This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Francina will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. You can see the rest of the stops here: Goddess Fish Promotions.
Why do you write juvenile fiction? What draws you to it?
I write YA because it is so inspiring. Teens are the bravest bunch of individuals I know (besides babies). They go forth every day bombarded by new experiences and the lack of maturity (read previous experiences) to deal with it. This is the time where we fail, get up, but still have to live with the humiliation of falling. I think these stories need to be told because teens are also the biggest underestimated group of people. YA, even though it is such a huge genre with a huge audience, is still considered a genre to be laughed at. I want to change that.
What books were your favorite as a youth and why?
My favorite books were the Pendragon series by D.J Machale and Warriors by Erin Hunter—when I think back it’s so weird how hard I was shipping those cats…Anyway…those books are full of adventure and possibility and I always think back and remember just how transported I was while reading them.
What did you want to be when you grew up? Why?
I remember being in the fourth grade when Mulan came out on VHS, I was sitting on my bed watching it in the dark with only the glow of my guppies’ fish tank to keep me from being completely blinded by the TV. Mulan was in a war worth fighting for (their words not mine) and I was just completely astounded that she was in the army. Not because I don’t think women should be in the army, but because it looked really cold, like a lot of hard work, and super tiring. So I decided I wanted to be an accountant because math was much easier. Needless to say…but that didn’t work out either.
What superpower would you love to have? Why?
I would totally have the power of invisibility (the kind that lets me walk through walls) that can also be extended to those I touch. That way I can always keep the people I love safe in any horrible events…and I can also find out how the lottery works or rig it for my benefit. Not to mention the times you’re reading and JUST WANT TO BE LEFT ALONE. Am I right?
What book is on your nightstand currently?
I’m currently reading A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas. Though I’m reading it I would NOT recommend this to anyone who should not be reading New Adult. It has explicit content and my biggest pet peeve with it is it’s on the YA shelf where 12 year olds who read books like Cinder can easily pick this up next thinking it will be another wholesome read. And dear lord…this is not suitable for young children. I actually go on at length about this on my Youtube Channel. Nonetheless I’m loving this book.
Hunger Games or Twilight? Why?
Totally Hunger Games. I LOVED that series. I loved how authentic the ending was. Katniss may not be warm and cuddly or witty and funny, but she was real. She was a girl who climbed out of the gutter and fought her way to freedom. Gotta love a girl like that and an author who stays authentic to her.
Sum up your book for Twitter: 140 characters or less.
The Keeper’s Vow is a story about a boy and a girl forced to carry a burden that has torn their families apart
You’re stranded on a desert island—which character from your book do you want with you? Why?
I’m going to cheat a little on this and pick a character from book two. I’m picking my girl Zuri, if she can’t get me off the island using her—skills—then she can at least help me survive rather easily—but only if I get book two Zuri…not book three Zuri. If it’s book three Zuri I’ll just stay by myself thank you very much. *Nervous laugh*
Playlist for your current book.
I am currently finishing up publication for book 2 and writing book 3. There are a TON of songs on both list so I will just pick a few:
Book 2 (Darkness Comes at Dawn)
Chandelier (Piano Version) By Sia
Sail (Feed Me Remix) by AWOLNATION
Who You Are (cover of Jessie J) by Anna Clendeming
Book 3 (From the Ashes)
Don’t Panic by Clarity
Dream (Jorgen Odegard Remix) Imagine Dragons
Bird Set Free by Sia
Everybody Wants To Rule The World (cover) Lorde
Landfill by Daughter
All these songs really have emotional meaning and ties to my book. I usually post my playlist on Youtube so you can check out all of book one’s now. Book two’s will be up closer to publication date.
All Katie Watts wants is to pass her junior-year, at Hamilton Private, with as little effort as possible—devoting time to knitting hats, breeding gerbils, becoming a movie critic, or even just sleeping. No wonder she isn’t ready for a world with vampires, werewolves, and nightmares.
Her life is shattered to pieces when Tristan gets stabbed in her front yard. She has no idea where he came from and worse, he hears her thoughts—and when she can’t take anymore, she starts to hear his. No one is who she thought they were. Her father is keeping secrets and when she searches for the truth, she ends up homeless.
As the truth claws its way to the surface, Katie and Tristan grow closer together and they find themselves connected in more ways than she can believe. But is honesty worth more than the peace blissful, ignorance brings? Especially if it sparks a chain of events that will end the lives of millions? Can she live with the truth that begins with her dead mother and ends with The Keeper’s Vow?
Enjoy an excerpt:
Training Day
In one move, Tristan kicked Katie’s legs out from under her and she hit the ground. “Shut up already. Be more focused on what you’re doing, not me. Do you think the werewolf or vampire who’s trying to kill you will compliment you on how you stabbed him in an artery? Get over yourself. I’m sick of listening to your crap. You never shut up.”
“Tristan!” Lucinda scolded.
Katie scrambled to her feet. Covered in dust and dirt. “Then get out of my head!” How dare he complain about invading her privacy.
“You think I enjoy this? Do you realize I spend my entire day trying to shut you out!” Tristan yelled back.
Lucinda, Allison, and Brian were staring at them, but Katie didn’t care if all of Boise was staring at them. She was tired of him. Sick of not knowing whether she was right to hate him or not. She clenched her fist and growled. “I can’t stand you.”
Tristan scowled. “Funny, you didn’t say that yesterday.”
“I never asked you to do anything. I didn’t show up at your school. I didn’t mess up your life!” she screamed.
“Katie,” Lucinda warned, taking a step towards them.
Maybe it wasn’t fair that she was taking out all of her anger on him, but he asked for it.
Tristan glared at her, his eyes unwavering as the sun beam down on them. “I didn’t ask for you. I didn’t ask for this. I didn’t have a choice.” He balled up his fist and walked off.
About the Author: Francina Simone is a writer of Epic Urban Fantasies brimming with Magic and Moral Ambiguity.
From the time Francina Simone entered kindergarten, she loved to read and share words with her friends. When she was in the fifth-grade, she was scared to read aloud and so the teacher concluded she wasn’t very good at reading—Francina read anyway.
Francina left her middle school book club behind for the daunting and exciting life as a high school freshmen. She was quickly told Young Adult books were childish and she should concern herself with finer literature—Francina read them anyway.
Francina waved good-bye to her high school life and strutted into University with her YA books and graphic paper to take notes. She witnessed the birth of a YA trend where publishers flocked to sell their stories to teens…stories that were underdeveloped and glaring with structural issues. The message she heard as a consumer was simple—common belief is YA readers aren’t good enough readers to discern quality stories or they are too childish to tell the difference.
Francina dropped her degree in chemistry and decided enough was enough—and set out to write the quality* stories her fellow readers deserved.
After her formative years she moved to Japan, with her best-friend and husband, land of some of the worlds best story-tellers and creators of unique manga. There she worked on her stories and the quest to understand what authenticity* in story means.
Now she lives in Boise with her husband, son, cat, and Catahoula. She spends most of her time battling the terrible-twos and puppy-dom. But when things are quiet—you can hear frantically typing away; her mind far away with her characters in their quest to make the right decisions in a world brimming with magic and moral ambiguity.
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