Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Sinners and Saints by Kristina Garlick

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Kristina will be awarding a $15 azon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

My name is Zoey Major and I live in Fort Star, New Jersey. I am also a survivor in the zombie apocalypse. Seems very cut and dry but I have been hiding something- like really huge. My secret is game changing. I am not like the others... I know, what a surprise twist! Unfortunately, I can’t tell you why I am different. If you really want to know, you have to figure it out. Hey, even in these dark times, a girl needs her secrets.

Read an excerpt:

Eventually, I found my way into the Oval Office. The famous Resolute Desk was there and luckily not a scratch on it. I approach the desk, touching it almost gingerly for fear of even a chance of marring its beauty. Next, I pick up the chair that laid on the floor next to the desk and I brush it off. I sat down at the desk and for a moment I thought everything would be okay. Then I saw a zombie walk pass the doorway. I began shouting and cursing at the damn zombie but it doesn’t hear me.

In utter despair, I began to cleaning the Oval Office. I hated to see it in such disrepair and besides I had no place to go or anything to do. I was a castaway person looking for a world that no longer existed. When I picked up the slightly torn and dirty American flag off of the floor I began to cry. Like a security blanket, I wrap the flag around me. Feeling like I truly had hit rock bottom, I collapse on the floor in front of the Resolute Desk. If a miracle was going to happen, I needed it to occur now.

Suddenly, I hear rapid gun fire coming from somewhere outside of the office. Or maybe it wasn’t that sudden and I had just lost track of time. Somehow I snapped out of my PTSD type fog and realized I needed to hide in case whoever was coming my way was not friendly. Plus, while I was immune to zombie sight and sound, I was pretty sure I could still die by a bullet.

About the Author:
Kristina Garlick lives in Warren County, New Jersey. She holds a Masters in Parks & Resource Management from Slippery Rock University. While she loves the outdoors and has many hobbies such as soap making, writing has always been her passion. Kristina wrote her first full length fantasy story at ten and had her first book published when she was fourteen. She has a unique style of writing, which she calls Diary-Play format. Kristina is also available for book signings, panels, discussion groups and other special functions.

Website: (Where you can buy Kristina’s Books)
Email: Email Twitter: @KristinaGarlick

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Emma G. Loves Bozy by Taro Meyer

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Taro will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Emma G. is CRAZY about Aaron, lead singer of Boyz3000. Of course, she doesn’t actually know him, but so what? Feelings are feelings. That is until Josh appears… and he’s soooooo CUTE. Navigating her two crushes and her middle school life, especially with eighth-grade hater Renee around, is a challenge. And oh yeah, she’s got to earn money for an AWESOME trip to the Bahamas to see the band of her dreams. Hello???? How much can one thirteen-year-old take???

An Excerpt for your enjoyment:

OMG!!! My heart was racing like it was going crazy. Lights began flashing from everyone’s phones and people were Instagramming pictures of the band to their friends and posting them. I tried to take pictures but my hands were shaking so much from excitement that the pictures were blurry. Jenny wasn’t taking any either because she was shaking too. Everyone was screaming and yelling and crying. Two girls fainted and were carried out to get some water.

I was screaming too. I took a selfie of me screaming and then one of Jenny screaming. Her mouth was open so wide I think I was taking a picture of her tonsils!!!

I could see all the Boyz3000 faces very clearly because we were so close up, but especially Aaron’s. I was watching him and trying to take his picture while I was screaming, but my hands were still shaking too much to get good shots, so I stopped trying and just watched him. His expressions were sooo sincere as he sang. His cute hair was falling over his eyes and those eyes were sooo adorable. And his collar was open on his shirt, and I could even see the sweat on his neck.

The drummer, Pete, was setting a great rhythm, and Cory, the bass player that Jenny loves, was twirling and leaping, and then he was leaning back, playing his bass like he was the greatest rock star in the universe. And then Jenny started screaming even louder than before, and she was jumping up and down and her arms were waving at the bass player!

And then…

Boyz3000 started to come down onto the runway that we were right next to.

Everyone was trying to reach out to them and I was right on the aisle and reaching out too.

And then it happened…

About the Author: Taro Meyer is a Grammy, Parents’ Choice, and Audie Award winning Audio Producer who has been producing and directing YA audiobooks for over 20 years, including The Princess Diaries Series starring Anne Hathaway, the All American Girl Series starring Ari Meyers, The Inheritance Cycle (Eragon, Eldest, Brisngr) and Judy Blume’s The Pain and the Great One, Here’s to You Rachel Robinson and Tiger Eyes among others.

She co-produced two touring companies of Trans-Siberian Orchestra's smash rock show Christmas Eve and Other Stories and their TV special The Ghosts of Christmas Eve, receiving Gold and Platinum Albums for her work with the team. She was associate producer of the award winning anti-bullying movie, “The Contest,” and co-produced the premier showcase of off-Broadway’s Little Willie.

As an actress and singer, she starred on Broadway in the musical Zorba, in numerous regional and off-Broadway shows, and on TV’s All My Children, Another World (for which she also composed music) and the mini-series Memories of Midnight, amongst others.

Meyer wrote and produced the upcoming children’s album: Mighty Musical Fairy Tales, starring international artist Patti Austin; an updated, joyous musical version of Classic Fairy tales, accompanied by an illustrated book, The Ugly Duckling.

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Red Sky Presents:

Emma G. Loves Boyz: Twitter:

The Dream Walker by Michelle Murray - Spotlight and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Michelle Murray will be awarding all three books of the Land of Mystica Series to one lucky randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Miranda is plagued by vivid dreams of a another world. A world of castles, forests, Ice Caves, and dragons. She goes to a bookstore to see why she is having these visions, and learns she is a Dream Walker. Miranda heeds the call of need, and travels to Mystica. For years, the wizards have been trapped in stone. Now, one curious boy has released Midnight. Midnight gathers an army, and prepares for war. Miranda needs to find the white wizard Lightning and free from his stone prison. Can Miranda free Lighting and save Mystica?

Read an Excerpt:

From an early age, Mortimer had heard of the legend of the wizards of Mystica. Every storyteller, bard and musician seemed to tell the tale. Strangely enough, they all told it the same way.

Once there were six wizards who lived upon Mystica. Three of these wizards wore white robes and worshipped the Goddess of the Sun. Lightning was the oldest and strongest white wizard. Wrinkles lined his face. His bones showed through his skin, making him look frail. Silver lightning streaks decorated his robe. White hair laid atop of his head. Blue eyes peered through his wrinkled face. He often carried lightning streaks in his hands, ready to strike at any minute. He traveled through Mystica in cloud or smoke form, keeping the dark wizards in check and the magic of Mystica in balance. When he wasn’t wondering the land, he slept in the clouds. If there were no clouds, he made them with his magic. Lightning was followed by Silver. Silver was the middle white wizard. His skin sparkled like his namesake. Silver trim highlighted the hem and cuffs of his robe. Silver streaks ran through his white hair. He made his home in the dwarf mines when not battling the dark wizards. If the dwarf mines were not available, he would find a location that had minerals or stones embedded in the rocks. The youngest of the white wizards was Polaris. His skin was etched with the stars on it, almost like tattoos. The shape of the bear constellation with his namesake in it was stitched in gold and silver on his robe. It shone at night, twinkling in and out just like the stars. He slept in the open, preferring to see the star he was named after and daydream. Building things out of the land occupied his time when he wasn’t battling the dark wizards. Though, the dark wizards often destroyed his creations for fun.

The dark wizards wore black robes and worshipped the God of the Night. They liked to cause trouble and havoc, which the white wizards often had to fix. They would cause fights among the people of Mystica by playing tricks on them. Farm crops would be stolen. Horses and cows would be released from their pens. Fires would be started in villages and towns. They would do this tricks in the dark of night, and the people would blame each other. If the white wizards caught them, they would fix the tricks before anyone woke up and no one was the wiser. Fires were put out. Horses and cattle were returned. Farm crops would be replaced. It was often a game of cat and mouse. The wizards chasing each other across Mystica.

The oldest and strongest of the dark wizards was Midnight. He often caused the most trouble. He especially liked seeing and hearing the screams and terrors of the villagers. Midnight’s skin was dark like his name and sky at midnight. His eyes were an icy grey. Pictures of galaxies and clouds embellish his black robe, like you were looking at the night sky. Lightning and Midnight often had grand duels of magic being the two strongest wizards which often ended in a duel.

About the Author: Michelle is a married working mother of two fine young men (her children). She lives in Wisconsin. When not writing, she enjoys reading especially science fiction/fantasy and classics.
Her favorite authors include Shakespeare, Mark Twain, Margaret Weiss, and Colleen Houck. 
She also enjoys doing painting and crafts, and spending time with her family. She enjoys going for walks, and swimming. She has been known to jump in Lake Michigan with no life jacket!

She has been writing since high school. Michelle took a break from writing to concentrate on raising her children.

She has an app on her IPad that gives her a word of the day and poem of the day.

Good Reads The Dream Walker:
Good Reads The Dream Walker Returns:
Twitter Tweet: @#thedreamwalkerseries
Amazon: The Dream Walker Amazon: The Dream Walker Returns
Barnes and Nobles: The Dream Walker
Barnes and Nobles: The Dream Walker
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Monday, September 12, 2016

Under a Purple Moon by Beverly Stowe McClure

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Beverly Stowe McClure will be awarding $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Eden Rose has learned to deal with her mother's criticism that she can do nothing right. What she can't deal with are the arguments between her parents. To escape their angry words, she finds refuge in an old abandoned house. She always returns home, hoping her mother will love her one day, even though Eden's not sure what the word love means.
Read an excerpt:

A gust of wind blew open the back door. Leaves and trash swirled and danced across the floor. I dashed to close it and there, in the faint glow of the rising sun, my mother sat in the swing. “Nora!” I rushed outside and over to her.

She peered at me, her head tilted to one side.

“You okay?”

Instead of answering, she slid off the swing, pushed past me and strode into the house, slamming the door behind her.

I’d been ignored before, but this time, when the door separated us, an actual pain crawled through me. Nora had just walked out of my life. I’d never see her again. I knew it as well as I knew my name. That’s what the vision meant.

“No! Mother! You can’t.” I flew across the yard and pushed against the door: locked. I beat my fists on the rough wood. “Nora, open up. Mom, don’t leave me.”

I pounded on the door until my hands stung. I raced around the corner of the house, hoping to catch her before she got away, and crashed into Toby.

He gripped my shoulders to steady me. “What’s wrong?”

“She, Nora.” The words stuck in my throat.

“Take a deep breath.”

I struggled to pry his hands off me. “Nora locked me out. She’s leaving like my dad.” I broke free and ran.

About the Author:
For twenty-two years Beverly Stowe McClure taught children to read and to write. Her students taught her patience. Most of the time these days, you’ll find Beverly at her computer writing stories young voices whisper in her ears. When she’s not writing, she takes long walks with her Tiger cat and snaps pictures of clouds, flowers, and wildlife. She’s affectionately known as the “Bug Lady.” She’s not telling why. To relax, she also enjoys playing the piano. Her cats don’t appreciate good music and hide when she tickles the ivories.

Beverly is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. She has fifteen books published for children and teens, along with short stories in three Chicken Soup for the Soul books. She also teaches a women’s Sunday school class at her church.

You can learn more about Beverly and her books here:

Under a Purple Moon can be purchased at Amazon:
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And other places where books are sold.