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Goddess Fish Promotions. Erin Pemberton will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.
Why do you write juvenile fiction? What draws you to it?
What draws me to juvenile fiction, I suppose I would have to answer, it’s the genre I prefer to read. I’m not sure why I like it so well. For me, it’s a more engaging read. It seems to happen faster, versus having to take a while to step up. I actually really didn’t get into the fantasy world as much until I read the Harry Potter series. I love all mythical creatures or creatures that the imagination can think up. I don’t want to read about real life instances because I’m surrounded by real life. I want a break from reality, which is why I turn to young adult fantasy.
What books were your favorite as a youth and why? Actually, when I was younger, I liked a whole other type of book. For instance, I was a big fan of the Little House on the Prairie books. What drew me most to those, were the foods they ate. I loved to hear the descriptions of their foods. Mind you, they were never foods that I would have ever considered eating myself, but I loved to hear what they thought of it. From there, it changed to mysteries and the Baby Sitters Club series to romance. Now, solely young adult fiction.
What’s your favorite sweet treat?
My candy preferences change according to what’s available. First of all, I will still choose candy over a real meal any day of the week. It’s why I have to exercise so hard now. For fall or around Halloween time, I love candy corn and those mallow pumpkins. Around Valentine’s Day, I always have bags of those conversation hearts. For Easter, it’s jellybeans. In fact, I have a huge bag of those hidden away in my cabinets. I don’t like to share my candy with my kids. Every other day of the year, I love Albanese gummy bears. Once you have Albanese, you’ll never go back.
What did you want to be when you grew up? Why? I wanted to be a teacher so I could have my summers off. Which worked out for me, because that’s actually what my full time career is. I’m actually in the process of switching from a teacher to a preschool supervisor, but I still get to have my summer and other holidays off with my kids. Being a published author is bucket list item for me and a hobby that I enjoy doing when I have five minutes to spare.
What superpower would you love to have? Why?
I would love to be able to fly. I think it’s one of my more popular dreams. In my dreams, it’s such a freeing experience, that I can’t help thinking how wonderful it would be if I could do it all the time. Things too stressful at work, boom go for a flight. Want to get to the beach quicker, time for a flight. See, so many things you can accomplish that way and you get to enjoy a little freedom along the way.
What book is on your nightstand currently? I am currently reading two books right now. Physik in the Septimus Heap series and In the Hand of the Goddess which is a part of the Song of the Lioness series. The last book is on my treadmill right now though because I have to read in order to stay on it longer than five minutes. I get bored easily.
Hunger Games or Twilight? Why? Twilight, definitely. I had a lot of trouble making it through the first five chapters of the Hunger Games before tapping out. I originally tried reading it because that’s what my son was really interested in. I couldn’t stick with it. It just didn’t catch my interest and I didn’t like the idea of making a game out of someone else’s suffering.
Favorite hot beverage. Why? I love coffee with lots of creamer. In fact, it’s a little bit of coffee with eighty percent creamer. I don’t like the taste of straight coffee, but the creamer in it is tasty! Just a great way to start the morning. Although, because of the amount of creamer that I put in it, I only allow myself to have it twice a week and that’s usually Friday and Saturday morning.
Ideal summer vacation.
I adore the beach. There is nothing that I don’t like about it. Every year since the time that I married my husband, we have gone to North Myrtle Beach and I love it. I love getting up in the morning with my husband and taking long walks with him by the water, finding sea shells and seeing all the dogs out for their morning walks. I love body surfing in the waves with my husband and kids. I love the sound that the waves make and seeing all the people out. We watch the pelicans diving and we look for geckos in the sand. Then there is family outings to all that North Myrtle Beach has to offer. It is something that I look forward to every year.
You’re stranded on a desert island—which character from your book do you want with you? Why? I would take Erek or Jack because both of those characters are based off of my husband. So, I would see it as bringing my good looking husband with me. He’s one of my favorite people in the world and I don’t go many places without him.
In a land plagued by war, King Dorvin and Queen Shiara are expecting their first child. They are excited until the good fairies tell of a prophecy; that their daughter is the key to winning the war against the Shadow tribes. To protect her, mages of the kingdom create a tower to keep her and her guardian hidden until her eighteenth birthday. When Ella turns 18 she leaves the tower, only to find that her parents are dead and the Shadow tribes now control the kingdom. Trained as a warrior, and aided by the good fairies, Ella must now bring her subjects together and prepare for the final war.
Read an excerpt
“You love her, don’t you?” Jack asked quietly, his eyes never leaving Erek’s.
“Does it matter? She and I can never be together.” The sadness of this truth rang through Erek, nearly making him fall to the floor and weep. He’d waited his whole life for her. “You love her as well.”
Jack nodded his head. “Where does that leave us? What are we going to do?”
Erek feeling more tired and older than his twenty-five years replied, “It leaves us fighting for the same thing. Once this is all over, we’ll figure out the rest. For right now, we need to be content that when one of us isn’t around watching over her, the other is.”
Jack ran a hand over his newly shaved head, his eyes turned to the floor and nodded.
Erek looked at him, seeing so much of himself in this man of light. The same eyes, the same stature, the same look. Even their movements and choice of haircuts were the same. Right down to the chin strap they both wore. Erek never thought of it before, but it were almost if they were the same man. “Do you think, if we lived in another world, that we might be the same person? Me being the darker side and you the lighter?”
Jack looked up at this, his eyes wide and his mouth set in a straight line. “I’ve thought it several times actually. There are times when I’m convinced I passed by a mirror when I see you.”
Erek nodded before turning back to look at the storm brewing. He heard Jack quietly head down the stairs, leaving him to his thoughts. Ella would be safe in Jack’s hands when Erek was no longer there to protect her. He was sure of it. If Jack felt anywhere close to the way he felt, Erek knew she would be loved the way she deserved.
About the Author:I’m just a small town girl, living in Ohio and making up worlds for my characters to live in. A preschool teacher by day, I live with my amazing husband while dreaming of walking hand in hand with him on the beach just searching for seashells. Together, we have five incredible kids, who are starting to make their way in this world as they take on college, high school, and elementary school. I love Christmas, the beach, seashells, painting, reading anything fantasy related, and in my very little spare time, creating new worlds for others to enjoy.
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