Wednesday, May 31, 2017

A Daughter's Curse by C.J. Davidson

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. C. J. Davidson will be awarding $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Why do you write juvenile fiction? What draws you to it?

I discovered books around the fifth grade. Harry Potter was the first book I ever read, and it offered an escape from a terrible reality I was living. I still remember the first emotions I felt while I read it, because I identified with Harry. I remember thinking that it was odd that Harry had a scar on his forehead like I did. Of course, I kept it hidden with bangs, but still. After I finished reading the first book, my imagination did wonderful things for me. This is around the time when I first came up with the fantasy world contained in A Daughter’s Curse, and it wasn't as the plot for a novel. I created the mystical world years ago to escape a difficult childhood. It was at a young age when I discovered my imagination and it helped me cope with my reality for the next couple of years, before child services intervened. I want to be able to help children who are having a difficult childhood and give them an escape from reality.

What books were your favorite as a youth and why?

Harry Potter books were a considerable influence in my life. Every time I opened the pages of one of those books, I would imagine myself there, escaping from hardships going on in my life. As mentioned before, they helped me discover my imagination. If it weren’t for them, A Daughter’s Curse would not be around now.

Another book that I read in my youth was A Child Called It. That one opened my eyes, and I knew that it wasn’t just one child going through abuse like that. It gave me strength and inspired me to be stronger in difficult situations.

Sum up your book for Twitter: 140 characters or less.

“A Daughter’s Curse” introduces a suspenseful romance about 16-year-old Brisnay Caplin who is not only discovering who she is, but where she comes from and what that means. Set in a parallel world in which only certain mortals have their own type of weapon and powers, depending in which element they are born in, she must overcome obstacles to deal with the consequences of her heritage and a forbidden love.

Ideal summer vacation.

I would love to vacation somewhere near the Rocky Mountains. There are splendid views and nature always has a way of stimulating my imagination. I would love a window facing the mountains while I write.

What superpower would you love to have? Why?

I’m a small-town girl, and when I drive through big cities, let me tell you, it’s something else. Telekinesis would sure help move some cars out of the way. Not in the sense that I have road rage, that is not the case. It is more when people cut you off within inches. (laughing)

When Brisnay discovers that she is a part of a fantasy world and meets Nickolaus, her miserable life takes a turn for the better. A world where anything is possible becomes her refuge and sparks fly between her and Nickolaus. Just when she thinks she knows everything about the realm she was thrust into, she uncovers shocking truths that rattle her to the core.

Betrayal. Hate. Envy. Deceit. Vengeance. Retribution. These are some of the things that Brisnay must face to fight a powerful, unknown enemy who is out to destroy her and strip her of the powers she's rightfully inherited.

Brisnay realizes that she has no choice but to take a stand and must get revenge by fighting for the right to love.

Enjoy an Excerpt

Brisnay was shocked when Cesare commanded her to conjure a weapon of her choice out of the water. The first thing that popped in her mind was a bow and arrow.

“Now, pick it up from the water,” Cesare told her.

Brisnay gave him a perplexed look.

“Go ahead. Dip your hand in the water,” Cesare dared her.

Another look of confusion decorated her face before she reached into the water. The water had nearly reached her elbow when she felt something hard and cool. She grabbed it, as if it were something just randomly lying on the floor. She pulled her hand up, and a bow loomed into view. The bow was frozen solid, yet it didn’t freeze her hand.

“Wh—” Brisnay started, astonished.

“You’re missing something,” said Cesare with a nod down at the water.

She reached down, and the same thing happened; she felt something hard and cool. She brought her hand up and—

An arrow?

“But how?”

“Shoot it,” said Cesare.

Brisnay looked down at the bow. The retractable string was frozen solid, too.

“But it’s frozen.”

“Aim and shoot,” Cesare repeated.

Still perplexed, Brisnay placed the frozen arrow on the bow, putting the end up against the frozen string.


Brisnay pulled, expecting the frozen string to shatter to pieces, but she was wrong. The frozen string resisted and became flexible at her pull. The arrow made a loud whistling noise when it left. Brisnay didn’t turn to see where the arrow went. She was busy watching the string bounce a couple of times before becoming frozen solid again.

Cesare simply waved his hand, and the frozen bow disappeared from her hands, changing to water.

About the Author:
Today, I am married and have four children. Their names are Dluce, Marin, Carlos, and Isabella. I work as Branch Manager at a financial institution. I couldn't be happier with what I have accomplished so far.

My next step is to somehow help those affected by domestic violence. What hurts the most, is when children are in the middle of it. It is my belief that no one should have to feel unsafe, living life on the edge, wondering when they are going to get hurt. Sleeping with one eye open is the worst feeling in the world. Fear that catches in your throat paralyzes your whole body. Living life like that hurts and it comes with consequences. I know.