this exact void, because I know how much our family would have benefitted from having this tool in our belt.
I did enjoy writing the book…and learned a lot about the process as a self-publisher, so I gained a lot from the experience!
What did you want to be when you grew up? Why?
I wanted to be a dentist! I always knew I wanted to be a health professional as I have always loved science and maths vs the arts.
As I grew older, I realised that I can’t handle blood so ended up becoming a pharmacist instead!
Ironically though, I must be the master at manifesting…as my husband is a dentist! I get to be involved within our dental businesses and the industry, without the blood…so I feel like I have actually realised my childhood dream without the dirty work!
What would you write in a letter to your teen self?
I would definitely write to her these main points (ironically, I am in the process of recording my latest THRIVE with Whole-istic Healing Co. podcast episode, about what 10 things I would tell my younger self!);
+ To have more fun and not take life too seriously!
+ To know just how worthy she is, how she does not need any external validation or approval from anyone or any circumstance…she always has been worthy and always will be!
+ To always make time to do the things that fuel, rejuvenate and allow me to feel rested…no matter how busy I am, as I will be a better mother, wife, daughter, sister and friend if I do carve out time for these things
+ I would tell her to shine her light on the world and to not dim her light for anyone…she deserves to take up space and have her place in the world!
+ I would tell her to live in her divine feminine more…of allowing more joy and flexibility, rather than only living in her divine masculine of ‘doing’.
+ I would really want her to know just how special she is and that she needs to believe it from an inner space of knowing…as it will save her so many years of time and energy!
I would tell all of these things to my boys too…so they know how deserving they are to be here, how worthy and to have the confidence in being exactly who they are right now and not waiting until they have ‘this, that or the other’ but to embody this knowing RIGHT NOW!
What superpower would you love to have? Why?
I always tell my husband that I would love to be a fly on the wall! I could watch how people lived, what they did in their spare time, listen to what they say! I have always found it fascinating knowing what people are like outside of their mask…it does sound creepy though now that I write it down!
What book is on your nightstand currently?
I currently have Dr Shefali Tsabary’s ‘The Conscious Parent’ that she signed and gave to me on her tour here to Sydney!
I have it on my nightstand, because she is my real-life hero and I felt so blessed and honoured to have met with her, to have volunteered and helped with her event here in Sydney and to have her autograph and picture!
I love her content and all of her books, as I always grow and learn from her teachings. Her ‘portal of pain’ theory or concept was what allowed me to hold on when I was fighting for my life with my postnatal depression…so her wisdom truly saved my life, and I will be forever indebted and grateful for her power of speech and knowledge.
Favorite hot beverage. Why?
Coffee…coffee and coffee! I have a caffeine addiction, so without it I am a headache riddled and tired mess!
I love instant coffee (Nescafe here in Australia), with a splash of milk…as it is lighter and easier to digest for me than barista made coffee (I am weird I know!)
Ideal summer vacation.
At a beautiful beach resort in Bali or Fiji or Hamilton Island…cocktails by the pool or beach…kids playing on the sand or in the pool…warm air on my body, whilst I sip my drink and read a book or journal!
Absolute BLISS!
Counting down to do this again…as we would go to Bali from Perth every 3 months pre-Covid, and have not done it in 2.5 years now…so itching to go to a resort ASAP!
You’re stranded on a desert island—which character from your book do you want with you? Why?
I would absolutely love to be stranded on a desert island with my hubby Chandi or eldest son Ari! I know that I would have so much fun with both of them, and that they would be brave and look after me if we saw any strange animals or had to embrace a challenge there.
They would just chill with me, talk, have quiet time together…and it would be absolute bliss!
I wouldn’t take my youngest Kaiyaan, who now at 3.5, is a terror of a toddler and I would be pulling my hair out…if he wasn’t doing that to me already! Maybe in a year or two, we could all go there together and it would be just divine!
You’ve just won a million dollars and you’re not allowed to save any of it. What do you spend it on?
I would spend it on staying at a luxury resort, having a multitude of massages and facials…I would spend it on a personal trainer there, any courses with coaches there at this retreat too…completely self-indulgent!
From a philanthropic point of view, I would spend some at the retreat, and then help to build a women’s health centre there with access to nurses and health facilities for pregnant and post-birth mothers to access all of the resources they needed in that township.
My desire to help women’s health during this perinatal period extends to all aspects and areas of the globe…and I truly want this to be my life’s mission to allow access to resources that ALL women need for their health and life…but also for their children and their family.
Mothers are the backbone of our next generation, and we need to support and hold them now…especially now that we have moved away from our ‘tribal’ living.
Playlist for your current book.
I currently am writing an Ayurvedic Ecookbook for pregnancy and post-birth for mothers and their families. As an Ayurvedic Yoga Teacher and soon to be Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant, this book is close to my heart as a way of being able to give back knowledge and information to help women best nourish and rejuvenate themselves during this journey from maiden to matrescence.
I am so excited to be bringing it into the world, together with MY Mum who helped me along my journey to recovery…as well as the Ayurvedic principles running through her veins with her Indian heritage. It is a real blessing to be bringing it all together with her, so this is a project that is close to my home and heart.
My Mummy After Our Baby: A Journey Of Hope and Healing is a beautifully written and illustrated story, about the reality of post-natal depression setting in after the birth of their perfect little baby.
It is a gentle, soft, perfectly put together story, filled with an abundance of emotion and heart to explain what is happening at home, for all children who may be feeling lost and confused about what is happening to their Mummy after becoming unwell.
It is written by a mother who experienced this twice herself and vowed to create a beautiful explanation and tool, in order to provide hope, solace and strength for other families, that she wished was available for her children.
This beautiful book is written in the hope of educating, as well as to be a connective and bonding tool, at a time when a family needs it the most. It is gently and eloquently written, with the most amazing illustrations, that will form the basis of a vital healing tool in the home of everyone who is going through this harrowing chapter.
The author has brought the prospect of hope in a perfect package here and is her gift to you and your family, to navigate through this chapter with as much peace and lightness as possible.
Read an Excerpt
The next day when Aydan went to school, his Mummy went into the hospital and after six hours of having a really sore tummy ache, she welcomed their beautiful little boy Kameron into the world!
The sun shone brightly that day, the birds chirped happily and his Mummy and Daddy were crying with how grateful, happy and blessed they felt! Aydan had never seen his Mummy glow so brightly and he loved his brother instantly for giving that to her.
Aydan had to be brave for a few days whilst his Mummy stayed in the hospital with Kameron to rest her body…but was so excited to welcome them back home.
When his Mummy did come home, she was so happy to see Aydan that she cried and glowed all at the same time! Rupert was so excited too that he couldn’t stop wagging his tail and cuddling his Mummy. It was perfection!
The next morning, Aydan noticed his Mummy looked a bit tired and she wasn’t shining as brightly as he remembered. He cuddled her and told her just how much he loved and missed her.
As the Autumn leaves started to fall down heavily over the next few days, Aydan looked at his Mummy and noticed that today her light had almost completely gone. Her smile, her glowing eyes, the light in her heart had almost completely disappeared and he felt so sad not knowing where they had all gone.
About the Author: Namita is a mother of two boys and draws upon her heart-wrenching first-hand experience of
post-natal depression, after the birth of both of her children. She is creating a myriad of support tools for women and their families, to navigate through their journeys of PND with as much ease and grace as possible.
Namita is a registered pharmacist who has qualifications in Ayurveda and Ayurveda Yoga teaching, as well as being a PMC (paediatric massage consultant) and CIMI (certified infant massage instructor). She draws upon her professional knowledge as well as her own experience, to be the support lifeline at a time when families need it the most.
Her intention is that she can be a beacon of hope and shine much-needed light, on the road towards the mothers and the entire family's healing and recovery. She hopes to inspire and uplift you through this chapter in your life.
Connect with Namita Mahanama
Get Your Copy of My Mummy After Our Baby