Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Fire and Cinder by Christina Bauer

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Christina Bauer will be awarding a fairy-tale charm bracelet to a randomly drawn winner (US Only) via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Meet the Magicorum: modern folks who are supernaturally locked into fairy tale life templates. For eighteen-year-old Elle, that role is Cinderella. Meanwhile, Agatha is her evil stepsister. Things go downhill from there…

Cinderella On The Run

Elle—never call her Cinderella—has found the love of her life in Alec Le Charme, the prince of a jewelry dynasty. But when Alec gets spirited away, Elle must ditch her Manhattan home for the perilous Faerie Lands. To save Alec, Elle must also swap her glass slippers for a flying carpet. But will switching templates from Cinderella to Aladdin snap Elle’s sanity?

Whatever. Bring on the straight jacket. Elle is one Cinderella who’s determined to save her prince, no matter what.

Evil Stepsister or Elf Queen?

Agatha always accepted her role as Elle’s evil stepsister. Then her life template changes from nasty sibling to evil elf queen. Agatha has one thought on that score. Thanks but no thanks. Agatha refuses the regal life, even though stepping away from her crown means ignoring her lifelong attraction to the elf prince, Jacoby.

Then everything changes. Agatha discovers that Elle’s life is at risk… and the only way to save her Cinderella is by teaming up with Jacoby. Trouble is, that’s a lot of togetherness. Working with Jacoby could easily end in disaster, not only for Agatha’s heart, but also for Elle and Alec’s lives.

Fairy Tales of the Magicorum

Modern fairy tales with sass, action, and romance

1. Wolves and Roses
2. Moonlight and Midtown
3. Shifters and Glyphs
4. Slippers and Thieves
5. Bandits and Ball Gowns
6. Fire and Cinder
7. Fairies and Frosting

Read an Excerpt


I lift my chin. “All my life, I wondered what it meant that I’m an elf,” I begin. “Now I know. When it comes to my people, there’s only one fairy tale life template... and that’s to hurt other people before they do the same to you. I want no part of it.”

Jacoby’s elegant features turn unreadable. He’s never looked more handsome and remote. “So what do you desire?”

“I’m going back to New York. My old home is still there. No one’s touched my room at Cynder Mercantile. I can return to the city and rebuild my life.”

Jacoby shakes his head. “But you still don’t know your true role in the Moonbeam court. You could be a royal. By returning to New York, who knows what you’re risking?”

I shake my head. “I’m retaking my life.”

Jacoby moves even closer. His eyes brim with an emotion I don’t want to name. “You must sense what’s between us.” The look turns so intense, it makes me shiver.

“I don’t want to be with an elven prince, Jacoby. Let me go.”

Long seconds tick by before Jacoby replies.

“As you command.”

I exhale. Yes. I’m about to return to New York and restart my human-style life. It doesn’t matter that Jacoby is smart, kind and strong. And I definitely don’t notice his handsome face and strong body. Sure, we did share a secret or two. Yet that kind of intimacy doesn’t mean anything.

I’m moving on with my life.

Jacoby means nothing.

And perhaps if I say that enough, I’ll start to believe it.

About the Author:
Christina Bauer thinks that fantasy books are like bacon: they just make life better. All of which is why she writes romance novels that feature demons, dragons, wizards, witches, elves, elementals, and a bunch of random stuff that she brainstorms while riding the Boston T. Oh, and she includes lots of humor and kick-ass chicks, too. Christina lives in Newton, MA with her husband, son, and semi-insane golden retriever, Ruby. She loves to connect with her fans.

Web site:

Barnes and Noble:

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Reaper: Aftermath by Jonathan Pongratz

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Jonathan Pongratz will be awarding a 15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Five years have passed since the Reapers invaded Earth and tore it asunder. Gregory, his mother, Trent, and their group of scavengers hunt the decimated wastelands for survival.

But when a sudden Reaper attack forces Gregory through a Reaper door, he finds himself in a bizarre place, one that may provide answers to the Reapers’ past and where they came from.

Can Gregory put together the pieces of the past and find his way home, or will he just become another human casualty in the lost war against the Reapers?

Read an Excerpt

A sudden noise woke me from my fitful sleep. I groaned and rolled over, squinting in the dark as I eyed Trent’s bed. He was fast asleep, snoring lightly. I sat up slowly, removing my covers.

I glanced at the doorway, flinching when I saw the outline of a dark figure standing there. I couldn’t make out much in the dim light from the hall, except that the person was short and had a feminine form.

I snatched my flashlight off the small end table next to my bed and shined it forward. My jaw dropped. My little sister stood before me. Her curly brown hair fell down in little ringlets, and she had an impish grin on her face.


She giggled, then ran off into the hall to the right.

“Imogen!” I cried. I couldn’t believe it. My little sister was back! I had to tell Mom, but first I had to get Imogen to stop running and tell me what happened, where she’d been all these years.

I scrambled out of bed and left my room, aiming my light down the hall. I caught a brief glimpse of Imogen before she turned a familiar corner to the right.

Why would she head to the library? We didn’t have time for games like this. I barrelled down the hall, my bare feet loud as they slapped against the tiled floor. Seconds later, I arrived at the small double doors of the school library. One of them was slightly ajar.

I entered the library with slow, cautious steps. The entrance was the only way out, but I didn’t want to spook my little sister. She must be so scared, confused to be back with everything so different.

A tall aisle of bookshelves stood before me, another opposing set on the other side of the room.

“Imogen?” I called.

I heard movement up ahead and crept closer.

When I reached the open center of the room I spotted Imogen several yards ahead, her back facing me. She stood before a large, rickety door that wasn’t supposed to be there. My stomach dropped. A Reaper door. She reached for the doorknob.

“Imogen, don’t!”

She ignored me, and as she opened the door a brilliant white light beamed through. I shielded my eyes with my arm. “Imogen!”

My little sister walked through the door. Without thinking I chased after her. I couldn’t lose her again. As I ran through the doorway, the blinding light suddenly snuffed out, replaced by darkness. I scanned my surroundings with my flashlight, a cold tingle shooting through me like icicles.

To my right a set of stairs led upwards. On my left, numerous items of furniture were draped in white sheets. Dozens of boxes stood in tidy columns behind them. This was … no, it couldn’t be. The basement from my old house in my hometown. But how was this even possible? We knew that the doors the Reapers used had to be some kind of portal, but this didn’t make any sense.

I shook my head. Find Immy first, ask questions later. I glanced at the stairs and ruled them out immediately. I’d been right behind her. If she’d climbed the stairs I would’ve seen her. I turned left. The covered furniture and other sheeted items created odd, threatening shapes in the dark. When I ran my light over them, a wave of dread shot through my core.

I needed to get out of here and fast. I frantically checked around each blanketed surface, calling for my sister as I progressed further into the basement. I made my way to the back where Immy had been taken five years ago, my anxiety soaring. Don’t think about it, don’t think about it, I thought to myself as I searched high and low.

Regardless, faded gritty images from the past flashed inside my head: the sudden appearance of the door in the wall, me scrambling to find a weapon to fight whatever would come out, Imogen being taken by the Reaper. Her cries ...

No. No, no, no! I wasn’t going to let the past get the better of me. I shined my light around again. “Immy, where are you? Say something, please!”

I headed down the aisle of boxes along the back wall of the basement, searching every nook and cranny. I was nearly through with my search when a familiar sofa with golf clubs sticking out from under it caught my eye. The white sheet draping the couch was discolored, misshapen. I inched closer until I could snag the sheet away.

As the white cloth fell to the floor, I cried out in horror. Imogen’s dead eyes stared straight up at the ceiling. Her chest and face were covered in blood, and her expression was frozen in shock and terror. I felt around desperately for a pulse, but couldn’t find one.

Oh god, oh god, oh god. This couldn’t be happening! I had just gotten her back. Warm tears rolled down my face, and I held my little sister in my arms as tightly as I could. “Please don’t leave me,” I squeaked.

A series of guttural warbles sounded nearby, making me jump. Goosebumps raised all over my body, and the air in the basement became heavy, electric. Reapers.

I released Imogen for a moment, taking a cautious look around. I couldn’t see them, but they could be anywhere. I reached for my gun, but grabbed at empty air. Shit! It was still in the storeroom back home. I mulled my situation over for a quick second. I couldn’t just sit here and let them find me. I scooped up Imogen’s body with a grunt and made my way back. I wouldn’t leave her here. She deserved better than that.

I tottered back to the open Reaper door as best I could, stumbling several times due to the awkward load in my arms. When I was just feet away, an inhuman shriek of protest stopped me dead in my tracks. I spun around. Three Reapers approached me from the way I’d just come. A cloaked Reaper, flanked by two others on all fours. The cloaked Reaper pointed a crooked finger in my direction, and the two hunter Reapers prowled forward. Saliva oozed from their mouths and their predatory yellow eyes leered at me dangerously.

I turned back around to escape, but the door was no longer there. With one hand I struck the wall in disbelief. No, it had just been here! The Reapers on all fours closed in on me, forcing me back against the wall.

“No,” I whimpered. I couldn’t believe it. This was it. This was the end. I looked down at Imogen’s still body, propping her up to me. I kissed her forehead, my vision watery with tears. “I love you, Immy.”

I glowered at the Reapers defiantly, just in time for them to pounce upon me.

About the Author:
Jonathan Pongratz is a writer and author of captivating horror, fantasy, and other speculative fiction stories. When he’s not writing, he’s busy being a bookworm, video game junkie, and karaoke vocalist. A former resident of Dallas, he currently resides in Kansas City with his Halloween cat Ajax. By day he works magic in finance, by night he creates dark and mesmerizing worlds.


Reaper: Aftermath Universal Ebook Link:
Amazon Paperback:
Barnes and Noble Paperback:

Reaper: A Horror Novella Universal Ebook Link:

Thursday, February 18, 2021

War of the Squirrels by Kirsten Weiss

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Kirsten Weiss will be awarding a signed, paperback copy of War of the Squirrels, an "Ever Vigilant" squirrel notepad, a squirrel wish bracelet, and a squirrel baseball cap (black) (US ONLY) to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Helicopter parents, suspicious squirrels… and murder.

All Susan wants is to get through this visit from her controlling parents without tumbling down a black hole of despair. But galactic forces are colliding at her whimsical B&B, Wits’ End, and her parents have plans of their own.

When two men die on the same day, both mysterious deaths are tied to her mom and dad. Meanwhile, a squirrel scofflaw is riling up the tiny mountain town of Doyle, and Susan realizes she’s the only person who can stop the madness. And if this B&B owner can’t put these crimes to rest fast, her carefully organized life may come crashing to earth.

This fast-paced and funny cozy mystery is book four in the Wits’ End series. Packed with quirky characters, small town charm, and murder, it’s perfect for fans of Jana Deleon, Tricia O’Malley, and Charlaine Harris.

Buy War of the Squirrels and start this hilarious caper today.

Read an Excerpt

If there’s anything worse than walking in on your parents in the throes of disposing of a body, I don’t want to know what it is.

But I’m getting ahead of myself.

Earlier that day, unaware of the disaster unfolding, I bent my head toward my reception desk and pretended this was a normal day.

“Susan,” Arsen said gently.

I drew careful diagonal lines through the completed tasks in my planner.

“Susan,” my boyfriend said again. “Now you’re starting to freak me out.”

At my feet, Bailey woofed in agreement. The aging beagle sat on my sneaker to punctuate his argument.

I set down ruler and pencil and straightened in the creaky swivel chair. “What am I supposed to do? My two ex-jailers are arriving any minute. They’re going to be watching me like hawks. Any signs of weakness, and…”

He sat on the desk and grasped my shoulder. “First, you’re not weak. Second, you’re not a teenager anymore. You’re an adult. There’s nothing they can do if you don’t let them.” He smiled, his hazel eyes crinkling.

Normally, crinkling hazel eyes would make me melt. This is especially true when they’re accompanied by an easygoing personality, square jaw, and killer smile.

But not today.

About the Author: Kirsten Weiss has never met a dessert she didn’t like, and her guilty pleasures are watching Ghost Whisperer re-runs and drinking red wine. The latter gives her heartburn, but she drinks it anyway.

Now based in Colorado Springs, CO, she writes genre-blending cozy mystery, supernatural and steampunk suspense, mixing her experiences and imagination to create vivid worlds of fun and enchantment.

If you like funny cozy mysteries, check out her Pie Town -, Tea and Tarot - , Paranormal Museum - and Wits’ End - books.

If you’re looking for some magic with your mystery, give the Witches of Doyle -, Riga Hayworth - and Rocky Bridges - books a try.

And if you like steampunk, the Sensibility Grey - series might be for you.

Kirsten sends out original short stories of mystery and magic to her mailing list. If you’d like to get them delivered straight to your inbox, make sure to sign up for her newsletter at

Feel free to follow her on Pinterest at KirstenWeiss, or on Bookbub -, get in touch on Facebook -, post a picture of this book to Instagram - and tag her @kirstenweissauthor, or send her an email. She’ll answer you personally…which may be a good or a bad thing, depending on your perspective.



Thursday, February 11, 2021

Piper's Song by Sara E. Tall

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Sara E. Tall will be awarding a $15 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Why do you write juvenile fiction? What draws you to it?

YA fiction was what I really fell in love with growing up, so I knew that was what I wanted to write. I think a lot of us love YA because humans grow and change so much in their teenage years. Most fiction is about character transformation, but with YA there’s just so much room for transformation. I also think teenagers make great protagonists because they are smart enough to deal with adult situations but dumb enough to deal with kid situations, if that makes sense. There’s just a lot of freedom in the type of story you can tell and the types of things that can happen.

Pretend your protagonist is at school and opens his/her locker – what will we see inside?

Billie’s not the most organized person, so it will probably be a mess. They’ll definitely be some anime cut-outs and maybe even a couple comic books. Front and center will probably be a gothic doll, with porcelain skin and blood red eyes, because they make her feel secure. Her schoolbooks and important homework assignments will probably be dumped unceremoniously at the bottom, forcing her to dig through them any time she needs anything important which almost always makes her late to class. Does that inspire her to be more organized? Not in the slightest.

What books were your favorite as a youth and why?

Harry Potter, of course. When I was younger I loved the Bailey School Kids and Nancy Drew. I was also a big on Percy Jackson, the Mortal Instruments, anything by Jim Butcher, and anything by Sarah Dessen. I have a tendency to get attached to characters, so I prefer series over stand alones, and the longer the better. I think I’ve always had appreciation for authors that could combine humor and drama so effortlessly together. I definitely tried to emulate that style in Piper’s Song.

What superpower would you love to have? Why?

This is so cliché, but I honestly think I just want to fly. I probably wouldn’t use it for good and evil or anything, I’d literally just fly all over the place. Teleportation might be kind of fun too, so I could save on travel expenses.

What book is on your nightstand currently?

I currently have three… which is pretty typical. Fiction-wise I’m reading The Ravens by Kass Morgan and Danielle Paige. It’s about a Witch Sorority, which is right up my alley. I’m also reading Idylls of a King by Alfred Lord Tennyson for research purposes. I’m on an Arthurian legend binge. Save the Cat! Writes a Novel by Jessica Brody basically lives on my nightstand. I highly recommend that book for all novel writers. It really breaks down the reasons behind story structure elements rather than just telling you what they are. Really gives you complete control over your storytelling.

Favorite TV show from your childhood?

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. My siblings and I could not get enough of that show. There were four of us so we each identified with a Ninja Turtle and then would act out their shenanigans in our basement. I honestly want to go back to being a kid just so I can relive those memories. Our game was that fun.

You’re stranded on a desert island—which character from your book do you want with you? Why?

Lucian, just because he’s got that practical survival instinct thing going so he could figure out a way to get us off the island. He’s also full of random information which could provide entertainment if we were stuck for a while.

Which one of your characters would you most like to meet IRL? Why?

Sedna Nightlock. She’s sort of a villain sort of not but she knows that she’s my favorite anyway. She’d probably spend the whole time terrorizing me, but I’d deal just to get to interact with a real life version of her. Sedna is also that person who sees the truth of things. She’s incredibly blunt, but it would be interesting to get her perspective on me.

Billie thinks stopping her fellow students from committing murder and almost getting kicked out of the Realm is as bad as it gets, but she should know better. Not only are seven of the most powerful students out for her blood, but Sedna —her former enemy turned ally— turns her enemy again when Billie refuses a part in her revenge scheme. What’s more, Alpha Administration’s refusal to address the injustice in their school is sparking a full-on rebellion, and a lot of innocents are going to be caught in the crosshairs. It isn’t just the school either, the Realm itself is overrun with violence and hatred, which will have deadly consequences. Lucian, her self-imposed magical guru, insists Billie’s extraordinary magic is the key to stopping the flood of violence coming their way. Billie knows her magic is extraordinary, but she also knows its destructive power. It might do more harm than good.

Read an Excerpt

“Leave her alone.” The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them. It took about a half a second for everyone’s eyes to swivel towards me, Sedna’s included. She looked like she wanted to tear my limbs off, one by one. I gulped.

And then she chuckled. “Billie, the hero, is here to save the day.”

I ignored the flush in my cheeks as I said coolly, “We both know she’s not the one you are mad at.”

And just like that, the smirk slipped off her face as her glower returned, like my candor had reminded her how much she hated me.

“It’s really cute how protective you are of your roommates,” she said coolly. “There’s one you might want to be a little more concerned about. She’s in the hospital. Her name is Artemis.”

I could swear my temperature dropped at the icy way she said Artemis’ name. I also couldn’t stop myself from looking down. My voice was small as I said, “I’m sorry for what—”

“Don’t,” her voice sliced through mine like a knife, “you dare apologize to me.”

For a moment, I really thought she was going to tear my limbs off, but she seemed too angry to move. No one else dared move either, even her friends. They just stared between the two of us, waiting to see who would break first.

It was me. “You want to pick a fight with me, fine.” I lifted my chin, trying to look more confident about that statement than I felt. “But leave her out of it.”

About the Author:
Sara’s enjoyed creating fantastic stories since she was old enough to hold a play sword, around the time she learned how to walk. Gradually she learned to direct her creative energy into writing, and it’s been a downward spiral ever since then. When she’s not writing she’s probably either dancing or reading Batman comics. She also loves running away to the mountains of Utah and Montana. Nothing gets more fantastic that those views.

Purchase Link:
The book will be $0.99.