Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Canada's Kiddie's Geography and History in ABCs by Marena Woodsit

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Marena Woodsit will be awarding a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Who said geography and history can't be fun? Marena Woodsit's new book, Canada's Kiddie History and Geography in ABC's, points out various interesting facts and places in an easy-to-read style (H for history, G for geography) that will captivate children of all ages. A map and legend of the great country of Canada can help pinpoint where much of the facts take place along with fun and real life characters.

Read an Exclusive Excerpt


G= Geography
H= History

G- C: of course is for our country, CANADA. The second largest country in the world. It’s part of a large continent called North America, and was voted by the United Nations as the best country in the world to live.

H- C: is for CANADA, the Dominion of Canada, it’s first official name given in 1867.

About the Author:
Ms. Woodsit, a retired teacher, has been writing for fun for years and is now publishing children's books. During her time as a teacher she felt students needed more basic facts about their country, such as learning we had a queen, that the capital of our provinces and territories weren't known and what some of our natural resources and wonders were. She has also helped with composing lyrics to a number of songs with her songwriting and performing friends. She loves travelling, swimming and taking care of her animals.

WEBSITE: https://booksbymarena.com/ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/marenawoodsitauthor
GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/43487820.Marena_Woodsit
PURCHASE LINKS Canada's Kiddie Geography and History in ABC's...

AMAZON.COM: https://amazon.com/dp/0228886074
AMAZON.CA: https://amazon.ca/dp/0228886074
BOOKTOPIA: https://www.booktopia.com.au/search.ep?keywords=9780228886075
BARNES & NOBLE: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/books/1143967581
WALMART: https://www.walmart.com/search?q=9780228886075

Monday, December 18, 2023

A Curse of Magick by Diane Gallagher

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Diane Gallagher will be awarding a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

“A desperate princess, a handsome warrior, and an ancient magick to determine their fate.”

As daughter to the High King, love doesn’t come easily to Gráinne. Having turned down hundreds of suitors, she is being forced to marry Finn, an old, ugly yet powerful general. While outside the marriage hall, Gráinne bumps into Diarmuid, Finn’s handsome foster son. From that moment, Gráinne knows if she is to have any chance at love, he is the one she must marry. She begs him to take her away from this unwanted wedding. When Diarmuid refuses, Gráinne, desperate, places a curse on him; help her or die.

Diarmuid is a warrior who only wants to serve loyally, but when the princess sets her sights on him and casts her curse, he must make the most difficult choice of his life. Does he help her, taking their chances with a vengeful Finn, or does her refuse her, leaving her to her fate, and risking his own death?

With both their lives on the line, Gráinne and Diarmuid must fight to use Ireland’s ancient magick to escape from Finn, either bringing them together in passion or in death.

A Curse of Magick is a passionate tale of love, betrayal, revenge, and redemption. A retelling of an ancient Irish myth, A Curse of Magick takes the love and romance of Romeo and Juliet, and the exhilaration of King Arthur, and mixes it together for a satisfying adventure all will love.

Read an Excerpt

“Look, up ahead. It’s the River Shannon.” Sure enough, Gráinne had caught a glimpse of the river sparkling in the distance.

“Then, come on,” Diarmuid shouted as he galloped past her.

Without need of encouragement, Fáelán took off at a gallop close behind Diarmuid.

“Come on, Fáelán, don’t let him beat us,” Gráinne shouted. She felt Fáelán respond beneath her, and they rode as one, hoofbeats hot on the trail of Diarmuid. With each drum of the horse’s hooves on the hardpacked road, Fáelán drew closer and closer until they were even. From the corner of her eye, she saw Diarmuid glance over at her, a grin on his handsome face and one hand holding his cap tight on his head.

“Hyaa!” he shouted, urging his own horse on.

Gráinne grinned. She knew Fáelán was a match for any other beast. As if he knew her thoughts, Fáelán leapt forward in a new burst of energy at Diarmuid’s shout, and pulled ahead, leaving Diarmuid and his horse behind. They rounded a bend and came to a skidding stop right at the edge of the river, with Diarmuid close behind.

Gráinne slid from Fáelán’s back, both of them panting hard. Diarmuid jumped from his horse and landed hard on the grassy bank. He stumbled towards Gráinne, catching his footing just before knocking into her. She watched him struggle to his feet and face her, a breathless grin stretched across his face. She grinned back and they stood, face to face for a few moments, gulping at the cool morning air.

About the Author:

Diane Gallagher is a novelist and Druid priest. She is the author of three novels: A Curse of Magick, Greenwich List, and the Bastard of Saint Genevra. She has long roots stretching into her Celtic past, although she splits her life between two islands—Vancouver Island on the west coast of Canada, and Sicily off the toe of Italy’s boot. She writes young adult romance based on ancient Celtic myths of the powerful women of Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. She currently teaches creative writing at Cherry Hill Seminary.

Monday, November 13, 2023

Carrie Can Fly too by Ashley and Breanna Bolliger

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Ashley and Breanna Bolliger will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Carrie Can Fly Too is an optimistic and inspiring rhyme for the entire family. It affirms that being different shall never prevent us from achieving our lifelong dreams. All we need is a little confidence and our imagination can suddenly become a remarkable reality.

About the Authors
Ashley and Breanna Bolliger are identical twin sisters born and raised in Canada. Growing up, they have always cherished creating new projects together. Their passion for writing flourished when they launched a wellness blog called Twinlife. Through the creation, they hoped their personal wellness experiences would propose positive change, motivating young adults to develop their own wellness routines to support personal mental health needs.

Ashley and Breanna created "Carrie Can Fly Too" to continually raise mental health awareness, targeting younger audiences. Self-confidence is an attribute that is often not taught, yet it is a motivating factor which drives many towards achieving personal goals. Self-confidence is also fostered when the world is a more accepting place, and everyone has the opportunity to embrace their unique differences. This is Ashley and Breanna's first children's book publication, and they wish to continue writing and illustrating books in the future.

Ashley Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ashleybolliger/
Breanna Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/breannabolliger_/
Ashley & Breanna Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/officialtwinlife_/

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Carrie-Can-Fly-Ashley-Bolliger-ebook/dp/B0CKBXVV2L/ref=sr_1_1

Friday, October 13, 2023

My Thoughts are Coloured Purple by Marina Quindiagan

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will award a $10 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

This is a book of poems on love. Love is a universal language. Love yourself, love your neighbours, love your parents, love your siblings—even love your enemies. Most of the poems are on romantic love. When you are in love, you get an awesome feeling. You walk on the clouds. However, love can be unrequited, unanswered and can bring an awful feeling.

Love is in the movies, in songs, and in music. Love is in this book of poems, ever so strong and powerful. It's there for you to enjoy.


Read an Excerpt

He sent me you

Day after day I asked myself why
There was a tear in my heart, don’t know why.
But then you came along the way,
Serendipity, maybe.
Some things are meant to be, really.
‘Cause I have not been waiting for you, baby.
But like an idol you appeared in front of me
In that box called TV.
Poetry was in your eyes,
Didn’t have to look twice.
You were amazing when I saw you the first time, lad,
I felt like going mad.
Ever since that day I couldn’t get you out of my head,
You set my heart aglow and you didn’t know,
My heart was pounding every time I thought of you; you could have read,
You cast a spell; I can’t now let you go.
God sent me you, with challenges on our laps,
Think of almost a generation as a big gap,
Not to mention you revered a different deity,
And a language from far away,
We can’t even chat daily.
God sent me you to start a new chapter in my life,
You didn’t know, God sent me you.
Come closer to me, touch me,
Before I turn into a tree, save me,
And not the other way.
How will I tell you, boy?
God sent me you to give me joy, not my god, not my lover, not my boy toy.
Exactly forty years ago God sent me you,
And you didn’t know, or you were too young and innocent to know.

About the Author
When Marina left her home country she began to write her experiences living a life which was completely different from what she was used to. She became a nomad, visiting several countries where she never put down roots. My Thoughts Are Coloured Purple is the result of staying stuck in North America during the pandemic. She picked up her love of poems.

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/My-Thoughts-Are-Coloured-Purple/dp/0228882311/ref=sr_1_1

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

The Adventures of Captain Jimmy Jams by Summerton Thompson Connor

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Summerton Thompson Connor will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.


A bedtime storybook for parents to read to their children, depicting the excitement for possible adventures in dreams and the sensation of letting thoughts wander as you drift off to sleep. Meant to invoke soft imagery and imaginative thoughts of adventure and fun, it's a relaxing read for pleasant sleep.

About the Author: I am a father to a baby girl and hope to read to her just like I was read to when I was little. I grew up with a love of stories and creative settings and views. This gave me a love of adventure and appreciation for great imagery that I hope can be experienced by many parents and their children someday. It gave me a lot of happy memories and I hope to give the same happy memories to at least one child.

Buy Links:

Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-adventures-of-captain-jimmy-jams-summerton-thompson-connor/1143262205
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0228880785/ref=x_gr_bb_amazon
Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Adventures-Captain-Jimmy-Jams/dp/0228880793

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Izzy Hoffman is Not a Witch by Alyssa Alessi

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Alyssa Alessi will be awarding a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click to see the other stops on the tour.

Why do you write juvenile fiction? What draws you to it?

There is something so special about juvenile fiction. It is the beautiful time in between childhood and growing up. The in between years of innocence and the life lessons to come. I absolutely love the magic of those years, where anything is possible. I write juvenile fiction to capture those moments on a page.

Pretend your protagonist is at school and opens his/her locker – what will we see inside?

If Izzy were to open her locker, you’d find an extra cardigan hanging up. She would have it draped so it partially covers her non school related books, her sack of crystals and her homemade lotions. If you ask to use some of her lotion, she’d gladly share.

What candy do you give out at Halloween?

I became the boring adult who hands out goodies other than candy. I know, it’s hard to believe. I usually start picking up cool Halloween themed items towards the end of the summer and add the trinkets to a Halloween box I have. Inside this treasure box you’ll find things like Halloween pencils, stickers, fake tattoos, vampire teeth, plastic spiders, etc.

What book is on your nightstand currently?

I tend to read more than one book at a time, so there are multiple. For middle grade, I have Warriors of the Suburbs by Tim Kreher. Adult fiction, Bad Cree by Jessica Johns, and The Beast You Are by Paul Tremblay for a short story collection. I usually have a craft book on my bedside table as well, but I must have taken it on the road with me and forgot to put it back.

Hunger Games or Twilight? Why?

I will forever be a twilight fan. Between the ages of thirteen and seventeen, I didn’t read as much as I used to. Stephanie Myers pulled me out of that reading slump by combing vampires, wolves, and a main character who could have been any of my friends. I fell in love with reading again, and I for that, Twilight holds a place in my heart!

Favorite pizza toppings.

Pizza is my all-time favorite, and I will never tire from it. The toppings I head for are green peppers, onion, black olives and (turkey) pepperoni. Preferably all of those toppings at once.

Twelve-year-old Izzy has been haunted by the shadow of her ten-times-great grandmother for as long as she can remember. This is no ordinary ancestral ghost: This great granny was the first woman to be hung for witchcraft in Izzy’s small New England town.

Every October first, tourists flood the streets of Marblehead. Unfortunately, this year so do a mysterious man and a possessed town psychic. When the man shows up at Izzy’s family-run bookstore, making odd demands and threatening her mom, she must find the connection between this creep and her ghostly visions.

Trying to make sense of this chaos, Izzy roams into secret rooms, holds seances at the local tarot parlor, and digs through the old family cookbooks that sit on her shelves. When she discovers that she may be a part of a once-in-a-century ritual, Izzy must decide whether it’s going to take baking magic or blood magic to protect herself and her parents from the return of the witch hunt.

Read an Excerpt

The tarot reader is only a few blocks down. The cheesiness of her storefront makes me second guess coming here. A neon crystal ball flickers in the window. I open the door and I’m hit in the face with the scent of incense. She has floral tapestry hanging from literally everywhere. It’s so dark in here I’m surprised she can even see her cards.

“Hello?” No answer. What am I doing? I turn to leave but hear the faint sound of a woman talking from a distance. Miss Clara is walking a client out of her back room.

“Thank you so much.” A young woman sniffles while wiping away tears.

“You are very welcome, love and light.” The client leaves and Miss Clara stops when she sees me. The old woman wears a pair of small rectangular purple sunglasses. They match her black-and-lilac colored robe, which flows freely around her frail ancient body. Her white fluffy hair gives her a frazzled appearance that doesn’t match her sudden robotic tone.

“Izzy, I’m so happy you came to see me. That crystal looks great on you.”

“Yeah, well it doesn’t work. You should give my friend her money back,” I snap.

“Well, I think you know it isn’t instant magic. You must believe in things for them to work.”

I had a really hard day so far and I’m not in the mood to play her games.

“Oh my god! Will you stop? What is with you? Why did you tell my friend I’m a witch?” I get made fun of enough by kids my own age and don’t need some crazy old lady spreading rumors about me.

“Well, aren’t you?” she asks.

About the Author:
Alyssa Alessi is a writer of middle grade, young adult and short stories all inspired by the unsettling macabre aesthetic of New England. As a child she was on a constant hunt for ghosts, vampires, and her own powers as a witch. When she couldn’t find them, she settled for writing them into existence. You can find her hiking any trail in the Northeast said to be haunted, roaming old cemeteries with a camera in hand, or thrift shopping anywhere antiques are sold. She resides in Boston, MA with her husband, three children and their mini dachshund.

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/AlyssaAlessi
Instagram: https://instagram.com/pagesinthegraveyard
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1953971865/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Chasing Harmony by Melanie Bell

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Melanie Bell will award a $20 Barnes and Noble gift card to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Why do you write juvenile fiction? What draws you to it?

I’m fascinated by coming-of-age stories. People’s emotions are strong when they’re young, and they’re experiencing many things for the first time. If I want to tell an emotionally powerful story, I can draw on memories of first loves, the fears I had when I didn’t yet understand much about the world, and early experiences that involved the five senses, like listening to music or building a fort outside.

Pretend your protagonist is at school and opens his/her locker – what will we see inside?

Anna collects road signs, so she’d probably have a few hanging in her locker, along with her clarinet and music books. She might also have some cartoons, CDs, and a stuffed animal in there.

What superpower would you love to have? Why?

As a teenager, I wrote a story for my friend group where we found a world underground and all gained superpowers. Mine was the ability to understand and speak every language. I like traveling, so I’d love to be able to communicate with anyone anywhere, and to enjoy reading, writing, and media in other languages, too!

Hunger Games or Twilight? Why?

I think the Hunger Games trilogy is brilliant. The books are fast paced, with an innovative concept and immersive world. Like many YA novels, they use the trope of a love triangle, but it’s never really about love – it’s about the main character’s resilience and choosing between different sets of values to live by.

What reality show would you love to be on? Why?

If only I was a better singer – shows like American Idol seem fun. Or Eurovision! I’d rather perform in front of a crowd than be on a show where a bunch of people are stuck living together somewhere and the fun comes from watching their interpersonal drama.

Favorite TV show from your childhood?

When I was very young, I liked watching Barney. These memories stand out because I daydreamed about making a TV show like it, only mine would star talking cats. I was going to be CEO of this whole corporation, with merchandise, a theme park, and everything!

Favorite pizza toppings.

I love cheese, veggies, and various pizza combinations involving these ingredients. But my old favorite is black olives and mushrooms.

Create an ice cream flavor. What’s it called?

How about something for kids (and adults) who love watching machines at work? I’d call it “Construction!” It would have chocolate rocks, toffee debris, and a bulldozer-yellow banana base.

Playlist for your current book.

Chasing Harmony has a Spotify playlist that includes most of the songs referenced in the book!

Favorite class in high school. Why?

In my last year of high school, I enrolled in an English class at the closest university. We had a lot of online discussion and occasional meetings in person. I’m grateful for this opportunity, as I was able to learn and engage at a higher level than I was used to, and it was really exciting! My best educational opportunities have been those I’ve advocated for myself. School tends to be standardized, which means it often isn’t meeting everyone’s needs. If you’re in school and it isn’t working for you, I’m strongly in favor of making a case for yourself to customize your experience!

A refreshing YA debut from Canadian author Melanie Bell, perfect for fans of Rainbow Rowell, Becky Albertalli, and Nina LaCour.

Melanie Bell has created a compelling coming-of-age story, featuring a bisexual protagonist, for those that can relate to the search for untapped potential. Told in alternating timelines on Prince Edward Island and Vancouver, Chasing Harmony reminds us of the exhilarating feeling that comes with hearing your heart’s song.

Piano prodigy Anna Stern is used to having all eyes on her. As she becomes a teenager, Anna struggles to find her identity without the soundtrack of sonatas and concertos. There’s also the worry that comes with the crushing expectations of her musical gift and her parents’ imploding marriage.

Anna finds refuge in her best friend, Liss, who is full of magic and escape plans. However, now their relationship is changing and Anna is starting to fall for her. Adding to the complicated status is new kid Darien, who is always vying for Anna's attention.

As the haunting spectre of burnout lurks close by, an upcoming performance with Liss will determine both of their futures. With everything building to a crescendo, what follows is an authentic life in the making.

Read an Excerpt

Liss’s violin, marbleized wood luminous as eyes. Her foot’s proximity. Liss outshining her. An inch between sole and polished body. Liss so satisfied. Hesitation. Liss’s lips touching her, Liss’s gifts untouchable. Impact before she realizes there’s been an impact. Hideous cracking sounds. Again, again, encore.

There is a sense of cold grandeur in Anna’s eyes. In the keys of every piano are salamanders, scorpions, grass snakes, rats. Anna is made of piano keys. The violin is on the floor and the pinchy flat of her right foot is through it and touching the uncolorful speckles. The music room has windows but they’re high and hard to see through. Anna’s pulse is doubled where the veins stick out. Beethoven is a musical negative. Everyone had loved them. Past is a negative sometimes set to music. The violin is in two main pieces with a hole scrunched in the middle and assorted splinters. The violin is back in the case on the shelf. It has a name on it. Adrenalin has Anna’s veins alight. Liss now owns two halves of a violin. The splinters would be hers too but Anna has picked them up and thrown them on top of the lint and pizza box in the garbage. A piano is too big to stomp through. Love? She shudders. A splinter is lodged in Anna’s index finger just below the nail.

About the Author: Melanie Bell is a Canadian multi-genre writer living in the UK. Her books include a short story collection,Dream Signs, a nonfiction title, The Modern Enneagram, and the YA novel Chasing Harmony. She has written for several publications including Contrary, Cicada, The Fiddlehead, and Huffington Post. She loves music, art, and nature, and aspires to see as much of the world as she can.

Website: http://inspireenvisioning.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/InspireEnvisioning/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/InspireEnvision

Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/chasing-harmony-melanie-bell/1141640134?ean=9781960869999
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/chasing-harmony
Scribd: https://www.scribd.com/book/631773896/Chasing-Harmony
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Chasing-Harmony-Melanie-Bell-ebook/dp/B0BYSRC29S

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Rise of Dresca by Tim McKay

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will be awarding a $40 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

From the pits of an ancient darkness, a new power is rising.


Ceremai has fallen.

After a decade of struggle for independence, a fledgling nation collapses under the unrelenting force of invasion.

Join an unlikely band of allies on a journey beset by shadow and intrigue, pulled by the strings of fate to the source of a new evil.

A lord’s daughter turns assassin. An orphan girl discovers her power. A captain plots in vain.

And the last soldier of Ceremai finds his destiny.

Witness the dawn of a new age, and learn if what evil intended for harm…

… can become something far more terrible.

Read an Excerpt

Elzar tried to draw his sword as a slamming force threw him back against a wall.

“Luh’vein!” Ryn’s voice rang out like a melody, resonating off the tavern walls. The long window next to the doorway exploded out into the street and the Athamein monk flew out through the gap.

A second monk emerged from the stairway. He held his palm out toward Elaryn and nothing happened. He stretched out his hand again, a look of hate and panic filling his eyes.

Elaryn’s hand shot out and the monk yelled in pain. He stepped back, clutching his wrist, but the Deldraean gave no quarter. She planted a fierce kick in his chest that slammed his back to the wall, then stepped forward with a black rod in both hands and jabbed him with the cylinder’s flat end. She let go, the rod stuck in place and pinning the monk to the wall, then landed a bone-crushing hook across his face that knocked him out.

Elzar got back on his feet slowly, unsure how to respond. Elaryn reached for the metal rod and red-blue sparks shot out from its end as the monk fell dead to the floor, a streak of blood following him down the wall.

Mekkos entered the back room with a hand on Ryn’s shoulder. She looked down at the body with glazed eyes.

“He wasn’t very nice,” she said.

About the Author
Tim McKay is a writer, editor, and marketer from Ottawa, Canada. He used to be a pastor, still cares about good and evil, and still strives to create meaningful experiences for others. He has degrees in history, theology, and public policy, along with a diploma in professional writing, but likes nothing more than hiking in the woods, running along the Rideau Canal, and connecting with the people he loves. Oh, and reading a good book.

Author Site: https://www.timmckay.ca/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/timmckay52
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/timmckay52/

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Slightest in the House by Barbara Casey

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Barbara Casey will award a $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

On some level she was aware that an elderly woman had come out of the darkness and put her arms around her. Meredith heard her say that everything would be all right. But on another, more conscious level, the one where all of her senses saw, felt, processed and recorded what was happening, Meredith watched two black body bags being loaded into the back of an ambulance. Then she watched the ambulance turn around and drive off in the opposite direction. Her long, tumbling mass of blond curls hung loosely over her face, shielding it. For Beth, the reality of what had taken place would come later. But Meredith had seen what had happened and understood. That knowledge was now seeping through every pore of her body.

Seventeen-year-old Meredith and her four-year-old stepsister, Beth, face the numbing reality of suddenly losing their parents in a freak accident. With no other family, they are taken from their mobile home in Georgia to go live with a grandmother they have never met in a mansion in Palm Beach, Florida. Beth soon adjusts to her new environment; but Meredith withdraws from everyone and everything, unable to blot out the image of the horrible crash that killed her parents. It is only when she reaches out to a homeless woman that Meredith is finally able to find herself and face her demons. With the help of her grandmother’s long-employed staff, a family doctor, a museum curator, an attorney who is more than just her grandmother’s legal advisor, and, of course, her conniving grandmother who is dealing with her own guilt for having been estranged from her son and his wife (Meredith’s and Beth’s parents), Meredith is able to pull herself from the depths of despair into a life filled with faith, hope, and generosity.

Slightest in the House is a contemporary novel with strong, interesting characters from different walks of life, brought together because of life’s difficult and often unexpected circumstances, and bonded together by their faith and belief that everything works out as it should.

Read an Excerpt

Joseph had no trouble locating Mango Street or the apartments. The town of Palmetto was small, and all of the streets seemed to run north and south, and east and west. After parking next to the curb, Joseph waited by the car as Elizabeth walked up to the front door and knocked. A woman wearing jeans and a loose-fitting blouse opened the door.

“I’m Elizabeth Wallingford,” she said to the woman. “I understand my granddaughters are staying with you.”

The woman told Elizabeth her name was Anne Reynolds, “and this is my husband, Ron,” she said as she led Elizabeth into the dimly-lit living room. A man who had been seated across the room stood up. He was dressed in a policeman’s uniform, and the dark circles under his eyes indicated that he hadn’t slept in a while.

“We are terribly sorry for your loss,” he said putting his arm around his wife. “Ricky and Rachel were good friends of ours.”

“We are just so sorry,” repeated Anne.

Elizabeth nodded and then quickly glanced around the somewhat cluttered room. Her eyes paused on the young child who was curled up in a chair asleep.

“That’s our daughter, Christie,” said Ron.

Elizabeth continued to look around the room. Toys and games littered the floor. An old black and white Western movie was playing on the television, but the sound had been turned down. And then she saw them. A thin young girl—almost a young woman—with long blond hair and big blue eyes. So much like her mother. The jeans she wore were too short, even for her petite body. And the shoes on her feet looked as though they should be on someone else. Standing next to her was a much younger child holding some kind of stuffed toy with a ridiculous-looking bandage covering its rear end. A remnant of a tail hung limply over the bandage. Where the jeans on the older girl were too small, the dress on this child was much too large. The laces on her tennis shoes were frayed and knotted, and a rather large gaping hole in one of the shoes exposed the small bare toes within. Unlike her older half-sister, this child had short, dark hair, straight and fine, and her eyes were a golden brown. She was the image of her father, Elizabeth’s son. Elizabeth’s breathing quickened as the overwhelming sadness of the situation consumed her. Sensing the fear and uncertainty—and distrust—in these two young girls—her granddaughters, it was this that kept her own pain from being unbearable.

“Meredith . . . Beth, I’m your grandmother. I have come to take you to your new home.”

Beth put her small hand into Elizabeth’s jeweled one, and the three of them walked unspeaking out of the house. Ron carried what few belongings the girls had out to Joseph which he quickly loaded into the car—a brown tattered suitcase, a small wooden trunk with a brass lock in the middle, and a ripped paper shopping bag that contained a few books and toys. There was a smaller canvas bag with what looked like a computer in it. Meredith’s no doubt, Elizabeth thought as she watched Joseph put it in the back with the other things.

“We really didn’t know what to pack,” explained Anne apologetically. “Meredith and Beth picked out what they wanted.”

Elizabeth nodded. So paltry, she thought, noticing the shabbiness of everything. But she mustn’t allow herself to think about that. Somehow she would make it up to them and to their mother. Somehow she would make it up to her son. And she prayed that she would be forgiven.

“Thank you for your kindness,” Elizabeth said to Ron and Anne, her emotions just under the surface. She didn’t trust herself to say any more and she slipped into the backseat with Meredith and Beth. Once settled, the big car slowly drove away.

It was daybreak.

About the Author:
Barbara Casey is the author of over two dozen award-winning novels and book-length works of nonfiction for both adults and young adults, and numerous articles, poems, and short stories. Several of her books have been optioned for major films and television series.

In addition to her own writing, Barbara is an editorial consultant and president of the Barbara Casey Agency. Established in 1995, she represents authors throughout the United States, Great Britain, Canada, and Japan.

In 2018 Barbara received the prestigious Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award and Top Professional Award for her extensive experience and notable accomplishments in the field of publishing and other areas.

Barbara lives on a mountain in Georgia with three cats who adopted her: Homer, a Southern coon cat; Reese, a black cat; and Earl Gray, a gray cat and Reese’s best friend.



Thursday, August 3, 2023

Theo and Sprout by Joseph Gergen

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $25 Amazon/BN.com gift card. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

While Theo longs for some guidance through the perils of adolescence, the guidance he knew his family wouldn’t give him, he isn’t prepared for Sprout, his inner Divine Feminine, to present herself and offer it to him. In fact, he doesn’t appear to have a choice since Sprout, sassy and confident about her presence, won’t go away.

Read an Excerpt

I hugged myself to try to calm down. I could feel her breasts right above my folded arms. This can’t keep happening. What does this mean? Is this real? It sure felt real. The presence of her breasts couldn’t be denied or ignored. Yet this was bigger than her breasts. This was about her. Even though I felt like I was still me, her personality somehow inhabited me without possessing me. We conversed as if that was perfectly normal. I was still there except for the way I felt.

I had felt free. Euphoric. The same euphoria I had felt in the park. I desired that feeling more than anything. Or was it the liberation that brought euphoria? I wasn’t sure. I wanted the liberation my introversion subverted in an extroverted world. Liberation from fear of the world, from fear of soaring. Is this how Peter Pan felt? Who needed other people or drugs to soar? I had her.

But fear. My fear overpowered my desire. Fear of being a monster. Fear of having to explain something I couldn’t. I didn’t know how to handle the fear. I could only run away.

About the Author:
Author of “Theo and Sprout”. Born and raised on the plains of North Dakota. Moved to Twin Cities because it’s actually warmer. Enjoy creating in whatever form it takes, including writing, painting, and furniture making. The enjoyment is in the doing. Looking to add a little magic to the world through art.

Other books include “Without a Pang” and “Methane Wars.”

Website: https://josephgergen.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JoeGergen
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joegergen
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100079140443073

Book Reviews:


Books Available at:

“Theo and Sprout” available as eBook, paperback and audiobook Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09SMSHF61
Barnes and Noble as ebook and paperback: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/theo-and-sprout-joseph-gergen/1141648672

“Without a Pang” available at Amazon as ebook and paperback: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B085H7Q3ZN
“Methane Wars” available at Amazon as ebook and paperback: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00C0EVC8S

Monday, July 31, 2023

Tiny Green Unicorns by Renée James

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Renée James will award a $15 Amazon or BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

What books were your favorite as a youth and why?

During my primary school years, my favourite books were all written by two of the most celebrated authors of children's literature: Roald Dahl and R.L. Stine. I was captivated by Dahl's imaginative and whimsical stories, from the beloved "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" to the hilarious "The Twits." As for Stine's "Goosebumps" series, they were the perfect mix of suspense, horror, and humour. Each book was a new adventure that kept me on the edge of my seat, eagerly anticipating what would happen next. Looking back, I'm grateful for the joy and excitement these books brought me, and they will always hold a special place in my heart.

What’s your favorite sweet treat?

For me, warm and gooey chocolate chip cookies are pure bliss. The combination of the rich, melty chocolate and the soft, buttery cookie is simply irresistible. One bite and I'm transported back to my childhood. Yum yum yum!

What did you want to be when you grew up? Why?

Storytelling has always been a part of me - I can't remember a time when I didn't enjoy it. Even when I was a toddler, I would narrate stories without hesitation. As I grew up, my goals changed constantly: from aspiring to be an Olympic swimmer to dreaming of becoming an actress or marine biologist, and even an astronaut. But I have always loved writing and that never changed. I'd spend hours creating stories and binding them into books with my own hands. And now I love seeing my own kids do the very same thing.

What would you write in a letter to your teen self?

I LOVE this question!! Here goes:

Dear Younger Teen Me,

Listen up, kiddo. You may think you know everything, but trust me, you don't. So stop acting like you do, and start listening to the people around you. Especially your parents. They may seem like they don't understand you, but they have a lot of wisdom and experience that you can learn from. And speaking of listening, try to talk less. I know, I know, it's hard when you have so many great ideas and opinions. But sometimes, it's better to just sit back and listen to what other people have to say. You might learn something new, or see things from a different perspective.

Another thing, stop trying to be a people pleaser. It's exhausting, and you'll never be able to make everyone happy. Focus on being kind to yourself, and the right people will come into your life. They'll support you, encourage you, and cheer you on as you become the best version of yourself. And trust me, those people are worth their weight in gold.

Finally, life is too short to worry about what other people think of you. Go out there and chase your dreams, even if it means failing sometimes. And for the love of all that is holy, stop plucking your eyebrows. Trust me on this one.

Love always,
Your Older, Wiser Self

What book is on your nightstand currently?

My current read, Girlhood by Maggie Dent. This book is all about raising our little girls to be ‘healthy, happy, and heard’. As a mum to a six-year-old daughter, I’m loving this book as a practical guide to help my little one become more confident and resilient.

Maggie Dent has a way of writing that makes you feel like you're chatting with a good friend. So, if you're a parent to a little girl or know someone who is, I highly recommend giving this book a read.

Favorite hot beverage. Why?

Coffee is my jam! Especially an oat flat white, that's my go-to drink. As a busy parent of three little ones, my coffee is like a warm hug in a mug. There's something about the aroma and the taste that just makes my day brighter. Whether I'm on my way to work or just lounging at home, coffee is always there to keep me going.

Which of your characters would you most like to meet IRL? Why?

Fun fact! I have met two of my book characters in real from the Patroosh series and Tiny Green Unicorns! Can you believe it? Patroosh, the Pelican, was inspired by a real-life pelican that my children and I interacted with over the years. This interaction sparked the idea for my first published book, Patroosh, the Cheeky Pelican. And if that wasn't magical enough, I've also met Tiny Green Unicorns! It just goes to show that if you keep searching for magic, you might just find it. Thank you for having me here on your fun blog, and I have loved answering these questions! Happy reading!

Big hugs,
Renee x

Have you ever seen a green unicorn?

Tiny green unicorns are really, really small. They might be the tiniest unicorns of all.

They are here every day, and if you keep searching for magic, you might even find one yourself today.

About the Author:
Renée James is a multifaceted talent with an extensive communications and media background. She is creative to the core and treasures her family and friends. Her children are her greatest inspiration, as they are constant reminders to never stop searching for magic.

WEBSITE: https://reneejamesbooks.com
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/reneejamesbooks
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/reneejamesbooks
GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/21279212.Ren_e_James

AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0228884705
BARNES & NOBLE: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/tiny-green-unicorns-ren-e-james/1143242754
ABEBOOKS: https://www.abebooks.com/products/isbn/9780228884705
BOOKTOPIA: https://www.booktopia.com.au/tiny-green-unicorns-ren-e-james/book/9780228884705.html

Thursday, July 13, 2023

The Airs of Tillie by Barbara Casey

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Barbara Casey will award a $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

The small town of Wellington, Florida, has the distinction of playing host to some of the wealthiest people in the world as well as the most prestigious equestrian events. King Charles comes from England to watch polo on the fields where he once played as Prince. The United States Olympics Equestrian team trains and competes there with teams from other countries. In sharp contrast, just down the road, due west, are some of the largest sugarcane fields in the world. The people who work these fields are for the most part poor. They come from many cultures and backgrounds, but they primarily come from Haiti, Jamaica, and the United States. This combination of horse owner and cane worker is an unusual dichotomy, and it is a blend of these things that makes up the world in which my story’s main character, Tillie, the 11-year-old daughter of a sugarcane field foreman, lives.

In The Airs of Tillie, Tillie Turpning lives in an imaginary world that is filled with beautiful horses, polite people, and luxurious homes. Her real world, however, includes living in a cane foreman’s small tenant house with her over-worked mother, an autistic sister, and a rebellious older brother who is searching for answers within a radical Muslim group. When Tillie is unexpectedly forced to assist in the difficult birth of a new foal, she proves that her determination and belief in herself will allow her to accomplish anything she sets out to do.

Read an Excerpt

The soft pastels of yellow, pink, and magenta gently pushed upwards on the horizon. It would be daylight soon. Motionless, Tillie watched through the unshuttered window above her bed. In the distance she could just make out the darkened shape of a large, sprawling, two-story house and its steep-pitched roof. Beyond the house she could see another large structure, and beside it something long and built closer to the ground. It was the barn and stables. Tillie sighed and shifted her weight ever so slightly so as not to disturb her sister sleeping in the bed next to her. She pushed her face closer to the open window and breathed deeply. They had been clearing the cane fields for several weeks now, and the air was filled with the sweet, pungent scent of burnt raw sugar.

Tillie had been awake for what seemed like hours, listening to the night sounds, watching, and waiting. Maybe this was the wrong day. But it had always been the first Thursday in June, she argued with herself. Just then a flicker of light caught her attention, and she saw a car slowly move away from the big house. It turned from the driveway onto the blacktop road that ran between the cane fields and the pastures. Tillie could feel the excitement rising inside her. She had been right after all. It was today. Today the big girl would come home.

Tillie watched the car stop at the end of the blacktop road and then turn east onto the main highway toward Palm Beach. When she could no longer see its taillights, she quietly slipped off her bed. Tillie hadn’t pulled the covers down the night before so she wouldn’t have to waste time making her bed. Besides, it had been a warm night and very little breeze. It would have been too hot with covers. Mabe, her sister, had thought Tillie was playing a game, but she wouldn’t sleep on top of her covers. She always slept under a faded blue spread. It didn’t matter to Mabe how hot it was.

Tillie looked over at Mabe to make sure she was still asleep. She didn’t want to wake her before she normally got up or she would be cross. On the foot of Mabe’s bed was a ratty looking purple and green Easter basket. Its handle was positioned exactly perpendicular to the horizontal floorboards because that was the only way Mabe would go to sleep. In it was a pad of drawing paper, some charcoal pencils, and an assortment of broken crayons and colored chalk. Cardboard had been taped over the bottom and around the sides of the basket so nothing could fall out.

About the Author:
Barbara Casey is the author of over two dozen award-winning novels and book-length works of nonfiction for both adults and young adults, and numerous articles, poems, and short stories. Several of her books have been optioned for major films and television series.

In addition to her own writing, Barbara is an editorial consultant and president of the Barbara Casey Agency. Established in 1995, she represents authors throughout the United States, Great Britain, Canada, and Japan.

In 2018 Barbara received the prestigious Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award and Top Professional Award for her extensive experience and notable accomplishments in the field of publishing and other areas.

Barbara lives on a mountain in Georgia with three cats who adopted her: Homer, a Southern coon cat; Reese, a black cat; and Earl Gray, a gray cat and Reese’s best friend.


Monday, July 10, 2023

One Pale Reflection by Tycho Dwelis

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Tycho Dwelis will be awarding a $10 Amazon GC and a signed print copy of the book (US ONLY) to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Brenden McCoy and his sister, Lettie, have just lost their parents and are going to live with a distant relative in Ireland. They don’t know him, don’t like him, and - even weirder - strange things keep happening around their new caregiver’s house.

Meanwhile, in a strange world beyond a mirror, a mercenary has been sent by his king to hunt down and kill a fugitive, a powerful and immortal wizard. Time is not on his side.

Athos the Key Thief builds an army, and soon everyone will be just another Thrall.

Will Brenden be able to solve the mystery beyond the mirror, find the truth behind his parents’ disappearance, and put to rest someone who cannot die?

Welcome to MirrorWorld.

Read an Excerpt

Black Knife hesitantly reached out and touched the glass, the shimmering surface sticking to his fingers a little and jiggling, like jelly. Soon, his hand came through, then an arm, then a leg, and, at last, Black Knife stood on the dresser. What Brenden thought only possible in his fantasy novels came true right before his very eyes.

Black Knife jumped off the dresser and started to approach Mr. O’Brien, but something jerked his arms back. The shackles from his cell held fast to his wrists and were now stuck in solid glass. He yanked them, but with no luck, and looked to Mr. O’Brien. “Well?”

“Well, what?” Mr. O’Brien replied coyly, sitting next to Lettie. “There’s no way in the Seven Heavens that I’m going to unchain you yet. We need to come to an agreement first.”

“We shouldn’t talk here, and you should unchain me. This mirror goes right into Athos’ dungeon.”

“Do all mirrors do this?” Brenden asked, running his fingers over the chain that extended through the mirror.

“No,” Mr. O’Brien replied. “Only ones that have been enchanted to be portals. I’ve collected several of them and kept them in my home to… keep an eye on things.”

About the Author:
I’m Tycho (I also use the pen name Cassidy), and I love storytelling! I’m incredibly passionate about writing, art, and anything that allows me to create my own worlds. My goal is to write dreamy fiction for all ages that is unique, inspiring, and imaginative. I like to write about themes that include coming of age, magic realism, identity, relationships, and bullying. My books are intended for readers ages eight to twenty-five, and are meant to connect the world of the fantastical to everyday life.

I currently live in Colorado and have my MA in Publishing.

Website: http://www.tychodorian.com
Linktree (includes all of my newsletter, social media, and projects): https://linktr.ee/tychodorian
TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTRKUVUyS/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tychodorian
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tycho_dorian
Instagram: https://instagram.com/tycho_dorian

Amazon Buy Link: https://www.amazon.com/One-Pale-Reflection-Tycho-Dwelis-ebook/dp/B0BZ7QN4KC/ref=sr_1_1

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Bittersouls by L.A. Morton-Yates

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. L.A. Morton-Yates will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Why do you write juvenile fiction? What draws you to it?

I don’t always write juvenile fiction, and I don’t usually adhere to a lot of the tropes normally associated with the YA genre. While Bittersouls is definitely a YA book, it isn’t set in a school of any kind—a trope that I personally find pretty tired. That said, it is about a 19-year-old character and her coming-of-age journey—a fundamentally YA subject.

I think what attracts me to the coming-of-age story is that it focuses on a transformative period in the character’s life. A strong character arc is an important part in most narratives, and with a coming-of-age story that’s essentially built in to the essence of the story. I think everyone—regardless of their age—can and should be in a constant state of growth and change. Having fiction reflect this has always seemed important to me.

What books were your favorite as a youth and why?

Probably my top two were The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss and Feed by M.T. Anderson. The first is a beautifully written fantasy book. The language really captures the imagination and gives a sense of the magic of the written word. It’s simply beautiful. The latter is a very poignant soft sci-fi that tells a compelling narrative at the same time as subtly critiquing the direction society and technology is headed. I definitely recommend them both, but be warned that Rothfuss doesn’t look to be finishing his series any time soon.

What’s your favorite sweet treat?

I’m a sucker for maple pastries of all kinds. Donuts, scones, etc. Something about that flavor just feels like home to me.

What would you write in a letter to your teen self?

Stop trying to avoid making mistakes. Mistakes are how you learn. Try things, take chances, and make those mistakes. Don’t bemoan every time you miss something or do something wrong—that’s exactly what you’re supposed to be doing at this point in your life. Reflect on your mistakes, learn from them, then let them go and move on. It’s the best way to keep on growing.

Favorite TV show from your childhood?

I’d have to say Avatar: The Last Airbender. Everything about it is beautiful, from the writing to the animation. It has some amazing characters and probably the best redemption arc I’ve ever seen in film or TV. The worldbuilding is elegant and well presented. For anyone who hasn’t seen it yet, I strongly recommend it. Though it is technically a “kid’s show”, it has a number of excellent lessons for writers to take away from it.

Favorite hot beverage. Why?

I drink a lot of coffee, and not just for the caffeine. I actually commonly drink 1-2 cups of decaf during the afternoon just because I like the taste of it. I especially like using the bitterness of coffee to contrast the sweetness of something else—from pancakes to pie and ice cream.

You’re stranded on a desert island—which character from your book do you want with you? Why?

I’d have to pick Talon. He has a ton of knowledge and experience with survival, hunting, and trapping. Assuming I could convince him not to kill me, he’d probably be my best chance at long-term survival.

A Shade. A Storm. A Soul.

Cursed with forbidden knowledge, 19-year-old Dela must hide her secret from her nomadic tribe or face exile into the frozen wasteland of the Bitters. When she becomes separated from her people during a blizzard, a mysterious and dangerous wanderer named Talon promises to help her find her way back to them. She quickly learns that nothing is what it seems, that her curse may actually be a gift, and that the Bitters are far more dangerous than she could have imagined.

Packed with unexpected twists, Bittersouls is a mixture of survival, adventure, and slow-burn romance that is sure to get your heart pounding.

Read an Excerpt

A Soul

[Dela] rounded the corner, stepping into the mouth of the cave. As she expected, she wasn’t alone. But the man who leaned against the far wall of the cave, watching her with a wild and savage curiosity, was not a man she’d ever laid eyes on before. He wore a stark, white roughcloak. To Dela’s eye, it looked to be fashioned from a Jackal’s fur. The head of the beast encircled his own as a hood, the angular snout coming to a toothless point a few inches past his forehead. His arms were crossed over his chest, pushing the sides of his rough out enough to reveal a tattered and patched network of leather garments, ugly and indelicate, but which looked to be sturdy and thick. At his sides, an array of bone hooks much like her own supported various tools and weapons.

But what caught her eye most was the fiery array that spread out around him, stemming from the center of his back. Unlike those in her congregation, whose entities kept small and close and wrapped themselves around their humans, his spread all four of its ghostly appendages out behind him like crimson wings, swaying gently as though breathing or being brushed by the wind. If the congregations’ were simply alive, his was awake.

“Interesting,” the man mused. His voice was low and scratchy, as if from months or years of disuse. Dela realized she’d been staring at him for some time.

“Interesting?” she repeated. Who was this man? What was he doing out here? He’d been so close to their group… and she’d followed him out here. Alone. Had that been his plan?

The man shrugged, stepping off the wall and approaching her with footsteps too quiet to hear over the din of the storm. “I had expected another—”


About the Author:
A life-long lover of the magic of storytelling, L.A. wrote his first story at the age of 7 and has been writing ever since. Speculative fiction, particularly fantasy, has always held a special place in his heart for the uniqueness of the places and the questions it can address. Though veiled by apparent strangeness, he has always seen it as capable of revealing deeper truth about our own reality.

L.A. graduated from Montana State University in 2015 with Honors in Biochemistry and a minor in Music Composition. This helped nurture his critical thinking and research skills which continue to be instrumental to his writing. During his collegiate years, he also met the love of his life, Julie, whom he later married. At once his greatest supporter and his staunchest critic (when he is wrong, which is more often than he’d like to admit), she has been an integral part of his creative process ever since.

In February of 2018, L.A. became the father of his first son, Griffin. His second son, Tiber, was born in December of 2019 and his third son, Malachi, was born in January of 2022. Though life has become considerably busier since he became a family man, L.A. continues to work on writing in what little spare time he can find. He hopes to one day pass on his love of literature to his sons.

Substack: http://lamortonyates.substack.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lamortonyates/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorlamortonyates
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lamortonyates

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BQFLM7D4