Thursday, January 1, 2015

NBTM and Giveaway - Midnight and the Man Who Had No Tears

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will award one randomly drawn winner a $25 Amazon or B&N GC via rafflecopter. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Why do you write juvenile fiction? What draws you to it?

I write juvenile fiction because there is an innate magic in childhood. The amount of possibility from a child’s perspective in very heart-filling and inspiring to me. I was fortunate to have an amazing family experience, full of love early in my life. My parents’ divorce changed that experience, introducing me to heartbreak. One place I both escaped and found understanding was through reading. I want to provide that experience for other children.

What books were your favorite as a youth and why?

One of my favorite books as a child was a book called “Tough Tiffany”. Not only was she my namesake, but we were the same age, dealing with being raised by a mother who was struggling financially. It was the first time I really related to a character. I also loved reading Shel Silverstein’s Where the Sidewalk Ends”. It opened the door for me enjoying poetry as a child.

What’s your favorite sweet treat?

Oh, I love so many sweet things...I am a sucker for a moist cake though. Chocolate or lemon-- ooh, with a nice glaze or frosting. Yum yum!

What did you want to be when you grew up? Why?

When I was 13, I remember I wanted to be a hermit and live by the sea. Somewhere, I think I always knew it wanted to write :)

What would you write in a letter to your teen self?

To my awkward, teen self I’d say: You are a late-bloomer compared to your peers. Hang in there, because your gifts of passion and observation will serve you well in your later years. Don’t let heartbreak keep you from loving, your heart is much more resilient than you believe now. Oh and in 20 years, the all-consuming Carlton-crush will not be of any significance. At all.

Playlist for your current book.

I’m currently working on the next story in the Midnight Series, and the playlist includes a lot of Jill Scott. Specifically, “The Fact Is (I Need You)”, “Wanna Be Loved”, “Hear My Call”, “I Keep” and “Do You Remember Me?”. The songs are all about love and connection, losing and finding one’s self. Very beautiful.

Who was your teenaged crush? Why?

Ugh. Carlton Jones. Because he was tall (6’3”, I’m 5’11”) and wore Obsession for Men. I was a teenager, lol.

In the magical land of Shina, Midnight is the Keeper of Dreams and Protector of Children. On her nightly journey down the river of dreams, she meets the Red Family, whose child is going with Midnight for the first time.

The dark cloud of sadness that consumes their house confuses Midnight, and the entire family must embark on a journey to find out why an angry father can show no kindness to his only child.

There is a land called Shina so far away that the only way to get there is to close your eyes and dream. It is a land where magic’s mystery makes itself known. Where the light of LIFE, the gift of the MOST HIGH, burns in everyone’s eyes. Where the Spiritfolk live and walk amongst the peoplefolk, and it is where you can find Midnight, the Keeper of Dreams and Protector of Children.

Now, everyone agreed that Midnight was the most beautiful spirit to ever be born to the land of Shina. She had the richest, blackest hair with the richest, blackest skin, and the richest, blackest face you ever did see. And without a question, she had the richest, blackest eyes known to her land. Eyes so deep, that when she opened them, she eclipsed the sun, calling forth the richest, blackest night. And when her work was done, she rested her melanin-filled eyes, letting the sun once again shine brightly on the land.

Now Midnight, just like everyone who lived in Shina, had a job or a duty called upon her in order to keep the land in balance. Midnight’s job was to guide the sleeping children down the Ndoto River, the river of dreams, taking them to Asili, the most mystical part of Shina—where rainbows were made, where stars got their tickle, where butterflies got their colors, and where each child was blessed to enjoy the magic of childhood, a marvelous gift from the MOST HIGH.

About the Author:

Writer/Director Tiffany Golden was trained in Motion Picture Production at the Academy of Art University. She has worked creatively with school-aged youth for 15 years in an effort to support their voices being heard and shared. Her work with young people has led to dozens of her students being published, having their films featured in festivals, installations in major museums, and the highlight of many community-based events.

“I have worked with children for a long time, and I have witnessed firsthand their magic and resilience. I wanted to create a legacy that holds them sacred, reminding us all of the true gift that they are, so they may be cherished. This story was channeled out of complete love; inspired by individuals, and written with an open heart for the collective 'we'.”
AMAZON BUY LINK: 1497560438/ref=pd_rhf_se_p_img_2


  1. I liked the interview always a fun read

  2. Seems a very interesting read based on the excerpt.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you for taking the time, I appreciate it.

  4. I enjoyed the interview and learning more about you.

    1. Thank you so much for taking out time to learn about my book and my quirks :)

  5. Sound like a great book! Loved the interview, I always think the best part about the post is reading/learning about the author, insight to the person behind the book!!
    thankyou- happy new year

    1. Thanks for taking the time out, Linda! Happy new year!

  6. This was an awesome interview and the book looks really fun! What was your favorite part about writing it?

    1. Thanks Andra! My favorite parts about writing the book were two moments: the first being when a pivotal scene's problem revealed its solution, and when two characters who were always fighting got together, they cracked me up with their back and forth.

  7. Thank you so much for hosting me and the book, I appreciate it so much!

  8. I enjoyed reading the interview. It is interesting to learn why Tiffany writes juvenile fiction.

  9. I liked the interview best. This book sounds like a fun and interesting read. I will totally have to add this book to my "to-read" list.

  10. Today I liked the book blurb best. Can't wait to read this book!

  11. I loved the interview! I love cake too!

  12. I liked the interview!

