Thursday, April 30, 2015

Wrong Side of the Grave by Bryna Butler

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This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Bryna will be awarding a $50 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.


When the dearly departed of Point Pleasant start walking and talking, the Men in Black mark Mothman as suspect number one. A fun read, Wrong Side of the Grave is a fast-action Teen Sci-Fi Mystery with a paranormal twist.

Parent Approved: Contains no profanity or sexual content.

Enjoy an excerpt:

"You look at me as if you know me.”

“I like to think I do.” I keep it light and flash her a flirty grin as I continue to be clever. “I’m not lying when I say that from the first moment I saw you, I wanted to get you alone.”

Kendall seems amused by my response. Her lips tighten to a thin line, pulling up in the corners. She turns from me but keeps her hold on my hand, pulling me a few slow steps away from the door.

“Honestly, I don’t know why I bother trying to make these connections,” she says. She doesn’t look at me while she says it, but I’m looking at her. She walks like she’s dancing. Her movements are so graceful they nearly defy gravity.

I watch as Kendall’s blond curls bounce against her back with each careful step around the mud. I watch as her arms swing open for balance. Her pale skin catches the moonlight so that it glistens.

“I suppose it’s my age showing,” she continues, not paying a bit of attention to me. “I’ve become a granny rambling on about who’s related to who. I need to learn that it doesn’t matter in the scheme of things. Whether we have met before is of no consequence this close to the end.”

I laugh. That’s just like the old ones. Slipping up when they think they’re safe; when they think they’re in control. To her, I’m already dead.

AuthorPhoto_WrongSideOfTheGraveAbout the Author: Bryna Butler is a journalism-trained writer having authored dozens of articles and financial publications before taking the leap into fiction in 2011. Her first book, Of Sun & Moon, skyrocketed to number one on Kindle top free charts in the categories of Teen/YA Supernatural Mystery, Teen/YA Romantic Mystery, and Teen/YA Time Travel in the U.S. and U.K. when the title went to free status in 2014. Butler’s work is free of profanity and sexual content making them safe reads for pre-teen as well as teen readers.
Website/Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube | Wrong Side of the Grave Playlist

Buy the book at Amazon US, Amazon UK, Amazon Canada, Amazon Australia, Apple, Barnes and Noble, or Kobo. Pre-order your Paperback edition directly from the author:

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Virtual Book Tour: Dream Girl by S.J. Lomas

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This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. S.J. Lomas is awarding a $10 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn commenter. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

perf5.000x8.000.inddFor Christine, dreams have never meant much. Until she meets Gabriel. Everyone thinks Christine should stay away from her new coworker at the library-thanks to his bad reputation-but when her dreams grow more vivid and she becomes entangled in a dangerous dream world with Gabriel every night, she can't stay away. Soon it's clear there is far more to dreams than Christine ever imagined, and now she's on the path to making the biggest, and strangest, decision of her life.

Enjoy an excerpt:

I should have tossed out a welcoming smile and a “Nice to meet you. Gotta run,” but the strong outline of his back did nothing to prepare me for the siren song of his front. Melancholy practically poured off him, nearly visible, yet transient as smoke. His tousled brown hair, square-ish face, Johnny Depp lips and intense brown eyes nearly knocked me backwards. In that brief instant of eye contact, I felt the disorienting fuzziness that comes between sleep and wakefulness. Tiny flecks of autumn amber sparkled in his eyes, beckoning me deeper. My lips parted, as if not under my control, and prepared to utter some sort of greeting but stopped. I noticed the slightest twinge in my brain.

Strange but not unpleasant, it felt like a warm breeze had just blown away a cobweb from my mind. Jarred by all these things happening in an instant, I turned away. Even so, I could feel his eyes on me as I fled. It made the entire length of my spine tingle.

MediaKit_AuthorPhoto_DreamGirlAbout the Author: S.J. Lomas is a cheerful Michigan native who writes strange and somewhat dark stories. She is a wife, mother, librarian, and definitely a dreamer.


Buy personalized copies from Blue Frogs Books.
Buy the book from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or from the publisher.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Book Blast and Giveaway - Reluctant Prince

This is a post hosted by Goddess Fish Promotions. Dani-Lyn Alexander will award a $15 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn commenter via Rafflecopter. Please click the tour banner for more stops.

Seventeen year old Ryleigh Donnovan is certain her life is cursed. Nothing ever goes smoothly, and her first job interview is no exception. An earthquake rocks the building, sending Ryleigh on a frantic search for her younger sister, a search which lands her in the hospital. Terrified they’ll push her for answers she can’t afford to give, Ryleigh flees with a mysterious stranger.

Jackson Maynard is about to be ordained as a Death Dealer, a warrior for the Kingdom of Cymmera, but first he must pass one more test. When he fails to acquire the human girl the prophet has chosen, he’s forced to stand trial for treason. Banished from his realm, he seeks out the girl from the vision, Ryleigh Donnovan, and together they embark on a journey to save his dying kingdom.

Enjoy an Excerpt:
“Miss.” A hand fell on her shoulder. “Are you all right? Do you need help?”

Ryleigh shook her head and kept walking, stepping carefully in the ridiculous pumps she’d chosen that morning. One shoe snagged on something and pulled free of her foot. She kicked off the other shoe and made her way into the corridor.

A crowd was moving one direction, so Ryleigh joined them. Some cried softly as they trudged through piles of debris. Others helped injured co-workers and friends, and some plowed through everyone in their haste to get out. A big man with a crew cut shoved her aside, and when she reached out to steady herself against the wall, she dropped the cloth she’d had pressed against her head.

Her head cleared a little. Okay. She could do this. Though the elevator stood open, the shaft was empty. Everyone bypassed it and entered a stairwell at the end of the corridor. Would Mia try to come up and find her? Goosebumps covered her. No. She would stay where she was or leave. She’d never try to come up. Would she? Adrenaline shot through Ryleigh, and she increased her pace, heedless of her bare feet. She’d only gone down two steps when the world rocked again. Clutching the railing tightly, she pressed her body against the wall as chaos erupted around her.

“Get out of the way…go, go, go…move…here, let me help you…no, wait, don’t move…stop pushing.” Rumbling. Tearing. Screaming. People pushed and shoved. The woman in front of her panicked and tried to run. She fell, and several people tumbled down the stairs in a domino effect. Fragments rained down on them. Holding onto the banister for dear life, Ryleigh crouched and tried to shield her head.

About the Author:
Dani-Lyn Alexander lives on Long Island with her husband, three kids and three dogs. She loves spending time with her family, at the beach, the playground, or just about anywhere. In her spare time, which is rare, she enjoys reading and shopping—especially in book stores. Some of her favorite things include; Bernese Mountain Dogs, musicals, bubble baths and soft blankets. She’s an incurable insomniac and has an addiction to chocolate.

Social Media:
Buy Links:
Barnes and Noble:

Monday, April 20, 2015

Virtual Book Tour: Wind Catcher by Jeff Altabef and Erynn Altabef

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This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The authors will be giving away a $20 Amazon/BN GC, autographed print copy of Wind Catcher, or a digital copy of Wind Catcher (3 winners)

4_20 MediaKit_BookCover_WindCatcherJuliet Wildfire Stone hears voices and sees visions, but she can’t make out what they mean. Her eccentric grandfather tells her stories about the Great Wind Spirit and Coyote, but he might as well be speaking another language. None of it makes any sense.

When she stumbles upon a series of murders, she can’t help but worry her grandfather might be involved. To discover the truth, Juliet must choose between her new life at an elite private school and her Native American heritage.

Once she uncovers an ancient secret society formed over two hundred years ago to keep her safe, she starts to wonder whether there’s some truth to those old stories her grandfather has been telling her.

All she wants is to be an average sixteen-year-old girl, but she has never been average—could never be average.

Betrayed by those she loves, she must decide whether to run or risk everything by fulfilling her destiny as the Chosen.

Enjoy an excerpt:

A square mirror hangs over the sink, but it’s an enemy. I don’t want to see who I’ve become, so my gaze stays fixed down toward the sink. Unfortunately, the blood-smeared faucet is shiny, stainless, and reflects back an image of myself anyway. I glare deep into my eyes, leaning close to the faucet to study them. They look familiar, but as I pierce them more deeply, a hollowness appears that has never been there before. It scares me.

People change. Sometimes they change over the course of a lifetime, and other times change happens swiftly because of a single momentous event. I’m not the same person I was just a few days ago. Too much has happened, too many lies revealed. Truths, solid and real, have crumbled away before me and left behind falsehoods, shadows, and a future as uncertain as a prisoner on death row waiting for a pardon.

The pendant Sicheii gave me flops out from underneath my shirt. It was supposed to protect me. I grip it until my knuckles turn white.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

“Juliet, we’ve got to talk, Love. We need to come up with a story for the police.”

Just a few days ago, I was an average teenaged girl who looked forward to her sixteenth birthday, hoping for a little freedom and a chance to get a driver’s license.

Being average is a joke. I will never be average. I was never average....

About the Authors:4_20 MediaKit_AuthorPhoto_WindCatcherWind Catcher: A Chosen Novel is a joint project between the father/daughter team of Jeff Altabef and Erynn Altabef. Jeff Altabef is an award winning author who has two published thrillers. He has a column on The Examiner focused on writing, and a blog designed to encourage writing by those that like telling stories. He spends time volunteering at the writing center in the local community college. Erynn Altabef is an avid reader, dancer, and community activist who has just earned her Girl Scout Gold Award. When she’s not in High School, she loves reading, performing in school musicals, baking, and watching movies with her friends.

Amazon Author Page:
Evolved Publishing:

Friday, April 17, 2015

Virtual Book Tour and Giveaway - Secrets: Diary of a Gusty Teen

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Enter the Rafflecopter for a chance to win a $20 Amazon or Barnes and Noble gift card. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Top Five "Bucket List" Situations I would like to do before I die

,br> 1. Live in NYC for a year. Be involved, while there, in making a movie or a television series based on Secrets, Diary of a Gutsy Teen.

2. Travel to Vietnam, visit with my pen pal Linh and her family. Linh wrote to me when she was 9, now she is 14. We have been penpals (e-mail penpals) ever since. She read the first book in The Truth Series, The Truth in Vietnamese. She calls me Grandma and I have such warm feelings toward her!

3. See the staged version of The Truth and Secrets, known as The Locket performed in Manhattan as a dramatic musical.

4. Spend week long relaxing times with lots of fun, good food and things to do with my husband and children and grandchildren.

5. Spend lots of good times with dear friends talking, laughing and just 'being' there for each other.

MediaKit_BookCover_SecretsDiaryOfAGutsyTeenFollowing in the footsteps of The Truth, Secrets: Diary of a Gutsy Teen begins as the thirteen-year-old protagonist makes a move with her family to a new town. She has grown up a lot over the past year—and has made a list of everything that’s important to her now that she doesn’t want to forget when she gets older. But now, as she enters her early teen years, she begins to write down the secrets she wants to keep—and the ones she has no one to tell about. From new school experiences to a new baby in the family to a new crush, this new teen finally feels empowered on making her own decisions with confidence and keeping those secrets she holds dearest for herself.

In a positive and supportive diary-entry format, Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein encourages tween and early teen girls to carry the most precious parts of themselves into adulthood. A great book for mothers and daughters to read together, Secrets is aimed to improve communication, understanding, and self-esteem for young girls as they enter the rocky road of teenager-dom.

Enjoy an Excerpt
Date: December 2
Dear Diary,

I have a secret and it’s been eating me up inside, so I have to tell you. I lied to Angela. I told her I had a terrible sore throat and couldn’t come for the weekend. She said she was sorry and that she would invite me again.

I felt terrible, and then my throat really began to hurt. But I just couldn’t go to Springport for a whole weekend_even though I miss being around Angela.

Now that I have best friends here, I don’t feel the same way I used to about going back to visit. And I didn’t know how to tell Angela that. I could tell when we talked on the phone that she really wanted me to come. And she sent me a new selfie, holding a sign that reads I Miss You! She even told me that she doesn’t have a new best friend since I left. She really misses me. She also told me that Paul is in lots of her classes and he asks if she’s talked to me. How could I tell her I’m in love with Rob and don’t care about Paul anymore? How could I tell her that I have new best friends and want to stay here with them?

I did go to Sally’s instead, and we had the best time. Her mother ordered pizza for us and we drank Coke. We watched television and made popcorn and did each other’s hair with all of Sally’s older sister’s hair products we found in the bathroom. I look silly with curly hair. We kept laughing and falling on the floor and giggling, and we played this fun game that Jackie learned in camp last summer. We all lay down on the floor and we each put our head on someone else’s belly. Someone says, “Ha-ha,” and then the next person says, “Haha-ha,” until everyone is laughing. Then you can’t stop laughing because the belly you are on is bouncing all around under your head.

Sally’s mom got really angry at all the noise we were making, and we had to turn off the lights and pretend to go to sleep. I hardly slept a wink, though. I was so excited and having so much fun with my new friends. I was tired the next morning and really did have a sore throat when I went home, but I didn’t care. It was worth it to have so much fun.

MediaKit_AuthorImage_SecretsDiaryOfAGutsyTeenAbout the Author: I have been a positive psychologist in private practice for the past thirty years. In the course of working with my clients, I originated the idea of THE ENCHANTED SELF(R), a positive psychology therapy where I teach people how to recognize and utilize their strengths, talents, skills and even lost potential. I have developed a number of methods, including using our memories to rediscover what is right about ourselves and our lives, rather than what went wrong, helping people to overcome adversity, experience positive emotions and live the good life!

Since developing this concept, I've been able to use many tools to bring the Enchanted Self to everyone, particularly women and girls. I've written many books, starting with THE ENCHANTED SELF, A Positive Therapy, and then Recipes for Enchantment, The Secret Ingredient is YOU! My books for girls are very popular, as they are great fictional reads and also help deal with many of the questions that trouble kids as they move into the tween and teen years. The Truth, Diary of a Gutsy Tween and Secrets, Diary of a Gutsy Teen are the first two books in this series.

I really love to teach and educate about happiness and how to benefit from positive psychology in ways that let us lead lives of meaning and happiness. You can find me all over the place on the web. In particular,,, on Facebook at Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein: Psychologist & Author, on Pinterest and on You Tube. Just look for me on You Tube via Barbara Becker Holstein.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Virtual Book Tour: Maia and the Secrets of Zagran by S.G. Basu

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This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. S. G. Basu will be awarding a signed copy of the book to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

4_13 BookCover_MaiaAndTheSecretsOfZagran Thirteen year old Maia thinks she has seen it all.

She has survived an assassination attempt, she has been threatened by the chancellor, and she has faced off with saboteurs trying to bring down a nation. She lets nothing get to her anymore-not the ominous nightmares she has been having lately, not the fear of being targeted for another soul extraction, not even the memories of her dead mother's terrifying communique.

More than ever, Maia wants the Initiative to resume. She longs to visit Zagran-the undersea capital of the Jjord. She wants to ride the underwater transport lines, learn about the Jjordic energy farms and most of all-she wants to goof off with her friends.

But, around the charming city of Zagran, evil is gathering. Maia and her friends do not know it yet, the countdown to their planned extinction has already begun.

Enjoy an excerpt:

Through the darkness and the fog, Maia fell. Faster and faster, lower and lower, she plummeted into the bottomless pit until her heart went numb, until she had stopped feeling the rush. It was a murky blur of senses when she hit the surface. The water, surprisingly warm and soft as it engulfed her, spilled over the top of her head, swirling around her face and her neck, suffocating her.

Maia screamed.

She bolted upright in her bed like an uncoiled spring. The heaviness dropped away from her head forming a dappled white, black, and amber shape of Dusty the cat. Struggling with the lingering feeling of weight that crept along the fringes of her heart, Maia realized it had been a nightmare. There had been too many of them lately.

Over a week had passed since thirteen-year-old Maia had returned home to Appian after a successful run at the Alliance Initiative on Xif. Her team, Core 21, had topped the first phase. They were one of the twenty teams selected for the second phase in the undersea Jjordic capital of Zagran. Maia had intended to enjoy every moment of this brief break between the phases, and she mostly did. Except for the nights. Every night was a battle against the inevitable, and every day started in a haze of outlandish dreams from the night before. There were scores of them, but one nightmare kept coming back—the one with the fires. Time after time, Maia woke up screaming inside as the raging inferno engulfed her.

4_13 AuthorPhoto_MaiaAndTheSecretsOfZagranAbout the Author: S. G. Basu is a telecommunications engineer by profession, but she likes to call herself a dreamer. Imagination, fueled by a voracious appetite for books, has been her steady friend since childhood. She discovered her passion for writing quite by chance and there has been no stopping her since then.

Find out more about the futuristic worlds she creates, the characters that are real with their emotions and ambitions, successes and failures, at

Website | Twitter | Facebook
Buy the book at Amazon.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Bittersweet by Michele Barrow-Belisle

The author will be awarding a $10 dollar giftcard to a randomly drawn commenter during the tour. Click the tour banner for more stops.

To save the Faery world and her mother’s life, seventeen year old Lorelei sacrificed everything, and the dangerous bargains she made in Nevermore had lasting repercussions. Now safely back in her own world, Lorelei seems the same to her high school friends and her supernatural boyfriend, despite the dark magic growing within her. Love across dimensions is complicated, especially when an invisible veil between the two worlds is sealing, threatening to separate Lorelei and Adrius forever.

Determined to find a solution, Lorelei resorts to exploring her new found powers. But when her friends fall ill, and her healing touch only makes things worse, Lorelei can’t help but wonder if she's responsible.

Nightmares from the Nevermore tighten their icy hold when someone arrives determined to destroy Lorelei’s world, starting with those closest to her. Once again she’s forced to choose between her family... her friends... and a love that was ill-fated from the start.

Enjoy an Excerpt
“One kiss and now you believe you love this creature? Preposterous. I will not have it. She has you hexed. Bewitched from your right mind. That is the only reasonable explanation to account for such impudence. Such lusting can only be derived from dark magic. It seeps from her pores, can you not feel it?” Mab, the Queen of Air and Darkness surveyed me with cold disdain before refocusing her wrath on her son.

“I would never do that,” I blurted. “I’d never use magic to force someone into loving me.” Venus and I were very different that way.

Mab snarled. “Do not address me unless I have given you permission to do so,” she said. “I am the queen of this court. And you are nothing more than a whelp on the verge of losing her life.” Her cutting glare flicked back to her son. “I cannot allow this. You traipsing across lands following this...” she waved her hand in my direction. “It is madness. I prayed that after you'd taken a taste you would have been satisfied, satiated of such empty hollow carnal delights and moved on to saner tasks. Like serving your mother.”

“You removed me from your court, Mother. I no longer serve you,” Zanthiel replied evenly.

Mab’s voice lowered, and grew sickly sweet. “My darling, it was but to show you your love for me. Your loyalty lies within you still. It merely needed a subtle reminder.”

“By way of banning me from my home, and resigning me to live among thieves, shadows and the dead. It is an odd way of demonstrating motherly love.”

“There are many expectations of you. You cannot fulfill your duty with your mind blinded by your heart. This unhealthy obsession has you transfixed, Zanthiel. Can you not see? She has you immobilized.” Her voice grew louder and the rafters latterly shook. “And to what end?”

She looked at me, but I wasn’t certain she wanted me to answer, so I remained silent. I studied the chains enclosing Zanthiel’s hands and ankles. Could I break them open, dissolve them?

What if something went wrong, and I hurt him instead? No, it wasn’t the right time. I glanced over at her statuesque guards, their skin blue from decades of cold. Two of them were studying me with a vile mix of curiosity and hunger. One caught my eye and he ran a bloated tongue across his chaffed lips. My stomach turned over.

“I am hers for as long as she requires my assistance. It has always been that way. Fated by prophecy. You know this to be true, Mother.”

He was having trouble speaking and yet his expression held that same icy glare. By looking at him you’d never know what pain he was in. But I knew him on a deeper level. I was beginning to see through his façade, like a smokescreen of glamour, I saw behind the mask. The fear and loathing and the inexplicable suffering as the iron ate into his flesh like acid.

The queen’s eyes narrowed and grew impossibly colder. “Why have you come? Surely you did not expect a grand and hospitable welcome. What purpose drew you into my court to face imminent death? Do speak now, whelp,” she said with sudden impatience. “And know that if you are caught lying I will cut out your tongue and feed it to the trolls.”

I shuddered, having no doubt she actually would. “We have a... request.”

I glanced at Zanthiel, blood seeping from the iron chains binding his wrists and ankles. I couldn’t let him continue to suffer. The poison would eventually seep into his bloodstream and kill him. Then she'd direct her wrath at me.

I took a tentative step forward, not fully convinced I wouldn’t be cut down where I stood, for being so bold.

But she leaned back against her throne and tapped a broken fingernail impatiently. “You have my full attention. Come out with it. What is this request of which you speak?”

About the Author
A dreamer at heart, Michele Barrow-Belisle has always lived with one foot in this reality and one foot in another, one of her own imagining. So it follows that she would grow up to write about the characters from those enchanting worlds she knows and loves so well. A fan of all things romantic, her young adult novels are populated with scintillating witches, vampires and fey. Her bestselling debut book series Fire and Ice (Faerie Song Trilogy) was optioned for a major motion picture this year. Michele resides in southern Canada with her hubby and son who indulge her never-ending obsession with reading, writing and most importantly... chocolate. SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS

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Facebook Author Page:
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Twitter: Pintrest:
Amazon Author Page:

Friday, April 10, 2015

Virtual Book Tour and Giveaway: Dealing with Devils by Pembroke Sinclair


This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Pembroke will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN GC to one randomly drawn winner, a paperback copy of Dealing with Devils (US Only) to another winner and an ebook copy of Dealing with Devils to 5 other winners. All prizes will be awarded via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Enjoy an interview

What books were your favorite as a youth and why?

My favorite books as a young adult were anything by Christopher Pike. I read everything he wrote. He was a huge inspiration in how I write my YA books now.

What’s your favorite sweet treat?

Oh, man! I love anything that doesn’t have nuts in it. But my favorite are cinnamon rolls, sugar cookies, chocolate chip cookies, and brownies with ice cream and caramel sauce. Mmmmmm.

What candy do you give out at Halloween?

I give out whatever my kids pick to give out. They usually pick candy that they want to eat, so we have Skittles, Tootsie Rolls, and various assortments of candy bars. Hey, I have to like/eat them too! What superpower would you love to have? Why?

I would love to be able to multiply myself. There’s always so much to get done in a day, and I’m only one person, so having some help would be awesome!

You’ve just won a million dollars and you’re not allowed to save any of it. What do you spend it on?

I’m pretty boring, but I would pay off my cars and loans, then go on a vacation. I’m not sure where I’d go, but Alaska and Iceland are high on my list to visit.

Favorite class in high school. Why?

I had two. One was biology and the other was English. They were my favorites because the teachers were awesome. They were both incredibly encouraging and inspired me to love science and English.

MediaKit_BookCover_DealingWithDevilsDating a demon has its advantages, like helping deliver souls to Hell. Wait...what?

Katie’s world has been turned upside down. She's fallen for Josh—despite the fact that he’s a demon from Hell. Wes is finally out of her system and her life. Convinced she can change Josh, she sets out to make him a better person, only to find out things aren’t as simple as she’d originally thought. For one thing, Josh has Katie help him deliver souls to Hell, and she kind of likes it. And to top it off, other more powerful demons are battling for her soul, and revelations from the past could change the course of her life forever.

Enjoy an excerpt

Katie leaned against the railing, staring into the night. A warm breeze touched her face, bringing with it the scent of salt and fish. Every so often, droplets of water touched her skin as the waves lapped against the side of the boat. The bass from the music that played behind her vibrated through her feet and into her chest. Lights flashed at her back, throwing her shadow onto the waves below in spastic fashion. She took a deep breath and squinted her eyes. On the far horizon, just to her right, she could barely make out the lights of Liberty Island. She sighed again and leaned forward farther, resting her elbows on the railing.

She had always wanted to see New York. She and Deb had tentatively planned a trip for the summer after graduation, before going to college. Katie thought maybe it would be a trip to orient herself with the city—attending college in the city was high on her list of things she wanted to do—but she hadn’t decided where to go yet. In fact, it was the last thing on her mind at the moment. She needed to get her life back first before deciding what she was going to do with it. As usual, when Josh had showed up in her room earlier tonight and asked her to come with him, she couldn’t bring herself to say no. She knew the possibility existed that she would be involved in something unpleasant such as witnessing Josh taking a soul, but she told herself she was going to stop it this time. She wouldn’t stand idly by.

About the Author:

MediaKit_AuthorPhoto_DealingWithDevilsPembroke Sinclair is a literary jack of all trades, playing her hand at multiple genres. She has written an eclectic mix of fiction ranging from horror to sci-fi and even some westerns. Born in Rock Springs, Wyoming--the home of 56 nationalities--it is no wonder Pembroke ended up so creatively diverse. Her fascination with the notions of good and evil, demons and angels, and how the lines blur have inspired her writing. Pembroke lives in Laramie, Wyoming, with her husband, two spirited boys, a black lab named Ryder, and a rescue kitty named Alia, who happens to be the sweetest, most adorable kitty in the world! She cannot say no to dessert, orange soda, or cinnamon. She loves rats and tatts and rock and roll and wants to be an alien queen when she grows up.

Buy the book at Amazon or Barnes and Noble.