Monday, December 9, 2024

Mindcraft by Darryl Vidal

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Darryl Vidal will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

On the eve of the Global MindCraft Universe Challenge, Justin Turner, a teenage master of the titular virtual reality game, and his friends (known online as the Digital Mavericks) discover a sinister underbelly within the MindCraft Universe that may use artificial intelligence and virtual manipulation to end the world as we know it.

Read an Excerpt

The foray into EduNex’s Curriculum base unfolded like a treasure trove of knowledge, offering a profound depth of data and information across every conceivable discipline and subject. In the core of his academic pilgrimage lay a technological marvel that wove the fabric of education and technology into an academic spider’s web—EduNex. The school's Learning Management System stood as the bedrock of educational efficacy. A ubiquitous platform that boosts every student’s aptitude in every aspect of their learning experience.

EduNex wasn't just an LMS; it was an educational ecosystem that had become the standard across all schools in the state. Its influence extended far beyond the confines of a traditional learning management system. When Justin navigated its intuitive VR interface, he often found himself immersed in a world where every nuance of the learning process was invisibly aided. It wasn’t a cheating platform—more of a virtual world book encyclopedia—without the book.

The scope of EduNex was staggering. It served as the central repository for student information¬—a digital canvas where class syllabi, schedules, grades, and academic reports coexisted. But it went further, seamlessly integrating the intricacies of remote and hybrid learning. Voice and video conferencing brought the classroom to life, transcending physical boundaries and fostering an environment where learning knew no limits and no borders.

Everything on EduNex is collaborative. Whether with peer students, teachers, subject-matter-experts, researchers, or anyone else with an Internet connection—every module within the EduNex suite offered the ability to collaborate.

About the Author:
Darryl Vidal is an accomplished entrepreneur, author and education technology consultant with over 30 years of experience working with the largest school districts in Southern California. He is a futurist and fan of Artificial Intelligence, and an avid reader of the sciences, philosophy, and techno-thrillers.

He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Information Management and a Master’s Degree (MA Ed) in Education (Instructional Technology) from California State University, San Bernardino. He has also published eight critically acclaimed books on Educational Technology, Ed Tech Strategic Planning and Digital Transformation, and has developed the formal strategic planning and project management methodology known as MapIT.

Darryl has been a student and teacher of the art of Kenpo Karate for over 50 years. He has been teaching Karate in Murrieta for the city’s Parks and Recreation Department for the past 30+ years. He also founded and heads the Murrieta Stick Fighting Club (Filipino Martial Arts). This has led to him earning the highest honor given in martial arts when he was promoted to Grandmaster - Ju Dan, 10th Degree Black Belt in 2012.

He is widely known for his appearance in 1984’s The Karate Kid, playing himself in the tournament semi-finals, as well as acting as a stunt-double for Pat Morita (Mr. Miyagi). He is also credited with inventing the iconic Crane Kick.

MindCraft: The Educational Singularity is Darryl’s second novel in over twenty years and his first science fiction endeavor.

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Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Curveballs by Gail Taylor

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Gail Taylor will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Here you are on the brink of a journey all about self-discovery and chasing dreams. With personal stories and tools that shaped the author's path, she focuses on embracing authenticity. You'll explore how living with purpose and passion is achievable. This personal-growth book combines cutting-edge technology and music interaction, reflecting the author's belief that music can transform and positively impact individuals and communities.

Read an Excerpt

If we could look through the ideas swimming around in virtually any person’s head, we would likely find a few limiting beliefs. We can all relate to harbouring these self-defeating thoughts; however, you could build awareness around where limiting beliefs show up for you, and remove them from your mind like gardeners remove weeds from their cherished crops.

Before we talk more about defeating the beliefs that hold you back in life, we will define “limiting beliefs.” First, the adjective “limiting” is not one you would want to use frequently if you are striving to become your best self. We can focus on perceiving our possibilities and abilities as having few limits. The second word, “beliefs,” is also important to consider. We are not talking about facts when we discuss limiting beliefs. They are not necessarily logic or fact-based thoughts, such as two plus two equals four. Beliefs, limited or not, are simply ideas you have based on your past experiences. Unfortunately, they can manifest as a thought or state of mind that you think is the absolute truth and that is what can stop you from doing certain things. They can also be formed by well-meaning people trying to protect you from hurt or embarrassment.

Limiting beliefs are something you might have adopted at an early age, accepting them as facts. You didn’t do well on a math test so decided you couldn’t work with numbers . . . ever. Nerves got the best of you during a class presentation, so you avoided public speaking for the next three decades. A Grade 3 music teacher told you you couldn’t sing, so you never sang again. This is NOT cool, but I actually met a young woman in vocal classes that experienced this, and she had a beautiful voice.

Obviously, beliefs can wield enormous power over your life. The people who have mastered the power of belief are the ones who have learned that self-fulfilling prophecies often manifest in their lives. This explains the optimistic nature of the predictions they make. I fit squarely into the optimist box, and I am constantly and affectionately informed by my husband, Harold, that I wear rose-coloured glasses. Heck, I sleep in them!

I came across this saying early in my journey: “If you think you can, you’re right, and if you think you can’t, you’re right.” How can both possibilities be true? Both possibilities consider the incredible influence your beliefs have over the outcomes. Limiting beliefs can have the power to shut down your dreams before you even start to chase them. The upside is that, once you learn to recognize these adverse beliefs, you can challenge them, which results in their losing their ability to interfere with your growth.

I have found over the years that people have limiting beliefs of various types. They tend to contain phrases like, “I cannot,” “I will never,” “There is no point in trying,” and “I tried that before and it didn’t work, so no use trying again.” They often grow stronger when they are allowed to take up permanent residence in your head. Repeated enough, they become part of you. I have one I’ll share. “I grew up in a family that had no desire for material goods, so I must be damaged for wanting a sports car or a luxury coat.” You can become so attached to these limiting beliefs that you feel threatened when something or someone challenges them.

Imagine your optimistic friend is encouraging you to go back to school (for my friends, the optimist would be me). “You would be great at operations management,” the friend says. “Think of everything you could do with that degree.”

About the Author: Gail Taylor, a Canadian songwriter, keynote speaker, entrepreneur, and author, is celebrated for inspiring others to take charge of their lives. With forty years of studying personal growth and peak performance, she proves that designing your own life is possible, regardless of your beginnings. Her expertise has made her a sought-after guest on numerous podcasts.
