Friday, October 31, 2014


This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Angela will be awarding a the winners choice of one of the following prizes (international giveaway -- All photos used from Etsy shops that she plans to purchase the gifts from. Actual gift will be sourced from winner's country and will likely look different for international winners):

1.  Dragon earcuff. A tiny dragon that wraps around your ear just like Ennara's wraps around her wrist! Ennara would not approve.

2. Potions master decal kit: Trick out your Kitchenaid with this decal kit! Ennara approved.

3. Emergency Potion Necklace: Potion/necklace dependent on winner's location. Ennara approved.

Or the winner may choose something from Ennara Swag (if they live in the US).

When strange accidents start happening around thirteen year-old necromancer Ennara and her friends, she must search for the mysterious stolen artifacts causing the attacks while learning the highest form of magic--the spells that could prevent the fruition of a terrible prophecy.

Now enjoy an excerpt:

Ennara dashed through the statue’s legs to the center of the room. This would be her one chance to get it right.

First, the Source. She focused on the clear light that was the source of all—the central possibility that made her world and her magic.

Then, the enlightened ones. The familiar tinkling filled the air once more. The dim room brightened slightly.

Finally, the creature before her. Kelach the Knight, a symbol of the gift of protection, twisted by dark magic into a force of violent abandon. Ennara visualized the hero of legend, standing firm at the tunnels of the Royal Way to ensure the people of Ililsa escaped the troll, goblin and wraith army of the Fallen Druid Ardewynn.

A sense of peace, strength and determination settled on her. The giant statue turned and raised his ax once more. He hesitated mid-swing. Was her meditation working? Ennara refocused, calling on the Great Protector’s spirit.

A column of orange-red light burst into the room above her, momentarily enshrouding the statue and herself. When it vanished, the room had shifted. She was no longer conjuring the great protector, she was the great protector.

A deep, hearty voice filled her mind. Fear not, Ennara. Touch this damned image of my former self. It will be freed from its dark curse.

Warm courage flooded her. Her stomach relaxed, her shoulders fell. The massive stone figure roared as it plunged its huge angular blade down. Ennara breathed deeply into her belly. She took a small step back and raised her hand. She lightly toughed the stone ax as it swung inches from her face.

An orange-red shimmer crossed the stone, rippling through the statue. The monster’s fierce expression softened, transforming once more into the courageous legendary soldier. He seemed to regard her briefly, an intelligence crossing behind those blank eyes, and returned to inanimate rock.

Ennara looked to her friends. She’d found the key to unlocking the spell on the statues. Now she just had to use it on the others before it was too late.

Angela Myron was born in Vancouver, Canada in 1973. She grew up in the piney forests of southern British Columbia, studying tiny blue bells, dodging hidden cacti, and creating fantasy worlds in her back yard. She loved to imagine lands of fairies and goblins, then invite friends over to introduce them.

Angela studied biology and professional writing at university, starting her degree at the University of Victoria in Canada and finishing it at San Francisco State University. She wrote grant proposals for nonprofits, technical manuals for software, and freelance journalism before writing fiction.

Buy links:

http:// view/449530

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Virtual Tour: Black Cats and Ballet Shoes - Iva Valentino

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will be awarding a $25 Amazon gift card to one randomly drawn commenter via Rafflecopter. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Gemma Mayfield feels like middle school is a lot to bite off and chew. School, ballet classes, and planning on how to get Trevor Davis to ask her to the Halloween Dance are a tough balancing act. On top of that, Gemma is convinced that her science teacher, Ms. Pruett, is a witch.

When things start getting fishy at school, Gemma knows that Ms. Pruett is behind it all! Students are getting spells placed on them and start to go missing. Gemma and her best friend, Izzie, vow to stop Ms. Pruett from doing any more damage. Will they be able to save Middleton Middle School from witchcraft?

Enjoy an excerpt:

I am convinced that my teacher is a witch. I’m not saying that she acts witchy, like she’s mean or anything. Completely the opposite, as far as I’m concerned. Ms. Pruett is so nice that she’s TOO nice.

Ms. Pruett is the kind of teacher that masquerades as your grandma. I’m not kidding! She shuffles around the classroom with her white frizzy hair poking up all over the place out of her bun. She calls the kids “dearie,” like ALL THE TIME. She also passes out candy a lot, although I’ve never eaten any. (I’ve been too scared, but no one’s keeled over or turned into a spider yet.)

I think there’s something really creepy about her.

Like, for instance, I was sitting in Ms. Pruett’s science class today. Ms. Pruett was at the front of the room, droning on about the respiratory system of frogs. Blah, blah, blah. Every once in a while she would come down one of the rows in the classroom, gripping her frog model and pointing to some frog part. And then she’d stop, make eye contact with a kid or two, and smile this sweet, sickening smile. It was sort of mesmerizing.

I always find myself unable to stop staring at the wart on her face. Izzie says it’s a mole, not a wart. I prefer to think otherwise. Sometimes it surprises me that we’re best friends since we disagree on this very important matter.

I don’t think that Izzie in general is as convinced as I am that Ms. Pruett is a witch. What’s not to believe? Wart on nose, the fact that she must be over a hundred years old, and the spooky room that we have class in every day. Ms. Pruett calls her classroom the “Science Laboratory”. Yikes! How much more creepy can you get?

About the Author:
Iva Valentino lives in Arizona with her husband and their dog, Lupo. She graduated from the University of Arizona with a Bachelor’s degree in Biology and a Master’s degree in Education. She loves living year- round in the warm desert.

Iva spent many years as a middle school teacher, where she enjoyed doing fun science experiments with her students. She currently works as a science editor at an educational publishing company. She loves travel, yoga, and photography. There is nothing that brings her more happiness than a good dance class!

Blog: Facebook: ivaavalentino

Buy the book at MuseItUp Publishing, Amazon, or Barnes and Noble. (on sale for $1.35 at publisher and Amazon)

Monday, October 27, 2014

Shadows of Ghosts - Stefan Haucke VIRTUAL TOUR AND GIVEAWAY

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour. Prizes for the tour are as follows:

• One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $50 Amazon/ gift card.
• One randomly chosen host will receive a $25 Amazon/ gift card.

Which mythological create are you most like?

That's hard to say, I've never identified myself with a mythological creature. Maybe Chiron the centaur who loved music and learning.

What are four things you can't live without?

Air, water, food and books. I have a severe addiction to reading. I love all sorts of stories, it doesn't matter the genre, as long as the story is well written. I also love reading history and books about science. Although, technically I could live without books I wouldn't want to.

What is your favorite television show?

My favorite TV how is Six Feet Under. Very well written. A great mixture of drama and humor. Some other TV shows I enjoy: Breaking Bad, Mad Men, The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones.

What is something you've lied about?

I very rarely lie. Generally if I lie it's to save someone's feelings. "Does this dress make me look fat?" "No, of course not."

If you could travel back in time, what historical events would you like to witness?

I would love to see Shakespeare's Hamlet the first time it was performed. It would be fascinating to see how the play was originally performed. Or almost any of Shakespeare's plays. Also,

I would love to witness Aeschylus's Oresteia trilogy when it was first performed in ancient Greece. I would also like to see Mark Twain giving one of his famous comedic performances. Another event I would like to witness is an abolitionist meeting in the United States shortly before the Civil War. I would especially like to hear Fredrick Douglass speak. He was known as a great orator. And it would be fascinating to witness one of the Lincoln Douglas debates.

Shadows of Ghosts carries readers to Enara, a kingdom at war with itself, where for centuries centaurs have been treated like animals because of their horse-like lower bodies; they've been forced to work as slaves in the southern agricultural provinces, and have been bought and sold like livestock. But a strong abolitionist faction has convinced many that centaurs' human torsos, heads, and intellectual abilities make them humans, who should be liberated from slavery and granted the same rights as any other person.

After four years of being forced to live in a remote village and having to keep his real identity a secret, Cal Lanshire, days away from his thirteenth birthday, is given the best birthday present he can imagine. He is told the war is almost over and he will soon be allowed to return home.

But then an old acquaintance unexpectedly arrives with news that changes everything. Cal's father, the king, has been assassinated.

Suddenly the outcome of the war and the very fate of the kingdom depend upon Cal being able to reach the capital where he will take his father's place.

With only his crafty best friend by his side and an escaped centaur slave to guide him, can Cal make it through an enchanted, hostile wilderness, past the assassins sent to kill him, and back to the capital before it's too late?

Enjoy an Excerpt:
Suddenly, Grintar shouted something, but Cal couldn’t understand the words. Grintar’s men spread out, and there was a tension that Cal could sense, like the way it felt seconds before a bolt of lightning was about to strike nearby. Grintar raised his sword over his head, held it there for several seconds, and then he swooped it down, slashing it through the air, and shouted, “Advance!”

Chaos exploded. Crossbow bolts and arrows whistled through the air, and men on both sides charged forward, yelling battle cries, and the ringing sounds of metal striking metal pierced the air as the opposing troops crashed into each other. Soon the agonized screams of the wounded and dying joined the other sounds.

The men who were guarding Cal moved him back, and they tightened their circle around him so that their shields were almost touching; Cal strained to see out through the thin slits in between the shields. All he saw was an occasional flash from the sun reflecting off metal, and at one point he saw a streak of red, which he was certain was blood pouring out of a wounded man.

It was difficult to estimate how long the battle lasted. The agonized screams and the ringing of metal striking metal seemed interminable, and it took all of Cal’s willpower not to clasp his hands over his ears, but the battle stopped so abruptly Cal had a sense that it hadn’t lasted more than three or four minutes. There came a brief span of absolute silence which, after the battle’s cacophony, seemed eerie, as if the dead had suddenly demanded the payment of silent respect.

About the Author

Stefan Haucke, driven by the desire to learn about other cultures and the need for adventure, has traveled to over twenty nations. He rode a camel near the pyramids in Egypt, swam with sea lions in the waters of the Galapagos Islands, climbed the Great Wall of China, hiked near the Acropolis in Athens, went dog sledding in northern Michigan, and photographed polar bears in Canada.

Along his many travels, Stefan has successfully worked as a deckhand, a shepherd, a dispatcher for an emergency services unit, an electric meter reader, and an office manger. He has also found the time to study the literature and history of ancient Greece, Russia, and the United States, and loves reading folktales, fairytales, and urban legends. He also enjoys astronomy, and on clear nights can be found gazing at the stars and planets with his telescope.

My website:
My GoodReads page:
My Book can be purchased on:
Kindle Edition
Barnes & Noble
Indie Bound - Independent Bookstores

Friday, October 24, 2014

All Things to Everyone by Aldred Chase - Book Review and Giveaway

This review is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Enter the Rafflecopter below for a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour (and more chances to win).

Fifteen year old Paul Blake is not looking forward to spending quality time with his grandmother, who has never taken an interest in him. This time however, things are different because he reveals to her an ability to see the supernatural. She wants to train him but she is not the only one who is keen to help him develop his talents. He soon realizes that he can't be all things to everyone and he will have to make some difficult decisions. His choices will lead him into a terrifying fight for survival that will test his skill and courage to the limit.

All Things to Everyone is the first book in the Sinister Sydney Series: stories where the supernatural pierces the thin skin of modern life in Sydney.

My Review:

This is a short, but exciting introduction to what promises to be a fun, new series set in Sydney, Australia.

Paul and his mom have led a fairly nomadic existence up to now and the few times they have visited with his grandmother, the visits have been cut short by the clashing chemistry between mother and daughter. But this time, things are different.

Paul has the ability to see things as they really are--unlike most of the population and when his grandmother discovers this, she (and her Ladies Historical Society) determine to help him develop his talents. But, he soon runs into another couple, who run the interesting little store "All Things to Everyone" who would also like to help him with this and Paul must discover where his loyalties lie.

The author does a good job of bringing the characters to life--Gran is very much a curmudgeon, while Lynn, Paul's mom, has a quick temper of her own--and has trouble staying in one place (or with one man) for long since her husband died. And Paul-- Paul is a teenage boy who has learned from moving so often that the best way to get along is just to fade into the background and not cause waves. Unfortunately, he's placed in a position where that's not possible.

The story was set up well.. with enough information slowly doled out that fills you in on Paul and Lynn's background without have a lot of information dumped on you--and while this story doesn't leave you hanging, the reader knows there are more adventures to come. And I'm looking forward to reading the next book in the series. Well done, Mr. Chase. Rating: 4

Enjoy an excerpt:

Later that evening, I approached Mum in the back garden. She was smoking furiously, sucking the life out of one of her cigarettes like she had a grudge against it, the glowing orange tip a beacon in the dark.

I wondered if Mum had set things up earlier, letting me go into the lounge and bursting in a few minutes later to attack the members of the Ladies Historical Society. In her own mind, she would now have a valid excuse to leave. “We can’t walk out, Mum,” I said. “We have nowhere to go.”

A mosquito buzzed around us. Mum shot out a jet of smoke at it and it fell silent. “Your gran is crazy,” she said.

“Does it matter?” I said.

Mum took a savage drag on her cigarette, making it flare up like a bush fire. She breathed out a spray of smoke. “Your gran and her cronies, emphasis on the crone, believe this suburb is full of mournful ghosts, wandering ghouls and open graves,” she said. “This might seem funny or harmless or even a little pathetic and sad, but it’s done a lot of damage over the years.”

She lit a new cigarette from her old one and stubbed the old one out in a plant pot, grinding it into the soil. “Mum joined the Ladies Historical Society when I was a little girl,” she said. “Dad saw it for the nonsense it was, but Mum became obsessed with it. It drove a wedge between them and it broke Dad’s heart, literally.

About the Author: Aldred Chase is the author of the Nobody’s Fool Quartet and the Sinister Sydney Series. His first experience of fantasy fiction was reading ‘The Hobbit’ at school, and he has been hooked on the genre ever since. His favorite places for writing are cafes and park benches, but he does most of his work sitting at his desk. His best ideas come to him when he is travelling by train or walking by the sea.

His current writing project is ‘Lurker’, the second book in the Sinister Sydney Series.

Aldred’s website:
Aldred on Facebook:

All Things To Everyone can be purchased at Amazon

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Virtual Book Tour and Giveaway: PROJECT FIREBIRD by NICK GREEN

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Nick will be awarding a $20 Amazon GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Don’t ask Leo Lloyd-Jones. Ask him how to steal a car, or why he got excluded from every school in Salford, but don’t come to him for help. This whole thing must be a daft mistake – and if anyone finds out, he’s done for.

Earth is on a deadly collision course that nothing can prevent. The only real hope is Project Firebird, deep inside a blast-proof bunker that shelters the brightest and bravest young people. Leo has got mixed up with the likes of Rhys Carnarvon, the celebrated teenage polar explorer, and other child prodigies chosen to keep the flame of civilisation.

Among them is the streetwise Paige Harris, a girl Leo likes a lot (but not in that way). Paige is desperate to rescue her little sister from London before the catastrophe strikes. But no-one is crazy enough to try that. Almost no-one.

‘Some of the brightest young people on the planet. Yet not one of you can make a cup of tea.’

Paige twitched into life.

‘That ain’t true! We’re not all useless around the house. I’ll do it.’

‘Thank you,’ said David. ‘One cup of tea, please. But you must make it all by yourself. No-one can help.’

Paige rolled her eyes – as if! David called after her.

‘I do mean no-one, Paige. No-one at all. Anywhere or anywhen.’

She turned. ‘You what?’

‘Tea,’ said David. ‘Let’s go. First you’ll need water. Clean water. I don’t want to get diarrhoea. So find some. Remember, no help. Not from water companies, or plumbers, or bottle manufacturers. Just you. There’s a lake a few miles away, but streams might be safer. Either way, you’d better start walking now. Maybe take some food along.’

A few uneasy sniggers trailed off. Paige stopped halfway to the door, her face daring David to make fun of her. He continued, counting on his fingers.

‘Something to carry the water in, you’ll need that. A sturdy vessel to boil it in. Pottery is good. Hunt for some clay while you’re out. Enough for a water pot, a teapot and a cup. Plus fuel of course. Wood for the fire. A bow-and-drill, or some other way of lighting it –’

‘This ain’t fair!’ Paige exploded. David held up a hand. Now his smile was kind.

‘It’s all right, Paige. You can sit down. Sorry to put you on the spot.’

About the Author: Nick Green lives in the UK. He is the author of seven fiction books to date, including the middle-grade CAT KIN trilogy published by Strident. His other books include THE STORM BOTTLE, a fantasy adventure about the dolphins of Bermuda, and most recently the FIREBIRD trilogy, a YA science fiction epic. nickgreen_catkin

Buy the book at Amazon.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Spotlight and Giveaway: Vanished from Dust by Shea Norwood

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Shea Norwood will be awarding a $25 PayPal, Amazon or BN GC via rafflecopter. Click on the banner to see the other stops on the tour.



Eric Stark is not insane. Or at least he doesn’t think so. He wishes everyone in Dust, Texas, felt the same way. But that’s not going to happen since the whole town thinks he’s crazy. Why didn’t he keep his mouth shut?

No one understands. Eric is alone as he battles his sanity in a town of tormenters. Suddenly a new friendship emerges after the new kid, Kyle Barrett, moves to town.

Eric reluctantly reveals his secret. Is it a curse or a gift? He isn’t certain, but with Kyle by his side he finds the courage to seek the truth.

They soon realize that something sinister is descending on the residents of Dust.

Is it caused by Eric’s phantoms or is it something else? Is it connected to the mysterious death of hundreds of townspeople over sixty years ago? One thing is certain—only Eric and Kyle can save them.

They set out on a heart-pounding adventure and find themselves transported to a disturbed and deserted version of their small southern town. They quickly discover that this new world has mysteries of its own to uncover. What they find could prove more than they bargained for, and it only leads to more questions. Eric and Kyle must face a horrifying fact—they may never get out alive.

“We’re gonna die here,” Kyle muttered.

“I don’t believe that,” Eric said. “And neither do you.”

Will they survive their encounter with these dark and mysterious beings?

Will they find a way back home?

Or will they be lost forever?

The Vanished from Dust series is perfect for anyone who craves a hair-raising thriller packed with mystery and suspense. This paranormal story for young adults can be compared to Stand by Me, mixed with Odd Thomas, and a twist of The Dark Tower.

Enjoy an excerpt:

“Anyone there?” A large man asked in a loud and forceful voice.

Kyle peaked over the hedge and ducked down quickly. “I think he saw me.”

“No way,” Eric said, his heart still pumping hard in his chest. He edged his head over the hedge.

There was no one at the door.

Seconds later the light went out.

“He went back inside.” Eric stood up, ready to leave.

“Let’s go do another one.” Kyle walked into the street. “This time it’s your turn.”

“Okay,” Eric said.

A porch light came on without warning.

Eric thought of his mantra to run instinctively but froze instead as a large man darted outside with amazing speed for his size. He was pointing a shotgun directly at them. They were standing in the darkness of the street just out of reach of the man’s vengeful eyes.

“Stop right there, you little pricks,” the fat man said in an authoritative tone.

The shotgun was still pointed at them. “I’m gonna call your daddies and tell ’em what you’re up to. Or better yet, shoot you with this salt rock I loaded just for punk kids like you who knock on my door in the middle of the night.”

“Let’s run,” Eric whispered. His heart was pounding even faster now.

“Screw that! He has a twelve gauge pointed at us.”

“What are your damn names?” The man, still in his overalls, stood in his yard. By now, his wife and two young children were among the audience.

The hammer on the shotgun pulled back, making a distinctive click.

“Run!” Eric shouted and bolted. He was reminded of Kenny Rogers’s well-sung advice, which correlated nicely with his innate nature to run when confronted with danger.

An ear-piercing explosion shot through the night sky as rock salt slammed into the road in front of Eric. It sounded like thousands of shards of glass crashing against the pavement all around him.

About the Author:
Shea Norwood is a West Texas native that currently lives in the DFW area with his wife and son. He's an avid reader and enjoys the craft of writing. The fictional town of Dust is loosely based on a small town south of Odessa, TX.

Twitter Handle: @sheanorwood

Buy the book at Amazon

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

My Name is Thank-You by Kaizen Love - Virtual Tour and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Kaizen Love will be awarding a $15 BN/Amazon GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Thanks to Kaizen for stopping by to chat today!

What books were your favorite as a youth and why?

Whenever I see this question, I get a bit excited. I am never too sure how to answer it. Should I start to list the books by name, or should I categorize them by genre? Growing up, I had a new (borrowed) book just about every other day. My favorites were books about love, real-life issues, and randomly...psychiatric disorders. Books such as "She's Come Undone" by Wally Lamb, and "I Never Promised You A Rose Garden" by Joanne Greenberg topped my "favorites" list in middle school, and they have never left me.

What’s your favorite sweet treat?

My sweet tooth is both my arch nemesis and one of my closest friends. I love almost anything covered in sugar, chocolate, syrup, sauce, sprinkles, and icing!

What would you write in a letter to your teen self?

The letter to my teen self would be quite short. It would say:

One day you are going to be an actual grown-up, and be able to decide for yourself the kind of life that you want to have, and the kind of human that you want to be. Don't change a thing about yourself, because you are enough today, and every moment that you think you can't survive, becomes nothing more than a tool that you will use to build a better tomorrow.

What book is on your nightstand currently?

"The Art Of Communicating" by Thich Nhat Hanh. If you are in need of inspiration, or a kick-start to understanding how to live a better life, I highly recommend his books!

Favorite hot beverage. Why?

I think I may have to go with Teeccino Caffeine-Free Herbal Coffee, because I love coffee, and this has to be the first hot beverage that I have tried that comes close to being a suitable replacement, and a much healthier option.

Favorite pizza toppings.

Extra Cheese. Pineapples. Mushrooms. Onions. Banana Peppers. Yum!

You’ve just won a million dollars and you’re not allowed to save any of it. What do you spend it on?

This is a funny question, because my fiancé and I were laying in bed talking about this just the other day. We would buy a new house, a new car, and give the rest away to our families, and favorite charities.

Playlist for your current book.

I am a huge fan of Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, and use his albums as a gateway to my creative zone. The music that he has developed to enhance brain function in certain areas is wonderful. I am not trying to prove whether or not what he claims his music can do is legitimate. I am just a writer, trying to write to the best of my mental ability...and his music, for me, is an important part of my process.

Sum up your book for Twitter: 140 characters or less.

Inspirational, at times devastating, and ultimately life changing; this is more than a novel, it is a journey into the power of gratitude.

My Name Is Thank-You allows us into the worlds of two very different thirteen-year-old girls. Each girl’s voice carries its own unique tone, as the girls beckon us to follow magically into their lives. One is a joyous story of hope against all odds, the search for acceptance, and the longing for unconditional love; the other a sad tale of unspeakable abuse, constant rejection, and an overwhelming sense of loneliness. Thank-You and Josephine create around us a world rich with emotion, one that will leave you inspired, breathless, and yearning for more words.

Enjoy an excerpt:

"There is nothing better than being able to swim in a pool of knowledge so deep it forces ignorance to be uncomfortable in its own skin, to where it no longer holds a sense of being, a sense of purpose. That’s what books do. They allow us to live in the minds of every type of human. They allow us to taste the kind of freedom that even the end of slavery didn’t bring."

Kaizen Love is an up and coming writer, spinning words into a beautiful web that should enrich the lives of all who read them. She has a positive and fresh take on life, and has mastered the art of storytelling. She grew up reading books by authors from every style, race, nationality, culture, and religious perspective; drawing inspiration from each one. Her greatest mission is to share love.

Amazon Link:




Goodreads: https://www.goodreads


Monday, October 6, 2014

Broken by Tanille Edwards

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will be awarding a $15 Starbucks GC to one randomly drawn winner via the rafflecopter at the end of this post. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Meet Milan, a young supermodel with a disability from New York’s Upper East Side, who falls deeply in love as she is coming of age. In this romantic drama, the emotional conflict of a girl’s inner soul is revealed as she deals with a first love, the pain of loss, and the pleasures of stardom, all while coping with a lifelong secret. In the world of Milan, the people are real, the situations are rolling, and the truth is often concealed. Broken is a racy circle of sisterhood, laced with a touch of earthiness, glamour, wealth, and fame.

Enjoy an excerpt:

“See any cute guys yet?” I asked.

“The jury is still out,” Sierra said. Just then, I felt a light touch on my shoulder. It kind of tickled. I turned around and was met with friendly dark eyes. He was about six-foot-two. He was built, too. He had athletic broad shoulders, muscular legs, and a cute crooked smile. His T-shirt and cargo shorts were really lacrosse-boyish. He reminded me of a comic book character. He was kind of like Jughead with more of a sun-kissed complexion.

Had I eaten one too many five-cent bubble gums wrapped in Archie comics? I guess this made me Veronica—I laughed at the thought.

“I’m Merek,” he said. I turned around for a second. Sierra was out of sight. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that Cara had made a beeline for Dimitri. Odd, yet interesting. What did she want with him? What did she want with us, for that matter? Maybe just to be friends. Was I that rusty at making new friends?

“I’m Milan.”

“You seem to know many people from my school,” he said.

“Is that so?”

“Maybe I should know you. You go there?” he asked.

“Yeah. What year are you?”

“I’ll be a senior next year,” he said.

“Where did you go before?”

“Beverly Hills High.”

“A West coaster! That’s where the wicked tan comes from. Beach bum.” I laughed.

He had very fine features. His petite nose added to my comic book theory. It was as if someone had drawn his nose. He had big, manly hands. I noticed because he kept fumbling with them.

“Well, not a true, as you call it, West coast boy. My father is a diplomat. I’ve lived in a few places. For now, we call New York home,” he said.

“Good choice.”

“Now that I met you. I will thank my father. New York is a great choice,” he said.

I felt something about him. Odd.

“Did you have something to drink?” he asked.

“Chai Tea Latte is my drink.”

He stood there for a moment, thinking.

“Uh. I got it,” he said.

I watched him walk away. What was I doing? He turned around and walked back toward me. I bit my lip a little. It’d been two years since I let a guy buy me anything. And for good reason, I had to remind myself. “I see you came here with three girls. Do they want something?”

ABOUT THE AUTHOR:  Tanille is the co-author and creator of the children's green book series "Jordan & Justine's Weekend Adventures." She is also the author of the new media young adult novel with music "Cameo by Tanille." Th¬e Undercover Starlet Journal is a title Tanille created to inspire young women and has extended Undercover Starlet into brand extensions that appear throughout her novels. Tanille has been writing since age 16.



Readers get free music downloads of the new Pop R&B hits "All of Me" and "What's a Girl to Do" by Tanille, and more with purchase.

Broken is on sale for only $1.99 for a limited time at all outlets