Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Elvia and the Gift of Passion by Ruthy Ballard

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Adventurous ten-year-old Elvia is sick of her dull-as-dishwater existence, suffocating under the stifling watch her overprotective parents. She longs for a different life, with more freedom and fun. But she gets more than she bargains for when she discovers an alarming family secret and is swept away on an adventure 64,000 light years from Earth. Tanzanian witch doctors, child-eating lions, and submarine exploration on a two-mooned planet enliven this science fiction fantasy adventure, the third in Ballard’s award-winning Tales by Moons-light series.

Read an Exclusive Excerpt

Prudence wasn’t hungry. She’d just scavenged the leftovers from dinner, which the cook tossed into a heap outside the kitchen every night. No, she didn’t want to eat Elvia; she just wanted to scare her. Nothing gave Prudence more pleasure than chasing down a human and giving them a piece of her mind—or, rather, a swipe from her claw. It was a rough form of justice, but only fair after all she’d been through.

Elvia was only forty feet from the utility building, skipping with excitement, awed by her daring, when Prudence saw her moment and made her move. Springing from her crouched position, she charged toward Elvia at breathtaking speed.

Elvia heard the rustle behind her and looked over her shoulder just in time to see what was happening. For a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a second, her face lit up with joy. A lion! But then, just as quickly, instinct (and sanity) kicked in. A powerful jolt of adrenaline—a gift from her distant ancestors—shot through her tiny frame. It was a new feeling for coddled Elvia, who’d never been allowed to experience true fear. But she didn’t question it. Reflexively, she swung back ’round and bolted for the nearest point of safety: the door to the women’s outhouse. If only she could reach it in time!

About the Author:
Children’s book author Dr. Ruth (Ruthy) Ballard is a scientist by trade who never thought she’d be one. Intimidated by science as a kid, she almost gave up on pursuing it as a career though she found it fascinating. Fortunately, a mentor stepped in and showed her the way. Now, she’s passionate about doing the same for the next generation of science shy, but creative, smart and capable kids. Her award-winning science fantasy adventures lure children in with compelling characters and entertaining, twisty plots that incorporate science in fun, accessible ways.

When Ruthy isn’t writing, she is “Dr. Ruth Ballard,” a forensic DNA consultant and a professor at Sacramento State, where she runs a forensic biology research and training program while consulting with attorneys across the country on criminal cases involving DNA evidence. She’s also a folk artist who loves to draw, illustrates her own books, and enjoys hiking and camping with her husband and their four dogs near their home on the Oregon coast.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvNsOhYVGUl_5pHLGyLG8NA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RuthyBallard/
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/ruthyballard
Good Reads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/16577223.Ruthy_Ballard
Amazon author page: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Ruthy-Ballard/author/B06Y6KVX5D

The book is on sale for $0.99 during the tour

Amazon buy link: https://www.amazon.com/Elvia-Gift-Passion-Tales-Moons-Light/dp/0997853212/ref=sr_1_1

Angelbound by Christina Bauer


This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Christina M Bauer will be awarding cute enamel book pins to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

***Special Anniversary Edition With Bonus Story: Walker’s Love Connection***

Eighteen-year-old Myla Lewis is a girl who loves two things: kicking ass and kicking ass. She’s not your every day quasi-demon, part-demon and part-human, girl.

For the past five years, Myla has lived for the days she gets to fight in Purgatory’s arena. When souls want a trial by combat for their right to enter Heaven or Hell, they go up against her, and she hasn’t lost a battle yet. But as she starts her senior year at Purgatory High, the arena fights aren’t enough to keep her spirits up anymore. When the demons start to act weird, even for demons, and the King of the Demons, Armageddon, shows up at Myla’s school, she knows that things are changing and it’s not looking good for the quasi-demons.

Myla starts to question everything, and doesn’t like the answers she finds.

What happened seventeen years ago that turned the quasi-demons into slave labor? Why was her mom always so sad? And why won’t anyone tell her who her father is? Things heat up when Myla meets Lincoln, the High Prince of the Thrax, a super sexy part-human and part-angel demon hunter. But what’s a quasi-demon girl to do when she falls for a demon hunter? It’s a good thing that Myla’s not afraid of breaking a few rules. With a love worth fighting for, Myla’s going to shake up Purgatory.

Angelbound Origins Audiobooks

1. Angelbound
2. Scala
3. Acca
4. Thrax
5. The Dark Lands
6. The Brutal Time
7. Armageddon

Read an Excerpt

The Choker’s eyes slowly scan me from head to toe, his creepy gaze lingering on the curves under my t-shirt and sweats. Rage shoots up my spine. What a scumbag. If he stopped thinking with his pants for two seconds, he’d notice my demon tail instead of my boobs and butt. Some quasis get stuck with pig- or bunny-bottoms, but I hit the jackpot: the long and thin variety with an arrowhead end. Even better, it’s coated in dragon scales, so the thing’s nearly impossible to block or cut.

But the Choker isn’t being smart. He stares into my big watery brown eyes and long lashes; I shamelessly blink in fake-terror. For trial by combat to be valid, the soul must have a chance at winning. They get three options, two of which are relatively easy to defeat. Then, there’s me, the one nobody should pick. Except they always do.

“I choose her.” His thick mouth stretches into a vicious smile. “I’ll fight Myla.” In a low voice, he adds: “You’ll find out why they call me the Choker.”

I jam my hands in my pockets and fake-shiver. And you’ll find out why they called me to fight you, dickhead.

Sharkie thumps his staff on the ground again, and the ghostly Choker turns into two-hundred fifty pounds of real human. “So be it.”

“Here are the rules,” announces Sharkie. “Upon the count of three, you shall battle onto the death. If the Choker loses, he goes to Hell.” The angels look at me with encouraging glances. “If the Choker wins, he goes to Heaven.” The demons let out a deafening roar.

I watch the demons cheer, my hands balling into fists. Those freakies would love for a purely evil soul to enter Heaven. If a spirit has even a smidgeon of good in it, they ‘go angel’ once they cross the pearly gates. A purely evil soul could cause no end of trouble for the angels, and demons love trouble.

The crowd quiets into a nervous hush. Sharkie waves his hand; Sheila, Walker, and XP-22 make a hasty exit into an obliging archway. I hop from foot to foot and crack my neck. This will be a hoot.

Sharkie raises his arms. “The battle begins in 3, 2, 1!”

About the Author:
Christina Bauer thinks that fantasy books are like bacon: they just make life better. All of which is why she writes romance novels that feature demons, dragons, wizards, witches, elves, elementals, and a bunch of random stuff that she brainstorms while riding the Boston T. Oh, and she includes lots of humor and kick-ass chicks, too.

Christina graduated from Syracuse University’s Newhouse School with BA’s in English along with Television, Radio, and Film Production. She lives in Newton, MA with her husband, son, and semi-insane golden retriever, Ruby.

Be the first to know about new releases from Christina by signing up for her newsletter.

Stalk Christina on Social Media – She Loves It!



Friday, May 19, 2023

Imaginary Friends by Chad Musick

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Chad Musick will be awarding a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Welcome to It's Raining Books. Why do you write juvenile fiction? What draws you to it?

Some of my best memories of raising my son are from when we spent the weekend reading together. We would read middle grade and YA books out loud. This became a favorite activity that we still do to this day, and it keeps the family close. I wanted to write a book that would be fun to read out loud as a family.

What’s your favorite sweet treat?

I have three all-time favorite treats. I eat fruit yogurt every day for breakfast. I also love dried fruit, with dried cranberries being my favorite. My most decadent sweet treat is dark chocolate with a fruit flavor. I love a raspberry-flavored dark chocolate but enjoy anything fruit flavored.

What did you want to be when you grew up? Why?

I wanted to be a mathematician. I have always loved math. I earned my PhD in math and work in tech now, so I am living my dream. Being able to have my writing published is really a cherry on top.

What book is on your nightstand currently?

I currently have an advanced reader copy of book 3 in The Falinnheim Chronicles called Tales of the Forgotten Founders by C. W. Allen. It is a middle grade adventure that tackles the impact of banning books in a really accessible way. I really enjoy C. W.’s ability to write middle grade in a way that is enjoyable for adults. This is the type of book we enjoy reading as a family.

Favorite hot beverage. Why?

I love hot cider. It’s a seasonal teat for me, and I only drink it in the winter. It reminds me of winters in Alaska. I lived in Alaska during high school and now I live in Japan. The winters aren’t as cold, but I still like to have hot cider.

You’ve just won a million dollars and you’re not allowed to save any of it. What do you spend it on?

I’d spend it on traveling to book fairs. Living in Japan, I’m fairly removed from the literary scene in America. Before publishing my first book, I was able to travel to a few book fairs and made a lot of good friends and would love to do that again.

If the delivery had been a demonic bowling alley or a mermaid’s grotto, Ivy would have sent it away. She has standards, after all. But she can’t refuse a magical Library, especially when they’ve gone to the trouble of including a wheelchair ramp. They say that on the Internet nobody knows you’re a dog, but somebody knows fourteen-year-old Ivy is an orphan, that she sells her paper-writing services to lazy college students, and that her imaginary friends are unhappy being stuck in the mural on the wall of her Alaskan home.

Himitsu refuses the Library, becoming angry enough to attack the delivery people with his bamboo sword. They won’t tempt him with books, any more than his mother has been able to tempt him into leaving their apartment during the past two years. He has all he needs: video games, online forums, and his virtual girlfriend Moe. Well, almost all. His dad’s death has left a hole in him, which is why when he receives text messages saying the Library can bring back the dead, he changes his mind. Moe tries to warn him about the danger, but what does she know, anyway?

Now, having been lured into the Library and having foolishly brought their imaginary friends with them, Ivy and Himitsu find those friends are trapped. The teens have a choice: fulfill the Librarian’s odd and painful demands in hopes of rescuing their friends or go back alone to their small, boring lives, knowing they’ve failed the only ones who really believe in them.

About the Excerpt

Himitsu grumbled at the sunlight coming through his window. The sun ought not shine so brightly when he was trying to sleep, but even Moe (pronounced in the Japanese way, like the name before Mo B and Mo C) was trying to wake him up now. 

“Sir, perhaps you’d like to get up now. An exciting day is waiting for us.” 

Moe was speaking in Japanese, of course, which I’ve taken the liberty of mostly translating for you. You’ll have to trust me that I’ve done so accurately.

“Fine. Fine. I’m awake now.” Himitsu tapped Moe on the head to make her shut up, and she turned off her light and stopped bothering him. 

Himitsu ran his fingers through his hair, and when they got stuck halfway, he decided that perhaps it was time he took a shower. He’d thought the same thing the previous couple of days, but this time he actually left his room, waved irritably at his mother when she tried to talk with him, and turned on the water in the shower room. Japanese dwellings typically have a separate room for the shower to avoid bathing in toilet fumes.

It’s just water. It won’t hurt you, he told himself and stepped under the flow. (The careful reader will note that he hasn’t taken off his clothes, but let’s assume that he did so, alright? People are funny about certain words, so the less we discuss people being naked, the more people who can read this story. We won’t be talking about people being naked, taking poops, or swearing, but we might see burning libraries, shambling monsters, and sad adults. No promises.)

About the Author:
Chad Musick grew up in Utah, California, Washington, Texas, and (most of all) Alaska. He fell in love in California and then moved with his family to Japan, where he’s found happiness. He earned a PhD in Mathematical Science but loves art and science equally.

Despite a tendency for electronic devices to burst into flame after Chad handles them, he persists in working in various technical and technology-related roles.

Chad makes no secret of being epileptic, autistic, and arthritic, facts that inform how he approaches both science and the arts.

Amazon buy link: https://www.amazon.com/Imaginary-Friends-Chad-Musick/dp/1953971733/

Monday, May 1, 2023

2023 Favorite Fan Promotion


World Famous author, Opëshum will be opening The 2023 Favorite Fan Competition on June 1st and closing it for entries on June 30th.

If you love SciFi and Fantasy Fiction Novels, and have a solid following on Instagram, Facebook or TikTok, you are eligible to enter the competition, and compete with others for the title of being her FAVORITE FAN of 2023 along with a cash prize of $75 U.S.


• Read "Beyond the Father -Book 1 of gods on Trial: The Series™️"
• Prepare a video reel on Instagram, FaceBook or TikTok, sharing your analysis of the book, the plot, theme, greatest problems facing at least two characters, and what you liked most about the book.
• Reels must be authentically yours and reflect ACTUAL content in the book. Brief recap summaries of the book synopsis are not eligible to win.

• The competition opens on June 1, 2023 which means those competing may start posting their Instagram, Facebook or TikTok reels as early as June 1st.

• The competition closes on June 30, 2023, meaning the last eligible reels must be posted on Instagram, Facebook or TikTok no later than 12 midnight IST on June 30th

• Opëshum and staff members from 1iR3 Publishers will be viewing each reel to judge them for quality, depth, and to look for the person who provided the BEST analysis and details on the book. The person with the best analysis posted to Instagram, Facebook or TikTok will be selected as Opëshum's Favorite Fan of 2023!!

The winner will be named in mid July via 1) an announcement on Goodreads, 2) the author's Instagram and FaceBook page, and 3) on the publisher’s Twitter page.

• Only ONE winner will be selected.

• Contestants can borrow a copy of the book from a friend, check out a copy at the library, or get a copy of the book on Kindle here.

• REGISTRATION TO ENTER THE COMPETITION IS FREE: However, you must email the author directly to register for the competition before you start. Email Opëshum Patroz directly at BookReviews@GodsOnTrial.com.

• In your email include your name and link to your Instagram, TikTok or Facebook page so that the author and judges at the publishing house can view your reel when you start posting your book analysis in June.

• The winner will receive:

$75 U.S
A personally autographed paperback collector’s copy, signed with the author's famous purple pen
A gods on Trial T-shirt
And the coveted title of Opëshum's FAVORITE FAN OF 2023!!

Sponsored by:
1iR3 Publishers

Enter to win an autographed copy of GODS ON TRIAL: